fah´ren (fuhr, gefahren), to ride, to drive; to run, to come, to fall, to flash through, to come across; es fuhr ihm in die Glieder, terror thrilled through his limbs. Fahrt, f. (pl. -en), drive, ride, run. fal´len (fiel, gefallen), to fall, to fall in, to rush in, to make a descent on; sauer fallen, to cost great pain. fall´n (dialect.) = fallen, to fall. falsch, false, treacherous. Fami´lie, f. (pl. -n), family. fan´gen (fing, gefangen), to catch. fÄngt an, see anfangen. fas´sen, to catch, to take; sich fassen, to compose or collect one’s self. fast, almost, nearly. feh´len (= fehlgehen), to miss one’s way. fehl´treffen (traf, getroffen), to miss the mark. fei´ern, to celebrate, to solemnize. fein, fine(ly), pure(ly), elegant(ly); fein Obacht, great or close care; vom feinsten, of the best quality. Feld, n. (pl. -er), field. Fen´ster, n. (pl. —), window. Fe´rien, pl., vacation; die großen Ferien, summer vacation. fern, far (from, von). Fe´rne, f., distance; in der Ferne, at a distance. fer´tig, ready, done; fertig bringen, to bring about, to be able to do. Fer´tigkeit, f., skill, perfectness. fest, fast, firm, firmly established, secure. fest´geschneestÖbert, p.p., (humor.), snowed up, snow-bound. fest´halten (hielt, gehalten), to hold fast, to arrest. fett, fat, thick, bold; mit dem fettesten Pinsel, with the boldest touches of the pencil. feucht, moist. Feu´erleiter, f. (pl. -n), fire-ladder. Fie´berphantasie, f. (pl. -en), hallucination. fiel ... ein, see einfallen. Finanz´mittel, pl., pecuniary resources, means, funds. fin´den (fand, gefunden), to find, to discover; sich finden, to find one another, to be found; es findet sich, time will show. find´t (dialect.) = findet. fing an, see anfangen. fin´gen an, see anfangen. fin´ster, dark, somber; immer finsterer, darker and darker. Flach´land, n. (pl. -̈er), flat land, lowland, plain. Flachs, m., flax. flachs´kÖpfig, flaxen-haired. flam´men, to glow, to burn. Fla´sche, f. (pl. -n), (wine-) bottle. Flat´terhaftigkeit, f., fickleness, unstability. flat´tern, to flatter, to rave, to float. flat´terte hinÜ´ber, see hinÜberflattern. flech´ten (flocht, geflochten), sich, to be twisted, to be interwoven or entwined. Flech´tenmoos, n. (pl. -e), lichens and tree-moss. Fleisch, n., flesh. Fleiß, m., industry, application, zeal; eiserner Fleiß, unwearied application. Flie´ge, f. (pl. -n), fly. flie´gen (flog, geflogen), to fly; to rush. flim´mern, to glimmer, to twinkle. flott, gay, dashing. flÜch´ten, sich, to escape, to take refuge. fol´gen, to follow, to imitate; folgend, following, next. Forst´frevel, m. (pl. —), trespass on vert and venison; poaching. fort, away, off, gone, absent, out of town; fort! away! go! leave! fort´fahren (fuhr, gefahren), to continue. fort´gehen (ging, gegangen), to leave, to depart. fort´kommen (kam, gekommen), to come or get away, to get on. fort´machen (colloq.), to continue. fort´wandern, to wander away or off. Fra´ge, f. (pl. -n), question, inquiry. fra´gen, to ask, to inquire, to examine. Franz, Francis; Franz Joseph, Francis Joseph. Franzo´se, m. (pl. -n), Frenchman. Frau, f. (pl. -en), woman, (young) wife, lady. Frau´chen, n. (pl. —), pretty (young) wife. FrÄu´lein, n. (pl. —), young lady, maid, miss, Miss; altes FrÄulein, old maid. frei, free; das Freie, outdoors, open air. frei´en, to make love to, to marry. Frei´heit, f. (pl. -en), liberty, license. frei´lich, is it true, sure enough, indeed; ja freilich, yes, indeed! fremd, strange; bei fremden Leuten, in the house of strangers; fremd thun, to act like a stranger. Frem´de(r), m. (pl. [-n]), stranger. Freu´de, f. (pl. -n), joy, pleasure, amusement. freuen, sich, to rejoice (in, genit.), to be pleased (with, genit.), to look forward with pleasure (to, auf). Freund, m. (pl. -e), friend. Freun´din, f. (pl. -nen), (lady) friend. freund´lich, kindly, courteous(ly). Freund´schaftsband, n., band (or tie) of friendship. frisch, fresh, cool, lively, brisk(ly), dashing(ly), fresh(ly), new(ly); frisch gelaufene Blasen an den FÜßen, feet blistered with walking. froh, glad, happy. frÖh´lich, gay(ly), merry (-ily). frÜh (adv.), early, early in the morning. frÜ´her, former(ly); von frÜher, from a former occasion. fÜhl´ = fÜhle. fÜh´len, to feel, to consider; sich fÜhlen, to feel; ein fÜhlendes Herz, a tender or sympathizing heart. fuh´ren hinauf´, see hinauffahren. fuh´ren ... hinein´, see hineinfahren. FÜh´rer, m. (pl. —), guide. fÜnf, five. fÜnf´zehn, fifteen. fun´keln, to sparkle, to flash. fÜr (accus.), for. Fu´scherthal, n., Fusch Valley, valley of the river Fusch in the Eastern Alps. Fuß, m. (pl. -̈e), foot, leg, (sing. collect.) feet. Fuß´sohle, f. (pl. -n), sole of the foot, foot. Fux (dialect.) m. = Fuchs, fox. |