Table IV


Quantity of seeds required to plant a row one hundred feet long, and time of planting.

Time to plant Quantity required
Bean (pole) Late May or early June ½ pint
Bean (dwarf) May 10 to August 1 pint
[6]Beet April to August 2 oz.
[6]Cabbage (early) Feb. indoors; plants set out in March or April 1 pkt.
Cabbage late) May; plants set out in June or July 1 pkt.
[6]Carrot April to July 1 oz.
Cauliflower (early) Treat like Cabbage 1 pkt.
Cauliflower (late) Treat like Cabbage 1 pkt.
Celery March indoors; plants set out in June or July 1 pkt.
[6]Chard April 1 oz.
Corn May 10 to July 10 ½ pint
Cucumber Late May or early June ½ oz.
Egg-plant March indoors; plants set out early in June 1 pkt.
Kale, see Cabbage (late).
Kohlrabi April to August ¼ oz.
[6]Lettuce April to August ½ oz.
Muskmelon Early June ½ oz.
Okra May or June 2 oz.
Onion (seed) April and May 1 oz.
Onion (sets) March 15 to May 15 1 quart
[6]Parsley April ¼ oz.
[6]Parsnip April ½ oz.
[6]Peas March 15 to May and August 1 to 20 1 quart
Peppers March indoors; plants set out in late May or early June 1 pkt.
[6]Potato April to June 1 peck
[6]Radish March to September 1 oz.
[6]Salsify April 1 oz.
[6]Spinach March and September 1 oz.
Squash Late May or early June ½ oz.
[6]Swiss Chard, see Chard.
Tomato March indoors; plants set out in late May or early June 1 pkt.
Turnip April, July and August ½ oz.

Are hardy vegetables, and will stand slight frost. Should be planted as soon as the ground can be worked. Dates given are approximate and apply in the vicinity of New York. Other localities should take into consideration the effects of elevation and latitude.


Transcriber’s Notes:

A few obvious punctuation and typesetting errors have been corrected without note. Chemicals mentioned for insect control should not be used in modern day gardens since they are not considered to be safe.

[End of War Gardens by Montague Free]


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