d. h. (abbrev. = das heißt), i.e., viz. da (adv.), then, there; (conj.), as, since, because, when; da oben, up there. dabei´, (emphat. da´bei), thereby, in it, at this occasion, at these words, in doing so, at the same time. da´bleiben (blieb, geblieben), to remain behind. Dach, n. (pl. -̈er), roof. dach´te, see denken. dÄch´te, see denken. da´fÜr, for this. daher´ (emphat. da´her), thence, from there. dahin´ (emphat. da´hin), thither, there. daho´am (dialect.) = daheim, at home. da´mals, at that time, in those days, the other day. Da´me, f. (pl. -n), lady. damit´ (emphat. da´mit), with this, with it. dÄm´merig, dim, dimly lighted. dam´pfen, to steam, to fume. dan´ken, to thank. dann, then, thereupon, afterwards; dann und wann (every) now and then, at times; dann wann, when. dan´nen, there; von dannen, thence, from thence, away. daran´ (emphat. da´ran), on it, at it, of it, from it. daran´ sein (war, gewesen), to be about. darauf´ (emphat. dar´auf), on it; thereupon, after, later. darf, see dÜrfen. darin´ (emphat. dar´in), in it. darÜ´ber (emphat. dar´Über), over it, since then. darum´ (emphat. dar´um), therefore, for this reason. darun´ter (emphat. dar´unter), beneath (it). das = dieses or dies, this, that. da´ sein (war, gewesen), to be at hand. daß (conj.), that. dau´ern, to last, to continue; es dauerte ihm zu lange, he found it too long. davon´machen, sich, to slip away; sich in der Stille davonmachen, to steal away, to abscond. dazu´ (emphat. da´zu), to it, to this; dazu gehÖren zwei, it requires two (participants). dazu´kommen (kam, gekommen), to happen to arrive, to join the party. dazwi´schen, between them, between there, between or amongst. dein, dei´ne, dein, (thy), your; (thine), yours. de´nen (= den´jenigen), those. denn (adv.), then, say! (conj.), for, because. den´noch, after all, for all that. der, die, das (relat. pron.), who, which. der´art, in such a manner, to such a degree, so much. de´ren (genit., relat.), of whom. dersel´be, diesel´be, dassel´be, the same, the like, the latter, he (she, it). derwei´len, meanwhile, while. desglei´chen, the like. des´sen, whose, of whom. des´to (adv.), so much; desto mehr, (so much) the more. deuch´ten (impers.), to think; es deucht mir, I think; es deuchte ihr, she thought. deut´lich, plain(ly), clear(ly). deutsch, German. Deut´sche(r), m. (pl. -[n]), German (a native of Germany). Deutsch(e), n., German (language). dich, (thee) you; dich selbst, yourself. dicht, thick, dense, fast; (adv.) close (-ly), immediately; immer dichter, faster and faster. dick, thick, stout, corpulent; dense, heavy. dies, see dieser. Ding, n. (pl. -e), thing; guter Dinge sein, to be in high spirits, to be merry or cheerful. Dioan´dl (dialect.), n. = MÄdchen, girl, lassie, sweetheart. dir (dative), (to thee), to you, you. do (dialect.) = da. doch, yet; after all, for all that, indeed; (with an imperative) please! pray! Dok´tor, m. (pl. Dokto´ren), doctor, physician. dop´pelt, double; (adv.), twice as. Dorf, n. (pl. -̈er), village; auf einem Dorfe, in a village. dort, there, at that point. dÖs (dialect.) = das, dies. drauf´gehen (ging, gegangen), to be spent. drau´ßen, out there, without, outside, out of the room. drei, three; dreien (dat.). d´rein (dialect.) = darin´, therein, within. drein´sehen (sah, gesehen), to look, to have a (healthy, etc.) face. drei´ßig, thirty; die Dreißig, age of thirty, the thirties. drin´gend, pressing, urging; dringende Bitte, entreaty (to, an). drit´te (der), third. drol´lig, droll (drollingly), funny. drÜ´ben, over there. drÜ´cken, to press, to weigh down, to shake. drun´ten, down there. du (thou), you. Duft, m. (pl. -̈e), odor, vapor. dumm, silly, foolish. dumpf, damp, close, dull, illiberal. durch (accus.), through, by, by means of, on account of. durch´kommen (kam, gekommen), to get along. durch´s = durch das. durch´sichtig, transparent. durchzu´cken, to flash (to thrill) through. |