pginternal">132, 133, 166; supplanted by church of St. Peter, 132, 134, 135; church of St. Oliva at, 135; its physical position contrasted with Norba, 140, 141
  • Corinth, later stage of her havens, 98; her colonies, ib., 99
  • Cortona, its physical position compared with that of Argos and Corinth, 13, 14; compared with Perugia, Laon, and Girgenti, ib.; owes its distinctive character to its walls, 15, 16, 19-21; its early greatness, 15; its decline, 16; ecclesiastical and municipal buildings in, 17-19; MykÊnaian character of its Etruscan gate, 20; the Etruscan Muse, 21, 22; contrasted with Perugia, 23-28
  • Cosmo de' Medici, Duke of Florence and Siena, his inscription at Arezzo, 6; his later title, ib.
  • Creighton, M. (present Bishop of Peterborough), quoted, 123
  • D
  • Documents, official, errors in, 200, 201
  • E
  • Eadmer, at Bari, 305
  • Emissarius, the, of the Alban Lake, 117; contrasted with that of the Fucine Lake, ib.
  • Etruscans, their cities remain free until the days of Sulla, 20; their analogy with Freemasons, 34, 35; their tongue remains a riddle, 36; their sculpture derives more force from the absence of literature, 37-40; analogy of Etruscan and Roman change of nomenclature with English and Norman, 43, 44; Christian and modern character of their sculpture, 44, 45
  • F
  • Felimna, Avle, Etruscan tomb of, 42, 43, 197
  • Ferentinum (Ferentino), whether a Thirty-city, 186, 187, 188; its position, 188; its walls and gateways, 189-192, 202; monument of Aulus Quinctilius at, 193; question as to the date of its walls, 194 et seq.; inscriptions on the arx, 195, 197; alliance of with Rome, 198, 199, 205, 206; wrongly called a municipium by Aulus Gellius, 200, 201; cathedral church at, 202, 278, 279
  • Q
  • Quinctilius, Aulus, his foundation of nuts to Ferentinum, 192; his monument, 193
  • R
  • Robert, son of Godwin, his analogy to Publius Volumnius, son of Felimna, 44
  • Robert Wiscard, takes Bari, 297
  • Rocca di Papa, 119
  • Roman, use of the word, 194, 197, 202
  • Roman Empire, the, important era marked by Trajan's reign, 270, 271
  • Rome, how her local history should be studied, 67; rivalry of Veii with, 69-72; her conquest of Veii, 68, 75, 76; her origin, 70, 72, 143; FidenÆ destroyed by, 78, 85; taken by Alaric, 80; her incorporation of AntemnÆ with, 92; her haven of Ostia, 96, 97, 99; contrasted with Corinth and Athens, 98, 99; her harbour removed from Ostia to Portus, 102; Alba Longa destroyed by, 110, 120; her physical and historical position, 119-122; alliance of Ferentinum with, 198, 199, 205; her arbitrary dealing with her Italian allies, 199, 200; her wars with the Samnites, 251, 252; her army spared by Gaius Pontius, 257; final struggle of the Samnites against, 259-261
  • ???????, use of the name, 109, 110
  • S
  • Saint Ambrose, cathedral church of Ferentino dedicated to, 204
  • Saint Angelo in Formis, basilica of, near Capua, 238, 240 et seq.; frescoes at, 247-249
  • Saint Apollinaris in Classe, basilica of, 240
  • Saint Francis of Assisi, 48, 49
  • Saint Nicolas of Myra in Lykia, patron saint of Bari, 297, 298
  • Saint Peter in Grado, basilica of, near Pisa, 238, 239, 240; contrasted with Saint Angelo in Formis, 239; frescoes at, 247
  • Salarian Gate, the, its historical associations, 79-81
  • Salona, its

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