es@61375@61375-h@61375-h-19.htm.html#Page_308" class="pginternal">308. fluctuates between Germany and Italy, 195. under Austria, 255, 318. Aquitaine, south-western division of Transalpine Gaul, 58. its inhabitants, ib. Frankish conquest of, 118, 120. kingdom of, 128. united with Neustria, 135, 339. duchy of, 142. extent of, 332. united with Gascony, ib. its union with and separation from France, ib. united with England and Normandy, 333. kept by England, 334. French designs on, 337. released from homage, 338. its final union with France, 338, 558. Arabia, attempted Roman conquest of, 68. Portuguese conquests in, 541. Arabia PetrÆa, Roman conquest of, 70. Aragon, county of, 154, 155. its position in the Mediterranean, 463. its later history, 527. its relations towards Navarre, 528. formation of the kingdom, 530. Sobrarbe joined to, 531. united with Barcelona, ib. advances beyond the Pyrenees and Rhone, 334, 531. conquers the Balearic isles and Valencia, 533. extent of in the thirteenth century, 534, 536. united with Castile, 537. its second advance beyond the peninsula, 538. united with Sicily, ib. its conquests in Sardinia, ib. its outlying possessions compared with those of Castile, 539. Arcadius, Emperor of the East, 81. Archipelago, Duchy of, 413. Argos, its place in the Homeric catalogue, 27. its early greatness, 29. joins the Achaian League, 40. won from Epeiros by the Latins, 417. held by Venice, 410, 418. taken by the Turks, 411. Ariminum; see Rimini. Arkadia, its place in the Homeric catalogue, 30. Arles, later Roman capital of Gaul, 92. Saracen conquest of, restored to Lorraine, ib. Barbadoes, 565. Barcelona, county of, 320. joined to Aragon, 531. released from homage to France, 335, 531. Bardulia, the original Castile, 529. Bari, archbishopric of, 172. won from the Saracens, 370. Barnim, under Poland, 479. passes to Brandenburg, 492. Barrier Treaty, 349. Basel, joins the Confederates, 262, 272. Basel, bishopric of, annexed by France, 355. restored by France, 359. Basil II., Eastern Emperor, his conquests, 153, 379. incorporates Serbia, 424. Basques, remnant of non-Aryan people in Europe, 12, 13. their independence, 90. Batoum, annexed to Russia, 522. Bavaria, duchy of, 140. conquered by the Franks, 117, 118, 120. modern use of the name, 191, 192. electorate of, 215. united with the Palatinate, ib. kingdom of, 220. extent of, 226. Bayonne, diocese of, 179. Belgium, kingdom of, 303. Belgrade, taken by the Magyars, 379. by the Turk, 438. Peace of, 440. Belisarius, ends the Vandal kingdom in Africa, 105. Benevento, Lombard duchy of, 108, 147, 254. papal possession of, 250. Berengar, king of Italy, submits to Otto the Great, 147. Berlin, its position, 230. Berlin, Treaty of, 429, 450, 452. Bern, joins the Confederates, 262, 270. its Savoyard conquests, 272, 273. annexes Lausanne, 273. restores lands north of the lake, ib. Bernhard, duke of Saxony, 127, 140, 196. Duchy of, 217, 308. whether the seat of Samo’s kingdom, 473 (note). Carlisle, bishopric of, 183. added to England by William Rufus, 551. Carlowitz, Peace of, 412, 439, 448. Carniola, (Krain), Duchy of, 217. mark of, 196. Carolina, 561. its division, ib. Carthage, Phoenician colony, 35. greatness of, 79. its possessions in Sicily, 48. holds Sardinia and Corsica, 54. its power in Spain, 56. destroyed, 59. restored, ib. capital of the Vandal kingdom, 90. Carthagena (New Carthage), 56. Cashel, ecclesiastical province of, 183. Casimir the Great, king of Poland, his conquests, 498. Caspian, Russian advance on, 521. Cassubia, 492. Castile, county of, 154. origin of the name, ib. kingdom of, 155, 530, 535. its Emperor, 463. later history of, 527. its relations towards Navarre, 528. shiftings of, 531. its final union with Leon, ib. advance of, 533. conquests of, under Saint Ferdinand, 534. conquers Granada, 534, 537. loses and recovers Gibraltar, 534. its union with Aragon, 537. its outlying possessions compared with those of Aragon, 539. Catalans, conquests of, in Greece, 387, 416. Catalonia, county of, 536. Cattaro, won and lost by Montenegro, 322, 428. Caucasus, Russian advance in, 521. Cayenne, 