O little man, little man, In the cradle rocking, Soon to study and to plan, Soon to cipher, parse and scan, At door of wisdom knocking; Measuring the mountains high And the worlds that stud the sky,— Sleep and rest, you little man, Be a baby while you can; Gather strength to lead the van. Baby darling, woman wee, In the cradle rocking, Soon to study and to plan, Soon to cipher, parse and scan; Measuring the mountains high, And the worlds that star the sky; Soon to mend the stocking, Learning then to sew and bake, Also fashion and to make. Dainty baby-fingers, rest; Soon they’ll need to do their best. Dream that all the world is true, Pure as yonder starry-blue; Look at angels while you sleep; All the baby hearts are His, And they “see Him as He is.” Be a baby while you can; Gather strength to lead the van. endpaper divider |