A Challenge is sent by the Saracens to offer Combat of ten against ten Christians.—The Saracens fail in their Engagement.—The Town of Africa is stormed, but unsuccessfully, and with the loss of many worthy Men. The besiegers and their enemies studied day and night how they could most effectually annoy each other. Agadinquor Oliferne, Madifer de Tunis, Belins Maldages, and Brahadin de Bugia, and some other Saracens, consulted together, and said, “Here are our enemies the Christians encamped before us, and we cannot defeat them. They are so few in number when compared to us, that they must be well advised by their able captains; for in all our skirmishes we have never been able to make one knight prisoner. If we could capture one or two of their leaders, we should acquire fame, and learn from them the state of their army and what are their intentions. Let us now consider how we may accomplish this.” Agadinquor replied, “Though I am the youngest, I wish to speak first.”—“We agree to it,” said the others. “By my faith,” continued he, “I am very desirous of engaging them; and I think, if I were matched in equal combat with one of my size, I should conquer him. If you will therefore select ten valiant men, I will challenge the Christians to send the same number to fight with us. We have justice on our side in this war, for they have quarrelled with us without reason; and this right, and the courage I feel, induce me to believe that we shall have the victory.” Madifer de Tunis, who was a very valiant man, said, “Agadin This being determined on, they retired to rest. On the morrow, as usual, they advanced to skirmish; but Agadinquor rode on at some distance in front with his interpreter. The day was bright and clear, and a little after sunrise the Saracens were ready for battle. Sir Guy and Sir William de la Tremouille had commanded the guard of the night, and were on the point of retiring, when the Saracens appeared in sight about three bowshots distant. Agadinquor and his interpreter advanced toward one of the wings, and made signs to give notice that he wanted to parley with some one. By accident he came near the pennon of a good squire at arms called Affrenal, who, noticing his signs, rode forward a pace, and told his men to remain as they were, “for that he would go and see what the Saracen wanted: he has an interpreter with him, and is probably come to make some proposition.” His men remained steady, and he rode toward the Saracen. When they were near each other, the interpreter said, “Christian, are you a gentleman, of name in arms, and ready to answer what shall be asked of you?”—“Yes,” replied Affrenal, “I am: speak what you please, it shall be answered.”—“Well,” said the interpreter, “here is a noble man of our country who demands to combat with you bodily; and, if you would like to increase the number This being done, each returned to his friends; but the news had already been carried to Sir Guy and to Sir William de la Tremouille, who, meeting Affrenal, demanded how he had settled matters with the Saracen. Affrenal related what you have heard, and that he had accepted the challenge. The two knights were well pleased, and said, “Affrenal, go and speak to others, for we will be of your number ten.” He replied, “God assist us! I fancy I shall find plenty ready to fight the Saracens.” Shortly after, Affrenal met the Lord de Thim, to whom he told what had passed, and asked if he would make one. The Lord de Thim willingly accepted the offer; and of all those to whom Affrenal related it, he might, if he pleased, have had a hundred instead of ten. Sir Boucicaut the younger accepted it with great courage, as did Sir Helion de Lignac, Sir John Russel, an Englishman, Sir John Harpedone, Alain Boudet, and Bouchet. When the number of ten was completed, they retired to their lodgings, During this there was conversation on the subject between the lords in the tent of the Duke of Bourbon: many thought the accepting such a challenge improper, and supported the opinion of the Lord de Coucy, who said The ten knights and squires were advanced on the plain waiting for their opponents. But they came not, nor showed any appearance of so doing; for, when they saw the Christian army so handsomely drawn out in battle-array, they were afraid to advance, though they were thrice their numbers. At times they sent horsemen, well mounted, to ride near their army, observe its disposition, and then gallop back; which was solely done through malice, to annoy the Christians. This was the hottest day they felt, and it was so extremely oppressive that the most active among them were almost stifled in their armor: they had never suffered so much before; and yet they remained expecting the ten Saracens, but in vain, for they never heard a word from them. The army was ordered to attack the town of Africa, since they were prepared, and thus pass the day; The knights and squires advanced with great alacrity to the attack of the town. But they were sorely oppressed with the heat, and, had the Saracens known their situation, they might have done them much damage; probably they might even have raised the siege, and obtained a complete victory, for the Christians were exceedingly weakened and worn down. True it is, they gained by storm the wall of the first enclosure, but no one inhabited that part; and the enemy retired within their second line of defence, skirmishing as they retreated, and without any great loss. The Christians paid dear for an inconsiderable advantage: the heat of the sun and its reflection on the sands, added to the fatigue of fighting, which lasted until evening, caused the death of several valiant knights and squires; the more the pity. Now consider how great was this loss; and, had the advice of the gallant Lord de Coucy been followed, it would not have happened, for the army would have remained quietly in its camp as it had hitherto done. The whole army was dismayed at it, and each bewailed the loss of his friend. They retired late to their camp, and kept a stronger guard than usual during the night, for fear of the Saracens. It passed, however, without further accident, and more prudent arrangements were made. The Saracens were ignorant of what their enemies had suffered: had they known it, they would have had a great advantage over them; but they were in dread of the Christians, and never ventured to attack them but in skirmishes, retreating after one or two charges. The person among them who had shown the most courage was Agadinquor Oliferne. He was enamoured with the daughter of the Thus was the siege of Africa continued; but the relations and friends of the knights and squires who had gone thither, from France and other countries, received no intelligence, nor knew more of them than if they were dead. They were so much alarmed at not having any news of them, that many processions were made in England, France, and Hainault, to the churches, to pray God that he would bring them back in safety to their several homes. The intention of the Christians was to remain before the town of Africa, until they should have conquered it by storm, treaty, or famine. |