353. Celts, earliest Aryan settlers in western Europe, 13, 14, Corinth, in the Homeric catalogue, 27. a Dorian city, 29. joins the Achaian League, 40. under Macedonia, ib. won from Epeiros by the Latins, 417. Cornwall, 130. Coron (KÔrÔnÊ), held by Venice, 409. lost by her, 411. Corsica, 44. early inhabitants of, 53. Roman conquest of, 54. province of, 79. held by Genoa, 238, 245. ceded to France, 249. effects of its incorporation with France, 351, 356. Cosmo de’ Medici, Duke of Florence and Grand Duke of Tuscany, 246. Cottbus, 211, 224. Courtray, 349. Cracow, capital of Poland, 479. annexed by Austria, 514. joined to the duchy of Warsaw, 82, 520. republic of, ib. second Austrian annexation of, 323, 520. Crema, 237. Cremona, 237. Crete, its geographical position, 22. in the Homeric catalogue, 28. keeps its independence, 37. conquered by Rome, 63. province of, 78. lost and recovered by the Eastern Empire, 152, 153, 371, 372. conquered by Venice, 404. by the Turks, 404, 448. re-enslaved by the Treaty of Berlin, 452. Crim, khanat of, 501. dependent on the Sultans, ib. annexed to Russia, 449, 516. Croatia, Slavonic settlement in, 114. its relations to the Eastern and Western Empires, 378, 406, 407. its relations to Hungary, 323, 407, 434. part of the Illyrian Provinces, 322. Croja, won and lost by Venice, 411. Crotona; s
ia, ib. Turkish invasions in, 379. Norman invasions in, 380, 394. its geographical aspect in 1085, 380. under the KomnÊnoi, 366, 381, 386. act of partition, 383, 402, 403. losses and gains, 387-391. under the Palaiologoi, 387. effect of Timour’s invasion, 391. its final fall, ib. states formed out of, 391-393. general survey of its history, 455-460. compared with the Ottoman dominion, 443. Empire, Latin, 383. its end, 387. Empire of Nikaia, 387. Empire of Trebizond, 36, 386, 422. Empire of ThessalonikÊ, 385. Empire, Serbian, 420, 425. Empire of Britain, 162, 462, 545. Empire of Spain, 463, 531. Empire of Russia, 512. Empire, French, 356. Empire of Austria, 221, 267, 306. Empire of Hayti, 359. Empires of Mexico, 544. Empire of Brazil, 542. Empire, German, 229, 230. Empire of India, 567. England, use of the name, 2, 3. origin of the name, 97. formation of the kingdom, 160. West-Saxon supremacy in, 160, 161. Danish invasions, ib. advance of, 162. united with Scandinavia under Cnut, ib. Norman conquest of, 163. its ecclesiastical geography, 166. its wars with France, 337, 338. its rivalry with France in America and India, 353. slight change in its internal divisions, 360. its war with Prussia, 229. France, duchy of, 142. united with the kingdom of the West Franks, 143. Franche ComtÉ; see Burgundy, County of. Francia, meanings of the name, 91, 121, 128. extent of, 134. Francia, Eastern, 92, 121, 205. Francia, Western, 92. Francis I., Emperor, exchanges Lorraine for Tuscany, 321. Francis II., Emperor, his title of ‘Emperor of Austria,’ 221. Franconia, origin of the name, 91, 121. extent of the circle, 214. see Francia, Eastern. Frankfurt, election and coronation of the German kings at, 189. a free city, 220, 227. Grand Duchy of, 222. annexed by Prussia, 228. Franks, the, 85. their settlements, 87, 88. extent of their kingdom under Chlodwig, 92. their conquest of the Alemanni, 117. of Thuringia and Bavaria, ib. of Aquitaine and Burgundy, 118. their position, 119. their German and Gaulish dependencies, 120. division of their kingdom, ib. kingdom of united under the Karlings, 121. their relations with the Empire, 123. their conquest of Lombardy, ib. Franks, East, their kingdom grows into Germany, 138. Franks, West, kingdom of, its extent, 141. its union with the duchy of France, 143. grows into modern France, ib. Frederick II., Emperor, recovers Jerusalem, 400. Frederick William I., the Great Elector of Brandenburg, 210. Frederick I., King of Prussia, 210. Freiburg, joins the Confederates, 262, 272. Freiburg-im-Breisgau, conquered by France, 350. restored, ib. French language, becomes the dominant speech of Gaul, 345. Friderikshamn, Peace of, 518. Friesland, East, annexed by Prussia, 212. annexed by France, 222. part of the kingdom of Hannover, 223.
