
The following notes of two routes from Santa Catarina to Val di Sole may be useful to good walkers who wish to avoid the long circuit by the Gavia and Tonale or the dull Passo dei Tre Signori.

I. Santa Catarina to Pejo, by the Pizzo della Mare (Punta di San Matteo of Payer). The ascent of this peak from the Gavia Glacier is an easy but interesting walk, and the view on a clear day unsurpassed in extent in the Alps, reaching from Monte Viso to the Ankogel above Gastein. The summit is at times a great wave of snow overhanging the Forno Glacier; care should be taken therefore in approaching the edge. From the peak a perfectly easy route, first found by Lieutenant Payer, leads down into Val della Mare by the Gh. degli Orsi. This glacier lies considerably to the E. of the peak, and on the southern side of the pass (Passo degli Orsi) at the extreme head of the Forno Glacier. Its icefall is turned by the rocky slopes on the left; below this it is best to descend at once into the valley rather than to follow a tempting path leading along the hillside to the left, which comes to a sudden end in a wood. This route occupies nine hours, or only one more than the Passo dei Tre Signori.

II. Santa Catarina to Rabbi by Monte Cevedale and the Pizzo della Venezia. From Santa Catarina, Monte Cevedale may be ascended through Val Cedeh, in about six hours. To reach Rabbi, the following directions must be followed: Having returned to the gap between the two summits (Mr. Tuckett's FÜrkele Joch), traverse the crevassed southern face of the eastern peak to the ridge descending to the Hohenferner Joch. Follow this ridge, cross the gap, and keep along the rocky crest dividing the Val della Mare from the Martell Thal. After an easy ascent, a small glacier will be crossed, and the crest again struck to the east of the stonemen, marking the second pass mentioned by Mr. Ball ('Alpine Guide,' vol. ii. p. 438).[78] Then climb the shoulder of the Pizzo della Venezia to a point scarcely 150 feet below that rather insignificant summit. Few passes in the Alps command views equal to those of the central mass of the Orteler obtained between the Hohenferner Joch and this point, including on the one hand the bold peaks of the KÖnigsspitze, Zebru, and Orteler itself; on the other, the vast snowy masses which surround the Forno Glacier, sending down on this side also large glaciers into Val della Mare. The Œtzthaler Ferner are well seen, and, in the opposite direction, the whole height of the Presanella, a splendid object rising behind the meadows of Val di Pejo. A descent of five minutes leads to the level snow-fields of the Vedretta della Venezia, which are crossed to a broad gap, forming the highest pass between the Val della Mare and the Rabbi valley. Its height (about 10,300 feet) is sufficient to overlook the opposite eastern ranges, and to command a wide prospect over the fertile hills of the Nonsberg and the rich Trentino, fenced in like a garden by the distant spikes of the Botzen and Primiero Dolomites.

In descending, keep at first on the left side of the small glacier; from the platform below its foot, bear to the right, to the highest pasturage, then to the left over a grass-slope, leading to a stream which must be crossed. The precipices which now stop the way have to be turned by keeping well to the left, and scrambling down a steep but easy gully which leads to a track near the foot of one of the great steps in the valley. The path follows the right bank down three steep and stony descents separated by small plains. Below the last, and near some cottages, it crosses the stream, and after a time begins to mount along the hillside towards the village of Piazzola. For the Baths it is best to follow a water course, and then run down into the level meadows which extend for a mile above the mineral source.

This route is very direct, free from difficulty, and, though long, not too laborious, involving only one re-ascent of about 1,000 ft. The latter part of it is of course equally available for mountaineers crossing from the Suldenthal to Rabbi, as Monte Cevedale can be ascended from St. Gertrud in about the same time as from Santa Catarina. Our times were: ascent of Monte Cevedale, 6 hrs.; to shoulder of Pizzo Venezia, 3 hrs.; to pass overlooking Val di Rabbi, 50 min.; descent to Baths, 3 hrs. Total, 12 hrs. 50 min., without halts.


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