Come, little diver now under the sea, Bring up a crown of bright jewels to me. Bring me the coral, the sea-weed, the shell; Bring the anemones there in the dell, While baby’s awake. Come, little diver now under the sea, Gather the mosses and bring them to me. Find a sea-butterfly in the blue wave; Get me the pearls that are hid in the cave, While baby’s awake. Come, little diver deep under the sea; Find a bright star-fish and fetch it to me. I want a gurnet and sea-urchin, too; Come, little diver, we’re waiting for you, While baby’s awake. Waiting for you, and how long shall we wait? Golden stars gleam on the billowy gate. Why do you stay in the coral to sleep? Gather the jewels and rise from the deep, While baby’s awake. Ah, little diver, you’ve tarried so long! Baby’s soft eyelids droop low in the song: See how the bright fingers rest on her cheek; Whatever you bring, little diver, don’t speak, Lest baby awake. endpaper divider |