
Alzano Maggiore (5 kilomÈtres N. of Bergamo). In the parish church, fine picture of Lorenzo Lotto representing St. Peter Martyr (see Crowe and Cavalcaselle, 'History of Painting in North Italy,' vol. ii. p 545), and another worth notice by Appiani. The pulpit in marble, with Caryatids and bass-reliefs by Andrea Fantoni. In the sacristy, a set of most beautiful carvings and inlaid works by Fantoni and Caniana, of the seventeenth century.

Olera (5 kilomÈtres N. of Alzano). Altarpiece with carvings and statues in wood, and paintings on panel, attributed to Cima di Conegliano (to Francesco Santa Croce, C. and C., vol. ii. p. 542), a work of great beauty.

Albino (Valle Seriana). In the parish church pictures of G. B. Moroni and Talpino.

Fiorano (Valle Seriana). Very beautiful altarpiece by G. B. Moroni.

Oneta (in Val di Gorno). At the church of the Madonna del Frassino on the eastern slopes of Monte Alben. Fine picture in compartments of Girolamo Santa Croce.

Parre (Valle Seriana). Much extolled picture of G. B. Moroni.

Clusone (Valle Seriana). On the outer walls of the Chapel of the ConfraternitÀ, fresco representing the triumph of Death, recalling the celebrated Dance by Holbein; the style is Tuscan (C. and C., vol. ii. p. 535).
In the neighbouring Rovetta, birthplace of the carver and sculptor Fantoni, rich collection of work and models of the family Fantoni, who were for more than three centuries distinguished as wood-carvers and sculptors in marble, and whose works are found throughout the valley.

Fino. In a small church, fine picture of G. B. Moroni.

Gromo (Val Seriana). Picture attributed to Talpino, and remarkable church furniture of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

Trescorre (14 kilomÈtres E. of Bergamo; sulphurous baths) Capella de' Suardi, entirely covered with frescoes by Lorenzo Lotto, a most important work in his best manner, damaged in parts (C. and C., vol. ii. pp. 515-517).

Zandobbio (near Trescorre). Beautiful confessional and wood carvings by Fantoni.

Gorlago (in the parish church), three pictures by Moroni, the best is 'The Adoration of the Magi;' also his last work representing 'The Last Judgment' (much damaged).
West of Bergamo, near Almenno, on the right bank of the Brembo, is a circular church of the sixth or seventh century, one of the most remarkable architectural remains of its epoch in North Italy.

Serina in Val d'Ambria (side valley of Val Brembana). In the parish church several pictures (damaged) by Palma il Vecchio, who was born here. In the Chiesa dei Frati, a Crucifixion by Palma il Giovane, decaying (C. and C., vol. i. p. 281, vol. ii. pp. 467-8 and 543).
In another small church a very fine picture of the Venetian School in the manner of Titian.

Cornello (Val Brembana above S. Pellegrino). Remains of the old house of the ancestors of Tasso.

Fondra (Val Brembana). Paintings by Benvenuto da Garofalo.

Averara (Val Brembana above Olmo). In the parish church a fine picture of Guerinoni (Bergamasque School, about A.D. 1576).

Mezzoldo (Val Brembana). Valuable Ancona in the choir by Lattanzio da Rimini, A.D. 1505.

Dossena (Val Brembana). Important picture by Palma il Vecchio, a good deal injured. Most beautiful Paul Veronese, another also noteworthy picture of the Venetian School, perhaps by Bonifazio Bembo.

Tschudi's 'SchweizerfÜhrer' speaks also of Tintorettos at Casnigo and Vertova in Val Seriana, and mentions several other village churches as containing pictures of the Brescian School. Tassi's 'Lives of the Bergamasque Painters,' Bergamo, 1707, may also be studied by those who wish for further information. There is a copy in the British Museum.


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