The Period of Editorship. 1790-1797
Neversink 3
The Rising Empire 5
Log-Town Tavern 19
The Wanderer 22
On the Demolition of Fort George 24
Congress Hall, N. Y. 26
Epistle to Peter Pindar, Esq. 28
The New England Sabbath-Day Chace 29
On the Sleep of Plants 31
On the Demolition of an old College 33
On the Death of Dr. Benjamin Franklin 36
Epistle from Dr. Franklin to his Poetical Panegyrists 36
Constantia 38
Stanzas Occasioned by Lord Bellamont's, Lady Hay's and other Skeletons being dug up 40
The Orator of the Woods 41
Nanny 42
Nabby 44
The Bergen Planter 45
Tobacco 46
The Banished Man 47
The Departure 49
The American Soldier 51
Occasioned by a Legislation Bill 52
Lines Occasioned by a Law Passed for Cutting Down the Trees 53
To the Public 56
Lines by H. Salem 57
Modern Devotion 59
The Country Printer 60
Seventeen Hundred and Ninety One 65
Lines written on a Puncheon of Jamaica Spirits 66
The Parting Glass 68
A Warning to America 70
The Dish of Tea 71
On the Fourteenth of July 72
To Crispin O'Connor 74
Crispin's Answer 75
To Shylock Ap-Shenkin 76
To my Book 78
Stanzas to Robert Sevier and Wi @html@files@39909@39909-h@39909-h-14.htm.html#Page_254" class="pginternal">254
A Bacchanalian Dialogue


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