ublic@vhost@g@html@files@61375@61375-h@61375-h-15.htm.html#Page_226" class="pginternal">226. annexed by Prussia, 228. Hessen-Darmstadt, Grand Duchy of, 226. HierÔn, king of Syracuse, his alliance with Rome, 52. Hispaniola; see Saint Domingo. Hohenzollern, House of, 209. Holland, county of, 293. united to Hainault, 294. to Burgundy, 297. kingdom of, 302. annexed by France, ib. see United Provinces. Holstein, 198, 488. first Danish conquest of, 489. fluctuations of, 490. made a duchy, ib. under Christian I., 491. effect of the peace of Roskild on, 509. incorporated with Denmark, 518. joins the German Confederation, 225, 519. final cession of to Prussia, 228, 519. Homeric Catalogue, the, 26-29. Honorius, Emperor of the West, 81. Huascar, 534. Hugh Capet, Duke of the French, chosen king, 143. Hundred Years’ Peace between Rome and Persia, 100. Hundred Years’ War, 337. Hungarians; see Magyars. Hungary, kingdom of, 157, 367, 432. its relations to the Western Emperors, 196. extent of the kingdom, 323, 324. whether a Bulgarian duchy existed in, 376 (note). its frontier towards Germany, 433. its relations with Croatia, 433, 434. acquires Transsilvania, 435. conquests of the KomnÊnoi from, 381. its struggles with Venice for Dalmatia, 407. Mongol invasion of, 436. its wars with Bulgaria, 430. its conquest of Bosnia, 424. extension of under Lewis the Great, 437. Turkish conquests in, 438. its kings tributary to the Turk, 439. recovered from the Turk, 439, 448. acquisitions of by the Peace of Passarowitz, 440. later losses and acquisitions of, 440, 441.Jerusalem, patriarchate of, 168, 169. taken by Chosroes, 109. extent of the Latin kingdom, 399. taken by Saladin, 400. recovered and lost by the Crusaders, ib. crown of, claimed by the kings of Cyprus, 401. Jezerci; see Ezerites. Jire?ek, C. J. on Slavonic settlements, 133 (note). JÔannina, restored to the Empire, 388. taken by the Turks, 421. John Asan, extent of Bulgaria under, 430. John KomnÊnos, Emperor, his conquests, 381. John KomnÊnos, Emperor of Trebizond, acknowledges the supremacy of Constantinople, 422. John TzimiskÊs, Emperor, recovers Bulgaria, 377. his Asiatic conquests, 379. Jomsburg Vikings, settlement of, 471. JudÆa, its relations with Rome, 65. Jung, on the Roumans, 435 (note). Justinian, extent of the Roman power under, 104, 105, 106. Jutes, their settlement in Kent, 97. Jutland, South, duchy of, united with Holstein, 490. called Duchy of Sleswick, ib. Kaffa, colony of Genoa, 414. Kainardji, Treaty of, 449. Kalabryta, 418. Kamienetz, ceded by Poland to the Turk, 448, 507. Kappadokia, kingdom of, 38. annexed by Rome, 67. theme of, 151. Karians, in the Homeric Catalogue, 28. Karlili, why so called, 421. Karlings, Frankish dynasty of, 121. KÄrnthen; see Carinthia. Karolingia, kingdom of, 137, 141, 143, 148, 326. Kars, joined to the Eastern Empire, 379. annexed by Russia, 522. Karystos, 403. Kazan, Khanat of, 501. conquered by Russia, 511. Kent, settlement of the Jutes in, 97. kingdom of, 160, 555. KephallÊnia, in the Homeric Catalogue, 433 (note). Mahomet, union of Arabia under, 110. Mahomet I., Sultan, Ottoman power under, 446. Mahomet the Conqueror, Sultan, his conquests, 411, 446. extent of his dominions, 446. Maina, name of HellÊnes confined to, 376. recovered by the Empire, 388, 418. independence of, 419. Maine, county of, 330. conquered by William of Normandy, 332. united with Anjou, ib. annexed to France, 333. Maine, State of, 560. Mainz, 92. ecclesiastical province of, 175. its archbishops chancellors of Germany