Table II


Approximate number of days from seed-sowing to first picking of crops. Variation is caused by temperature and character of variety—early, midseason, or late.

Beans (bush) 45 to 65 days
Beans (pole) 60 to 80 days
Beets 60 to 80 days
Cabbage (early) 95 to 120 days
Cabbage (late) 100 to 130 days
Carrots 75 to 110 days
Cauliflower 100 to 130 days
Celery 125 to 150 days
[5]Chard 60 to 80 days
Corn (sweet) 60 to 100 days
[5]Cucumber 60 to 80 days
[5]Egg-plant 125 to 160 days
Kale 100 to 120 days
Kohlrabi 60 to 80 days
Lettuce 65 to 100 days
[5]Muskmelon 115 to 140 days
[5]Okra 90 to 100 days
[5]Onion (seed) 130 to 150 days
[5]Onion (sets) 90 to 120 days
If “sets” are planted for use as bunch onions they are ready in about 40 days.
[5]Parsley 90 to 100 days
Parsnips 125 to 150 days
Peas 45 to 80 days
[5]Peppers 120 to 150 days
Potato (Irish) 80 to 140 days
Potato (sweet) 100 to 130 days
Pumpkin 100 to 130 days
Radish 25 to 50 days
Salsify 125 to 150 days
Spinach 30 to 60 days
[5]Spinach New Zealand 60 to 70 days
[5]Squash (summer) 60 to 80 days
Squash (winter) 125 to 130 days
[5]Tomato 100 to 125 days
Turnip 60 to 80 days

Continue to bear until frost.


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