Kitty was playing with one little ball, A ball that was hung on a string; Its bright eyes were dancing in merriest glee, Watching how far it would swing. And dear little puss, as quick as a dart, Would dash it, when near her it swung; But kitty could only laugh out of her eyes, For joy that a ball could be strung. O frolicsome kitty! Say, why did you come Where somebody often gets cross? You don’t know what rough words may meet you in life, When there’s not a play-ball to toss! Then Truth answered me in a sweet, loving tone, And said that wee kitty had come To teach little children to ever be kind And tender to pets in the home. The velvet is soft on the small, fragile paws; And if it with gentleness meet, ’Tis seldom that any will know it has claws, Or learn there are pins in its feet. And kitty is come to show us a way To work for a wonderful thing; When lions and lambs together shall play, And all hearts together shall sing! endpaper divider |