and electors, 176. annexed to France, 220. restored to Germany, 358. Maionians, in the Homeric catalogue, 28. Majorca, kingdom of, 536. Malta, taken by the Saracens, 370. by the Normans, 395. granted to the knights of Saint John, 398, 415, 538. revolutions of, 415. held by England, 415, 558. Man, Scandinavian settlement in, 471, 553. its later history, 488, 553. Manfred, King of Sicily, his dominion in Epeiros, 397. styled Lord of Romania, ib. Mantua, 243, 248, 257. Manuel KomnÊnos, his conquests, 381, 424. Manzikert, battle of, 380. Maona, the, its dominions, 414. Marche, county of, 332. Marcomanni, 85. Margarito, king of the Epeirots, 397. Maria Theresa, Empress-Queen, her hereditary dominions, 320. effects of her marriage, 321. Marienburg, 301, 348. Marseilles, acquired by France, 265. Mary of Burgundy, effects of her marriage, 340. Maryland, 501. Moudon, granted to Savoy, 280. Moulins, county of, 330. MÜlhausen, in alliance with the Confederates, 274. annexed by France, 355. Munster, 183, 556. MÜnster, 224. Murcia, conquered by Castile, 533, 535. Muret, battle of, 531. Muscovy, origin of the name, 500. MykÊnÊ, its position in the Homeric catalogue, 27. destruction of, 31. Mykonos, held by Venice, 409, 411. Mysians, in the Homeric catalogue, 28. Namur, Mark of, 294. annexed to Burgundy, 296. Naples, cleaves to the Eastern Empire, 369. conquered by King Roger, 396. kingdom of, 250, 254. temporary French possession of, 346. title of king of, 251, 254. ParthenopÆan republic, 252. restored to the Bourbons, 256. Narbonne, Roman colony, 57. Saracen conquest of, 112. ecclesiastical province of, 173. annexed to France, 335. Narses, wins back Italy to the Empire, 105. Nassau, Grand Duchy of, 226. annexed by Prussia, 228. Natal, 566. Naupaktos; see Lepanto. Nauplia, won from Epeiros by the Latins, 417. held by Venice, 410. lost by her, 411. Navarre, kingdom of, 154, 528. extent of under Sancho the Great, 529. break-up of, 530. its decline, 531. union with, and separation from France, 336, 531. conquered by Ferdinand, 537. northern part united to France, 342. Navas de Tolosa, battle of, 533. Naxos, duchy of, 413. annexed by the Turk, 413, 447. Negroponte, use of the name, 409 (156, 158, 365. Pavia, old Lombard capital, 147, 237. county of, 241. ‘Pax Romana,’ 66. Pelasgians, use of the name, 24. in the Homeric catalogue, 28. PeloponnÊsos, its geographical position, 21. Homeric divisions of, 27. changes in, 29. united under the Achaian League, 40. Slavonic settlements in, 116, 375, 461. theme of, 151. won back to the Eastern Empire, 153. Latin conquests in, 417. Venetian settlements in, 409, 410. recovered by the Eastern Empire, 418. becomes an Imperial dependency, 388. conquered by the Turks, 391, 419. Venetian losses in, 411. conquered by Venice, 412. recovered by the Turks, 412. Pembrokeshire, Flemish settlement in, 554. Pennsylvania, 561. Pentedaktylos; see Taÿgetos. Perateia, meaning of the name, 422. Turkish conquest of, 423. Perche, united to France, 336. Perekop, conquered by Lithuania, 498. added to Poland, ib. lost by Poland, 499. Pergamos, kingdom of, 38, 61. Persia, wars of with Greece, 33. with Rome, 81, 99, 109. Saracen conquest of, 82, 111. revival of, 98, 100. Russian conquests in, 516. Peru, Spanish conquest of, 543. Perugia, 239. Peter the Great of Russia, his wars with Charles XII., 512. Peter, count of Savoy, 278. Pharos (Lesina), 34, 406. Philadelphia, taken by the Turks, 390. Philip, rise of Macedonia under, 52. Prussia, use of the name, 192, 211, 230. long