
SHE lifted her finger with gesture slow:

"'Tis true, for certain and sure, I know,

And I think when I say so you ought to be-


They kneel in their stalls on Christmas Eve.

"The red one, the white one, the speckled

and brown,

When the clock strikes twelve, will all kneel


And it happens so every Christmas Eve,

—Well, I'll tell you this, if you won't believe:

"Once, ages and ages ago it was,

I thought I would see for myself, because

I doubted a little, just like you,

Whether or no the story was true;

"And so one Christmas Eve I staid

Awake till twelve—Oh, I was afraid!

The wind was a-blowing, and no moon shone,

But I went to the stable myself, alone.

"And when I had slid the big doors back

I couldn't go in, it was so black;

But—solemn and true—I do declare

I heard the cows when they knelt down! There!"



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