| PAGE | "The Three Admirals." Rear Admiral Robinson, U. S. N. (left), Vice Admiral Browning, R. N. (center), Rear Admiral Grosset, (French) (right) | Frontispiece | Heligoland in sight! | 18 | Members of the Allied Naval Commission, Admiral Browning in center | 34 | The Allied Naval Commission and Staff, taken on board Hercules | 34 | The Padre of the Hercules talking with newly arrived British prisoners | 40 | In the Elbe, Hamburg | 166 | Railroad station at Hamburg | 166 | Floating dock for lifting submarines in Kiel Harbour | 182 | Birdseye view of Kiel | 192 | In Kiel dockyard | 192 | H. M. S. Viceroy entering Kiel Canal lock at BrunsbÜttel | 200 | Semaphore station on Kiel Canal, from Hercules | 206 | Kiel dockyard from the Harbour | 214 | Foreshore of Kiel Harbour with the Kaiserlich Yacht Club at left of grove of trees | 220 | Hindy (left) and German pilot who claimed to have launched the torpedo which damaged the Sussex | 228 | British prisoners and German sailors at WarnemÜnde | 240 | View of Kiel Canal from nearmost turret of the Hercules | 258 | Hercules, with three V class destroyers in Kiel Harbour | 266 | H. M. S. Hercules and H. M. S. Constance in Kiel locks | 286 |