| B.C. |
Foundation of Korkyra | c. 734 |
Foundation of Epidamnos | c. 627 |
War between Corinth and Korkyra about Epidamnos | 435 |
Colonization of Pharos and Issa | 385 |
Korkyra held by AgathoklÊs | 300 |
Korkyra held by Pyrrhos | 287 |
First Roman war with Illyria, time of Queen Teuta and Demetrios of Pharos | 229 |
Korkyra, Epidamnos, and Apollonia become allies of Rome | 229 |
Second Illyrian War | 219 |
Foundation of Aquileia | 181 |
First Roman Conquest of Illyria | 168 |
First mention of Tragyrion (TraÜ) | 158 |
First Dalmatian War | 156 |
Salona the head of Dalmatia | 117 |
Roman Conquest of Istria | 107 |
Foundation of Forum Julii | c. 45 |
Colony of Tergeste fortified by Augustus | 32 |
Foundation of Pietas Julia | c. 30 |
| A.D. |
Final conquest of Dalmatia | 6 |
Martyrdom of Saint Caius | 296? |
Diocletian retires to Salona | 305 |
Crispus put to death at Pola | 326 |
First church of Aquileia built by Fortunatian | c. 347 |
Gallus put to death at Pola | 354 |
Aquileia destroyed by Attila | 452 |
Dalmatia under Marcellian | 454-468 |
Dalmatia under Odoacer | c. 480 |
Dalmatia under Theodoric | 488 |
The Emperor Glycerius Bishop of Salona | 474 |
Nepos killed near Salona | 480 |
Salona recovered to the Empire | 535 |
Building of the church of Parenzo | 535-543 |
Belisarius sails from Salona | 544 |
Narses sails from Salona | 552 |
Schism in the church of Aquileia | 557 |
Beginning of the Patriarchate of Grado | 606 |
Lombard conquest of Italy begins | 568 |
Slavonic settlements under Heraclius | c. 620 |
Salona destroyed by the Avars | 639 |
Inland Dalmatia under Charles the Great; the coast cities left to the Eastern Empire | 806 |
The church of Pola built by Bishop Handegis | 857 |
Cattaro taken by the Saracens | 867 |
Saracen siege of Ragusa | 867 |
First Venetian conquest of Dalmatia | 997 |
Poppo Patriarch of Aquileia; rebuilding of the church | 1019-1042 |
First authentic mention of Gorizia | 1051 |
Croatian kingdom of Dalmatia | 1062 |
Foundation of Saint Nicolas at TraÜ | 1064 |
Corfu conquered by Robert Wiscard | 1081 |
Corfu recovered by the Empire | 1085 |
Exploits of the English exiles at Durazzo | 1086 |
Magyar kingdom of Dalmatia | 1102 |
The tower of Saint Mary's at Zara built by Coloman of Hungary | 1105 |
Beginning of the Counts of Gorizia | 1120 |
Corfu held by Roger of Sicily | 1147-1150 |
Dalmatia restored to the Eastern Empire | 1171 |
Corfu conquered by William the Good | 1186 |
Corfu, Durazzo, etc., held by Margarito as a kingdom dependent on Sicily | 1186 |
Richard the First at Ragusa | 1192 |
Taking of Zara by the Crusaders | 1202 |
Venetian Counts at Ragusa | 1204 |
Corfu and Durazzo first occupied by Venice | 1206 |
Building of TraÜ cathedral | 1215-1321 |
Corfu and Durazzo recovered by Michael of Epeiros | 1216 |
Durazzo recovered by the Empire | 1259 |
Corfu and Durazzo ceded to Manfred | 1268 |
Consecration of Saint Anastasia at Zara | 1285 |
Durazzo under Servia | 1322 |
Durazzo restored to the Kings of Naples | 1322 |
Pola submits to Venice | 1331 |
Neapolitan duchy of Durazzo | 1333-1360 |
Treviso first occupied by Venice | 1338 |
Building of the Archbishop's castle at Salona | 1347 |
Treviso besieged by Lewis of Hungary | 1356 |
Dalmatia ceded to Lewis of Hungary | 1358 |
Durazzo the capital of an Albanian kingdom | 1358-1392 |
Complete independence of Ragusa | 1359 |
Markquard, Patriarch of Aquileia; recasting of the church | 1365-1381 |
Gradual advance of Venice in Dalmatia | 1378-1444 |