remains heathen, 466. dominion of the Teutonic Knights in, 496. beginning of the duchy, 503. its geographical position, 504. united with Brandenburg, 204, 209, 504, 513. independent of Poland, 504. growth of, 202, 511. kingdom of, 512. its acquisition of Silesia, 211. of East Friesland, ib. its share in the partition of Poland, 212, 513-515. losses of, 222, 223, 519. recovery and increase of its territory, 224. head of North German confederation, 228. annexes Sleswick, Holstein, and Lauenburg, 519. war with France, 229. Prussia Western, 212, 513. Prussia South, 212, 514. Prussia New East, 212. Przemyslaf, king of the Wends, founds the house of Mecklenburg, 476. Pskof, commonwealth of, 483. annexed by Muscovy, 501. Puerto Rico, 544. Punic Wars, the, 52, 56. Pyrenees, Peace of, 301, 348. Pyrrhos, 37. Quadi, 85. Quebec, 352. Queensland, 566. RÆtia, conquest of, 68. Ragusa, origin of, 115. ecclesiastical province of, 186. keeps her independence, 407, 412. prefers the Turk to Venice, 412. annexed to Austria, 320, 322. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 559. Rama, Hungarian kingdom of, 424, 441. Rametta, taken by the Saracens, 370. Ramsbury, see of, 226. dismemberment of, 224. Scanderbeg, revolt of Albania under, 421. Scandinavia, ecclesiastical provinces of, 184. its momentary union with Britain, 462. compared with Spain, 463. Eastern and Western aspects of, 464. its barbarian neighbours, 466. kingdoms of, 130, 468. its influence on the Baltic, compared with that of Germany, 486. Scania, originally Danish, 131, 184, 469. its momentary transfer to Sweden, 487. Hanseatic occupation of, 494. annexed to Sweden, 508. Schaffhausen, joins the Confederates, 272. Schlesien; see Silesia. Sclavinia, kingdom of, 476. Danish conquest of, 489. Scotland, origin of the name, 98, 549. dioceses of, 183. its greatness due to its English element, 548. historical position of, 549. analogy of Switzerland to, ib. formation of the kingdom, 550, 551. settlements of the Northmen in, 550, 552. acknowledges the English supremacy, 550. different tenures of the dominions of its kings, 551. grant of Lothian and Cumberland to, 162, 550, 551. its shifting relations towards England, 552. its union with England, ib. Scots, their settlement in Britain, 98, 548. their union with the Picts, 556. Scutari; see Skodra. Scythia, Roman province of, 77. Sebasteia, theme of, 150. Sebastopol, answers to old Cherson, 516 (note). Sebenico, under Venice, 411. Seleukeia, independence of, 39. annexed to the Empire by Trajan, 99. theme of, 150. Seleukids, extent and decline of their kingdom, 38. Selim I., Sultan, his conquests in Syria and Egypt, 447. Seljuk Turks, their invasions, 365, 379. driven back by the KomnÊnoi, 116, 373, 374, 461. recovered to the Eastern Empire, 375. remain on Taÿgetos, ib. their relations to the Western Empire, 159, 197, 199, 201, 465, 466. general history of the Northern Slaves, 472-485. Slavia, duchy of, 492. Slavinia, name of, 115. Slavonia, 323, 434. Slavonic Gulf, 476. Sleswick, duchy of, 213, 490. its relations with Denmark, 490. under Christian I., 491. effect of the Peace of Roskild on, 509. guaranteed to Denmark, 513. wars in, 228. transferred to Prussia, 228, 519. Slovaks, 434, 477. Smolensk, principality of, 483. conquered by Lithuania, 499. its shiftings between Russia and Poland, 506. Smyrna, 32. acquired by Genoa, 389. Sobrarbe, formation of the kingdom, 530. united to Aragon, 531. Social War, the, 51. Sofia (Sardica), taken by the Bulgarians, 376. by the Turks, 