Come, little rain-drops, patter on the corn; Come, little sunbeams, bright in rosy morn; Shine on the wheat-fields, make them golden-sweet, Ready for the brown bread, baby wants to eat. Come, little dew-drops, make the apples grow, Bellflower and russet, bright with sunset glow. Come, cloud and sunshine, make the rainbow bright, While the grapes’ sweet clusters laugh in delight. O, blessed Father, give enough for all! Bread for the millions, little folks and tall; Fruits for the wide world, bringing hope and health, Milk and golden butter; ’tis the farmer’s wealth. Oh! blessed Saviour, with the bounty sweet Make the people praise Thee when they come to eat. May the little children lisp a loving prayer For the countless blessings, and Thy tender care. When sweet Hosannas by all cradles rise, When love of Jesus shines from children’s eyes; Then earth and Heaven in one glad song will sing, “In the highest, Glory to our Saviour King!” endpaper divider |