1. Royal and Priestly Taboos.
2. Divorce of the Spiritual from the Temporal Power.
1. The Soul as a Mannikin.
2. Absence and Recall of the Soul.
3. The Soul as a Shadow and a Reflection.
1. Taboos on Intercourse with Strangers.
2. Taboos on Eating and Drinking.
3. Taboos on shewing the Face.
4. Taboos on quitting the House.
5. Taboos on leaving Food over.
1. Chiefs and Kings tabooed.
2. Mourners tabooed.
3. Women tabooed at Menstruation and Childbirth.
4. Warriors tabooed.
5. Manslayers tabooed.
6. Hunters and Fishers tabooed.
1. The Meaning of Taboo.
2. Iron tabooed.
3. Sharp Weapons tabooed.
4. Blood tabooed.
5. The Head tabooed.
6. Hair tabooed.
7. Ceremonies at Hair-cutting.
8. Disposal of Cut Hair and Nails.
9. Spittle tabooed.
10. Foods tabooed.
11. Knots and Rings tabooed.
1. Personal Names tabooed.
2. Names of Relations tabooed.
3. Names of the Dead tabooed.
4. Names of Kings and other Sacred Persons tabooed.
5. Names of Gods tabooed.
6. Common Words tabooed.
Note. Not To Step Over Persons And Things. 1552
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 5.
The Golden Bough
A Study in Magic and Religion
James George Frazer, D.C.L., LL.D., Litt.D.
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
Professor of Social Anthropology in the University of Liverpool
Third Edition.
Vol. III.
Part II
Taboo and the Perils of the Soul
New York and London
MacMillan and Co.