431. Solothurn, joins the Confederates, 262, 270. Sorabi, 474, 475. Spain, use of the name, 3 (note). its geographical character, 10. non-Aryan people in, 12, 13. Celtic settlements in, 14, 56. Greek and Phoenician settlements in, 35, 56. its connexion with Gaul, 55. first Roman province in, ib. final conquest of, ib. diocese of, 79. settlements of Suevi and Vandals in, 90. West-Gothic kingdom in, 421. Toledo, archbishopric of, 178. conquered by Alfonso VI., 532, 535. Tortona, 237, 249. Tortosa, Aragonese conquest of, 532. Toul, annexed by France, 193, 346. Toulouse, Roman colony, 57. capital of the West Gothic kingdom, 90. county of, 142, 330. ecclesiastical province of, 174. annexed to France, 335. Touraine, united to Anjou, 330. annexed by Philip Augustus, 333. ???????, 433 (note). Tournay, becomes French, 349. Tours, battle of, 113. bishopric of, 173. Trajan, Emperor, his conquests, 70, 99. forms the province of Dacia, ib. Transpadane Republic, 252. Transsilvania, 323. conquered by the Magyars, 435. Teutonic colonies in, 435. tributary to the Turk, 439. incorporated with Hungary, 440. Transvaal, annexation of, 566. TraÜ, 406. Trebinje; see Terbounia. Trebizond (Trapezous), city of, 36, 150. Empire of, 386, 422. acknowledges the Eastern Emperor, ib. conquered by the Turks, 423. Trent, county of, 235. bishopric of, 147, 195, 237. fluctuates between Germany and Italy, 195. within the Austrian circle, 217. annexed by Bavaria, 221. recovered by Austria, 224, 255, 318. Triaditza; see Sofia. Trier, taken by the Franks, 92. ecclesiastical province of, 175. chancellorship of Gaul held by its archbishops, 176. annexed to France, 220. restored to Germany, 358. 483. annexed by Muscovy, 501. Victoria (Australia), 566. Vienna, Congress of, 520 battle of, 439. Vienne, 93, 263. ecclesiastical province of, 173. annexed to France, 264. Viennois, Dauphiny of, 263. annexed to France, 264, 344. Vindelicia, conquest of, 68. Visconti, House of, 240. Vlachia; see Wallachia and Roumania. Vlachia, Great; see Thessaly. Vlachs, use of the name, 366. see Roumans. Vladimir, first Christian prince of Russia, takes Cherson, 378, 482. Vladimir, on the Kiasma, supremacy of, 482. Vladimir (Lodomeria) annexed by Lewis the Great, 437. under Austria, 323, 440, 514. Volhynia, conquered by Lithuania, 498. recovered by Russia, 514. Volscians, 46. their wars with Rome, 50. Vratislaf, king of Bohemia, 492 (note). Wagri, Wagria, 474, 489. Waldemar, king of Denmark, conquests and losses, 489. Wales, North, use of the name, 130. Wales, Harold’s conquests from, 553. conquest of, 554. full incorporation of, 555. Wales, principality of, 554. Wallachia, formation of, 436. shiftings of, 438-440. its union with Moldavia, 453. Wallis, League of, 272. its conquests from Savoy, 273. united with France, 274. becomes a Swiss Canton, 276, 359. ‘Wandering of the Nations,’ 83. Warsaw, duchy of, 223, 519. extent of, 520. Weleti, Weletabi, Wiltsi, 474. Wells, bishopric of, 182. Welsh, use of the name, Spottiswoode & Co., Printers, New-street Square, London.
[Transcriber’s note: The following changes have been made to this text: - Page ix: ‘KyrÊne’ to ‘KyrÊnÊ’—‘Crete, Cyprus, KyrÊnÊ’.
- Page xxviii: ‘Brobant’ to ‘Brabant’—‘Brabant; Hainault’.
- Page xlii: ‘Lauenberg’ to ‘Lauenburg’—‘Saxony; Lauenburg;’.
- Page 31: ‘PeloponnÊsian’ to ‘Peloponnesian’—‘Peloponnesian cities’.
- Page 94, sidenote: ‘B.C. 476-493’ to ‘A.D. 476-493’.
- Page 114, sidenote: ‘South-eastern’ to ‘South-western’.
- Page 208, sidenote: ‘121.’ to ‘1212.’—‘1180-1212.’
