NOW, once upon a time, a nest of fairies Was in a meadow 'neath a wild rose- tree; And, once upon a time, the violets clustered So thick around it one could scarcely see; And, once upon a time, a troop of children Came dancing by upon the flowery ground; And, once upon a time, the nest of fairies, With shouts of joy and wonderment they found; And, once upon a time, the fairies fluttered On purple winglets, shimmering in the sun; And, once upon a time, the nest forsaking, They flew off thro' the violets, every one; And, once upon a time, the children followed With loud halloos along the meadow green; And, once upon a time, the fairies vanished, And never more could one of them be seen; And, once upon a time, the children sought them For many a day, but fruitless was their quest, For, once upon a time, amid the violets, They only found the fairies' empty nest.