9. Lityerses.


In the preceding pages an attempt has been made to show that in the Corn-mother and harvest Maiden of Northern Europe we have the prototypes of Demeter and Proserpine. But an essential feature is still wanting to complete the resemblance. A leading incident in the Greek myth is the death and resurrection of Proserpine; it is this incident which, coupled with the nature of the goddess as a deity of vegetation, links the myth with the cults of Adonis, Attis, Osiris, and Dionysus; and it is in virtue of this incident that the myth is considered in this chapter. It remains, therefore, to see whether the conception of the annual death and resurrection of a god, which figures so prominently in these great Greek and Oriental worships, has not also its origin in the rustic rites observed by reapers and vine-dressers amongst the corn-shocks and the vines.

Our general ignorance of the popular superstitions and customs of the ancients has already been confessed. But the obscurity which thus hangs over the first beginnings of ancient religion is fortunately dissipated to some extent in the present case. The worships of Osiris, Adonis, and Attis had their respective seats, as we have seen, in Egypt, Syria, and Phrygia; and in each of these countries certain harvest and vintage customs are known to have been observed, the resemblance of which to each other and to the national rites struck the ancients themselves, and, compared with the harvest customs of modern peasants and barbarians, seem to throw some light on the origin of the rites in question.

[pg 364]

It has been already mentioned, on the authority of Diodorus, that in ancient Egypt the reapers were wont to lament over the first sheaf cut, invoking Isis as the goddess to whom they owed the discovery of corn.1199 To the plaintive song or cry sung or uttered by Egyptian reapers the Greeks gave the name of Maneros, and explained the name by a story that Maneros, the only son of the first Egyptian king, invented agriculture, and, dying an untimely death, was thus lamented by the people.1200 It appears, however, that the name Maneros is due to a misunderstanding of the formula mÂÂ-ne-hra, “come thou back,” which has been discovered in various Egyptian writings, for example in the dirge of Isis in the Book of the Dead.1201 Hence we may suppose that the cry mÂÂ-ne-hra was chanted by the reapers over the cut corn as a dirge for the death of the corn-spirit (Isis or Osiris) and a prayer for its return. As the cry was raised over the first ears reaped, it would seem that the corn-spirit was believed by the Egyptians to be present in the first corn cut and to die under the sickle. We have seen that in Java the first ears of rice are taken to represent the Corn-bride and the Corn-bridegroom.1202 In parts of Russia the first sheaf is treated much in the same way that the last sheaf is treated elsewhere. It is reaped by the mistress herself, taken home and set in the place of honour near the holy pictures; afterwards it is threshed separately, and some of its grain is mixed with the next year's seed-corn.1203

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In Phoenicia and Western Asia a plaintive song, like that chanted by the Egyptian corn-reapers, was sung at the vintage and probably (to judge by analogy) also at harvest. This Phoenician song was called by the Greeks Linus or Ailinus and explained, like Maneros, as a lament for the death of a youth named Linus.1204 According to one story Linus was brought up by a shepherd, but torn to pieces by his dogs.1205 But, like Maneros, the name Linus or Ailinus appears to have originated in a verbal misunderstanding, and to be nothing more than the cry ai lanu, that is “woe to us,” which the Phoenicians probably uttered in mourning for Adonis;1206 at least Sappho seems to have regarded Adonis and Linus as equivalent.1207

In Bithynia a like mournful ditty, called Bormus or Borimus, was chanted by Mariandynian reapers. Bormus was said to have been a handsome youth, the son of King Upias or of a wealthy and distinguished man. One summer day, watching the reapers at work in his fields, he went to fetch them a drink of water and was never heard of more. So the reapers sought for him, calling him in plaintive strains, which they continued to use ever afterwards.1208

In Phrygia the corresponding song, sung by harvesters both at reaping and at threshing, was called Lityerses. According to one story, Lityerses was a bastard son of Midas, King of Phrygia. He used to reap the corn, and had an enormous appetite. When a stranger happened to enter the corn-field or to pass [pg 366] by it, Lityerses gave him plenty to eat and drink, then took him to the corn-fields on the banks of the Maeander and compelled him to reap along with him. Lastly, he used to wrap the stranger in a sheaf, cut off his head with a sickle, and carry away his body, wrapt in the corn stalks. But at last he was himself slain by Hercules, who threw his body into the river.1209 As Hercules was probably reported to have slain Lityerses in the same way that Lityerses slew others (as Theseus treated Sinis and Sciron), we may infer that Lityerses used to throw the bodies of his victims into the river. According to another version of the story, Lityerses, a son of Midas, used to challenge people to a reaping match with him, and if he vanquished them he used to thrash them; but one day he met with a stronger reaper, who slew him.1210

There are some grounds for supposing that in these stories of Lityerses we have the description of a Phrygian harvest custom in accordance with which certain persons, especially strangers passing the harvest field, were regularly regarded as embodiments of the corn-spirit and as such were seized by the reapers, wrapt in sheaves, and beheaded, their bodies, bound up in the corn-stalks, being afterwards thrown into water as a rain-charm. The grounds for this supposition are, first, the resemblance of the Lityerses story to the harvest customs of European peasantry, and, second, the fact that human beings have been commonly killed by savage races to promote the fertility of the fields. We [pg 367] will examine these grounds successively, beginning with the former.