- Page 217: ‘GÖrtz’ to ‘GÖrz’—‘borderlands of GÖrz’.
- Page 240, sidenote: ‘Palaiologioi’ to ‘Palaiologoi’—‘Palaiologoi at Montferrat, 1306.’
- Page 320: ‘at’ to ‘as’—‘as it stood.’
- Page 352: ‘Napoleone’ to ‘Napoleon’—‘Napoleon Buonaparte was born’.
- Page 354: ‘theatened’ to ‘threatened’—‘seriously threatened’.
- Page 368: ‘setttlement’ to ‘settlement’—‘conquest and settlement’.
- Page 372: ‘begining’ to ‘beginning’—‘beginning of the eleventh’.
- Page 373: missing word ‘time’ added—‘to time enforced.’
- Page 379: ‘posssession’ to ‘possession’—‘Imperial possession’.
- Page 389: ‘NikomÉdeia’ to ‘NikomÊdeia’—‘Nikaia, NikomÊdeia’.
- Page 396, sidenote: ‘Epirot’ to ‘Epeirot’—‘Epeirot conquests of William’.
- Page 407: ‘KommÊnos’ to ‘KomnÊnos’—‘Under Manuel KomnÊnos’.
- Page 418, sidenote: ‘1343.’ to ‘1383.’—‘1348-1383.’
- Page 428: ‘Balza’ to ‘Balsa’—‘the house of Balsa’.
- Page 432, sidenote: ‘84’ to ‘884’—‘884-894.’
- Page 493: ‘burggraves’ to ‘burgraves’—‘burgraves of NÜrnberg.’
- Page 512: ‘Abo’ to ‘Åbo’—‘Peace of Åbo’.
- Page 539, sidenote: ‘possesions’ to ‘possessions’—‘outlying possessions’.
- Page 550: ‘Northhumberland’ to ‘Northumberland’—‘part of Northumberland’.
- Page 561, sidenote: ‘1346’ to ‘1646’—’Maryland. 1646.’
- Page 564, sidenote: ‘Dependen’ to ‘Dependent’—‘Dependent confederacy.’
- Page 580: ‘ecclesiastial’ to ‘ecclesiastical’—‘Embrun, ecclesiastical province’.
- Page 583: ‘Geatas’ to ‘GeÁtas’—‘Gauts, GeÁtas’.
- Page 586: ‘Jagerndorf’ to ‘JÄgerndorf’—‘JÄgerndorf, principality of’.
- Page 587: ‘Kamenietz’ to ‘Kamienetz’—‘Kamienetz, ceded by Poland’.
- Page 587: ‘KorÔnÊ’ to ‘KÔrÔnÊ’—‘KÔrÔnÊ; see Coron.’
- Page 587: ‘Koloneia’ to ‘KolÔneia’—‘KolÔneia, theme of’.
- Page 589: ‘Luzelburg’ to ‘LÜzelburg’—‘Luxemburg (LÜzelburg)’.
- Page 590: ‘Monbeliard’ to ‘Montbeliard’—‘Montbeliard, county of’.
- Page 592: ‘Komnenos’ to ‘KomnÊnos’—‘Alexios KomnÊnos, 381.’
- Page 594: ‘Phokaia’ to ‘PhÔkaia’—‘PhÔkaia, held by’.
- Page 594: ‘Julii’ to ‘Julia’—‘Pietas Julia; see Pola.’
- Page 595: ‘remain’ to ‘remains’—‘long remains heathen’.
- Page 595: ‘Bradenburg’ to ‘Brandenburg’—‘united with Brandenburg’.
- Page 599: ‘Maniakes’ to ‘ManiakÊs’—‘recovered by George ManiakÊs’.
- Page 599: ‘SinopÊ’ to ‘SinÔpÊ’—‘SinÔpÊ, 39’.
- Page 600: ‘Soluthurn’ to ‘Solothurn’—‘Solothurn, joins the Confederates’.
- Page 600: ‘610’ to ‘10’—‘its geographical character, 10’.
- Page 600: ‘Califate’ to ‘Caliphate’—‘Eastern Caliphate, 113.’
- Page 600: ‘Presidenti’ to ‘Presidi’—‘Stati degli Presidi’.
- Page 603: ‘Tzernoievich’ to ‘Tzernojevich’—‘Tzernojevich, dynasty of’.]
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