Some Few of the French, not being able to cross the Lis at the Bridge of Commines, find means of doing so by Boats and other Craft, unknown to the Flemings. The orders above mentioned were punctually obeyed; and the vanguard dislodged on the morrow, marching in order of battle toward Commines. They found the roads well made, for the Lord de Fransures and Sir Josse de Haluyn had paid great attention to them: this was on the Monday. When the Constable and Marshals of France, with the vanguard, arrived at the bridge of Commines, they were forced to halt; for it was so completely destroyed, that it was not in the power of man to repair it if any opposition should be made when they were attempting it, as the Flemings were in great force on the opposite side of the river, and ready to defend the pass against all who might wish to attack them: they were upward of nine thousand, under the command of Peter du Bois and others, who showed good inclinations to repulse any attempt. Peter du Bois had placed himself on the causeway, at the The Constable of France and the lords with him, having considered the situation, thought it impossible to pass the river at that place unless the bridge were rebuilt; they ordered their servants to follow the course of the river, and examine its banks for about a league up and down. When they returned, they informed their masters, who were waiting for them, they had not been able to find any place where the cavalry could pass. Upon hearing this, the constable was much vexed, and said, “We have been badly advised to take this road: better would it have been for us to have gone to St. Omer than remain in this danger, or to have crossed the Scheld at Tournay, as the Lord de Coucy advised, and to have marched straight to Oudenarde and fought our enemies, since it is both our duty and inclination to combat them; and they are so presumptuous, they would have waited for us at their siege.” The Lord Louis Sancerre then said, “I am of opinion that we fix our quarters here for this day, and lodge our army, should it arrive, as well as we are able; and that we send to Lille to seek for boats and hurdles, that may come down the river, with which to-morrow we can throw a bridge from these fine meads, and cross over; for we have no other alternative.” Upon this Sir Josse de Haluyn said, “My lord, we have been informed that there will be great difficulties between this and Lille; for the river Menyn, on which all boats must pass to come hither, has been obstructed by large beams thrown across it by the Flemings who are in those parts: they have totally destroyed the bridge, and we learn it is impossible for any vessels or boats to pass.”—“I know not, then,” added the constable, “what we can now do. It will be better for us to take the During the time the Constable and Marshals of France and Burgundy were in this dilemma at the bridge of Commines, several knights and squires silently withdrew, with the intent to hazard some gallant deeds of arms, and attempt to cross the river, whatever it might cost them. They meant likewise to combat the Flemings in their intrenchments, and open a passage, as I shall now relate. While the vanguard was on its march from Lille to Commines, the Lord de St. Py, and some other knights from Hainault, Flanders, Artois, and even France, had held a council without the knowledge of the constable or marshals. They said, “We will procure two or three boats, which we will launch into the river Lis, at a sheltered place below Commines, and will fix posts on each side of the river where it is not wide, to fasten cords to. We shall by this means soon convey over a large body of men; and by marching on the rear of our enemies we may attack them, and if victorious we shall gain the reputation of valiant men at arms.” After they had thus determined in council, the Lord de St. Py exerted himself so much that he procured from Lille a boat and cords, with every other necessary article. On the other hand, Sir Herbeaux de Belleperche and Sir John de Roye, who were companions in this expedition, had also caused a boat to be brought. Sir Henry de Manny, Sir John de Malatrait, and Sir John Chauderon, Bretons, who had been of this council, had likewise provided one, and followed the preceding companies. The Lord de St. Py was the first who arrived at the river with his boat, cords, and fastenings. They fixed a strong stake, to which they tied the cord: three varlets Just as these knights were preparing to embark, the Marshal of France came thither, attended by a large company of knights and squires. They made way for him, as was right. He stopped on the bank, and with pleasure saw the arrangement of the boats. The Lord de St. Py, addressing him, said, “My lord, is it agreeable to you that we should cross here?”—“I am very well pleased with it,” replied the marshal; “but you are running great risks: for if our enemies, who are at Commines, should know your intentions, they would do you great mischief.”—“My lord,” answered the Lord de St. Py, “nothing venture, nothing win: in the name of God and St. George we will cross over, and before to-morrow evening will fall suddenly on our enemies, and attack them.” The Lord de St. Py then placed his pennon in the boat, and was the first who stepped into it: he was followed by nine others, who were as many as the boat could hold, and instantly, by means of the cord they held, crossed over. When disembarked, in order to prevent themselves from being discovered, they entered a small alder-grove, where they lay The two other boats now arrived that belonged to Sir Herbaut de Belleperche, Sir John de Roye, and the Bretons; which were launched in the same manner the first had been. These knights then crossed, and none but determined men at arms did the same. It was a pleasure to see with what eagerness they embarked: at times a great crowd was pushing who should cross first, so that if the Marshal of France had not been there, who kept them in proper order, accidents would have happened from their overloading the boats. News was brought to the constable and the lords of France at the bridge of Commines, how their people were crossing the river, when he said to the Seneschal de Rieux, “Go and examine this passage, I beg of you, and see if our people be passing as they tell us.” The Lord de Rieux was never happier than when he had this commission, and, clapping spurs to his horse, hastened thither with his whole company, to the amount of full forty men at arms. When he arrived at the passage where one hundred and fifty of his countrymen had already crossed, he immediately dismounted, and said he would also pass the river. The Marshal of France would not refuse him; and intelligence was sent to the constable, that his cousin the Lord de Rieux had crossed. The constable mused a little, and then said, “Make the crossbows shoot, and skirmish with the Flemings who are on the other side of the bridge, to occupy their attention, and prevent them from observing our people; for, if they should have any notion what Upon this, the crossbows and infantry advanced. There were among them some who flung hand-grenades, which, bursting, cast out bolts of iron beyond the bridge, even as far as the town of Commines. The skirmish now began to be very sharp; and the vanguard, by their movements, seemed determined to cross the bridge if they could. The Flemings, being shielded up to their noses, made a good appearance, and defended themselves well. Thus passed this day, which was a Monday, in skirmishing; and it was soon dark, for at that season the days are very short. The boats, however, continued to carry over men at arms in great numbers, who on their landing hid themselves in the alder-wood, waiting for more. You may easily guess what perils they were in; for, had those in Commines gained the least intelligence of them, they must have had them at their mercy, and conquered the greater part, besides taking the boats; but, God favored the other party, and consented that the pride of the Flemings should be humbled. |