Morn has lighted up the azure, Yet our precious baby-treasure Has not wakened from her slumbers, And she dreams the starry numbers All have closed their twinkling eyes, As she sails the soft blue skies; Sails on clouds as white as snow, Far above the world below. Silken ringlets, golden-brown, From her temples rippling down, Rest aglow upon the pillow, While she floats dream’s joyous billow. Now the lashes on her cheek Tremble, as she wakes to speak; From the pillow she is springing, And the baby-accents ringing, Like the song-bird’s from its bars, “I was waking up the stars!” Baby dear, so sweetly dreaming, All the world so guileless seeming; We’re the stars that need awaking; ’Tis our slumber that needs breaking. Life’s short day is almost done; Wake us for the setting sun. endpaper divider |