Treviso ceded to Leopold of Austria | 1381 |
Trieste commends itself to Austria | 1381 |
Final acquisition of Corfu by Venice | 1386 |
Venetian occupation of Argos | 1388 |
Treviso restored to Venice | 1388 |
Second Venetian acquisition of Durazzo | 1392 |
Building of the palace at Ragusa | 1388-1435 |
Butrinto and Parga commend themselves to Venice | 1407 |
Consecration of Saint Chrysogonos at Zara | 1407 |
Sebenico annexed by Venice | 1412 |
Building of the cathedral at Sebenico | 1415-1555 |
Cattaro becomes Venetian | 1419 |
TraÜ annexed by Venice | 1420 |
Curzola finally submits to Venice | 1420 |
Dominions of the Patriarch of Aquileia annexed by Venice | 1420 |
Udine annexed by Venice | 1420 |
Lesina occupied by Venice | 1424 |
The city of Aquileia left to the Patriarchs | 1451 |
Argos ceded by Venice | 1463 |
Fluctuations between Venice and the Turk in Dalmatia | 1465-1718 |
Date of the cloister at Badia | 1477 |
Otranto taken by the Turks | 1480 |
Otranto recovered by Alfonso | 1481 |
Veglia annexed by Venice | 1481 |
Monopoli stormed by the Venetians | 1495 |
Trani, Otranto, and other cities pledged to Venice by Ferdinand of Naples | 1496 |
Durazzo and Butrinto lost by Venice | 1500 |
Gorizia annexed to Austria by Maximilian | 1500 |
Treviso besieged by Maximilian | 1508 |
Trani, etc., recovered by Ferdinand of Aragon | 1509 |
Building of the Dogana at Ragusa | 1520 |
Trani, etc., recovered by Venice | 1528 |
Trani, etc., restored to Charles the Fifth | 1530 |
Aquileia annexed to Austria | 1544 |
Mark Anthony de Dominis Archbishop of Spalato | 1622 |
Building of the gate at Curzola | 1643 |
The great earthquake at Ragusa | 1667 |
Prevesa won and Butrinto recovered by Venice | 1685-1699 |
The Emperor Leopold repairs the castle of Gorizia | 1660 |
Athens taken by Morosini | 1687 |
Abolition of the patriarchate of Aquileia; Udine and Gorizia become metropolitan sees | 1751 |
Peace of Campo Formio; fall of Venice: Venetia, Istria, and Dalmatia, except Ragusa, occupied by Austria | 1797-8 |
The Ionian Islands and the Venetian outposts ceded to France | 1797 |
Septinsular Republic under Ottoman overlordship | 1798 |
Prevesa stormed by Ali of JÔannina | 1798 |
Venetia, Istria, Trieste, and Dalmatia ceded to the French kingdom of Italy; Dalmatia partly occupied | 1805 |
The Republic of Ragusa suppressed by Buonaparte | 1808 |
Various points occupied by England | 1810-1814 |
Cattaro delivered from France by England and Montenegro; Cattaro, capital of Montenegro | 1813 |
Dalmatia recovered by Austria, Ragusa also occupied by Austria for the first time | 1814 |
Venetia, Istria, and Trieste recovered by Austria | 1814 |
English occupation of Curzola | 1813-1815 |
The Ionian Islands under British protection | 1815 |
Surrender of Parga to the Turk | 1819 |
Liberation of Venice and recovery by Austria | 1848-9 |
The Ionian Islands added to free Greece | 1864 |
Final liberation of Venetia | 1866 |
Austrian attempt to infringe the liberties of the Bocchesi; defeat of the Austrians | 1869 |
Beginning of the war in Herzegovina | 1875 |
Servian and Montenegrin war; recovery of Antivari, Dulcigno, and Spizza by Montenegro | 1876-7 |
Congress of Berlin; Dulcigno restored to the Turk; Spizza taken by Austria; Antivari left to Montenegro; the Turk "invited" to cede Epeiros to free Greece | 1878 |
The liberation of Epeiros decreed the second time | 1880 |
Dulcigno recovered for Montenegro | 1880 |
Liberation of Thessaly, but not of Epeiros | 1881 |