In comparing the story with the harvest customs of Europe,1211 three points deserve special attention, namely: I. the reaping match and the binding of persons in the sheaves; II. the killing of the corn-spirit or his representatives; III. the treatment of visitors to the harvest-field or of strangers passing it.

I. In regard to the first head, we have seen that in modern Europe the person who cuts or binds or threshes the last sheaf is often exposed to rough treatment at the hands of his fellow-labourers. For example, he is bound up in the last sheaf, and, thus encased, is carried or carted about, beaten, drenched with water, thrown on a dunghill, etc. Or, if he is spared this horseplay, he is at least the subject of ridicule or is believed destined to suffer some misfortune in the course of the year. Hence the harvesters are naturally reluctant to give the last cut at reaping or the last stroke at threshing or to bind the last sheaf, and towards the close of the work this reluctance produces an emulation among the labourers, each striving to finish his task as fast as possible, in order that he may escape the invidious distinction of being last.1212 For example, in the neighbourhood of Danzig, when the winter corn is cut and mostly bound up in sheaves, the portion which still remains to be bound is divided amongst the women binders, each of whom [pg 368] receives a swath of equal length to bind. A crowd of reapers, children, and idlers gathers round to witness the contest, and at the word, “Seize the Old Man,” the women fall to work, all binding their allotted swaths as hard as they can. The spectators watch them narrowly, and the woman who cannot keep pace with the rest and consequently binds the last sheaf has to carry the Old Man (that is, the last sheaf made up in the form of a man) to the farmhouse and deliver it to the farmer with the words, “Here I bring you the Old Man.” At the supper which follows, the Old Man is placed at the table and receives an abundant portion of food which, as he cannot eat it, falls to the share of the woman who carried him. Afterwards the Old Man is placed in the yard and all the people dance round him. Or the woman who bound the last sheaf dances for a good while with the Old Man, while the rest form a ring round them; afterwards they all, one after the other, dance a single round with him. Further, the woman who bound the last sheaf goes herself by the name of the Old Man till the next harvest, and is often mocked with the cry, “Here comes the Old Man.”1213 At Aschbach, Bavaria, when the reaping is nearly finished, the reapers say, “Now we will drive out the Old Man.” Each of them sets himself to reap a patch of corn and reaps as fast as he can; he who cuts the last handful or the last stalk is greeted by the rest with an exulting cry, “You have the Old Man.” Sometimes a black mask is fastened on the reaper's face and he is dressed in woman's clothes; or if the reaper is a woman, she is dressed in man's clothes; a dance follows. At the supper the Old Man gets twice as large a portion of food as the others. At threshing, the proceedings are the same; [pg 369] the person who gives the last stroke is said to have the Old Man.1214

These examples illustrate the contests in reaping, threshing, and binding which take place amongst the harvesters, on account of their unwillingness to suffer the ridicule and personal inconvenience attaching to the individual who happens to finish his work last. It will be remembered that the person who is last at reaping, binding, or threshing, is regarded as the representative of the corn-spirit,1215 and this idea is more fully expressed by binding him or her in corn-stalks. The latter custom has been already illustrated, but a few more instances may be added. At Kloxin, near Stettin, the harvesters call out to the woman who binds the last sheaf, “You have the Old Man, and must keep him.” The Old Man is a great bundle of corn decked with flowers and ribbons, and fashioned into a rude semblance of the human form. It is fastened on a rake or strapped on a horse, and brought with music to the village. In delivering the Old Man to the farmer, the woman says—

Here, dear Sir, is the Old Man.
He can stay no longer on the field,
He can hide himself no longer,
He must come into the village.
Ladies and gentlemen, pray be so kind
As to give the Old Man a present.

Forty or fifty years ago the custom was to tie up the woman herself in pease-straw, and bring her with music to the farmhouse, where the harvesters danced with her till the pease-straw fell off.1216 In other villages round Stettin, when the last harvest-waggon is being loaded, there is a regular race amongst the women, [pg 370] each striving not to be last. For she who places the last sheaf on the waggon is called the Old Man, and is completely swathed in corn-stalks; she is also decked with flowers, and flowers and a helmet of straw are placed on her head. In solemn procession she carries the harvest-crown to the squire, over whose head she holds it while she utters a string of good wishes. At the dance which follows, the Old Man has the right to choose his (or rather her) partner; it is an honour to dance with him.1217 At Blankenfelde, in the district of Potsdam, the woman who binds the last sheaf at the rye-harvest is saluted with the cry, “You have the Old Man.” A woman is then tied up in the last sheaf in such a way that only her head is left free; her hair also is covered with a cap made of rye-stalks, adorned with ribbons and flowers. She is called the Harvest-man, and must keep dancing in front of the last harvest-waggon till it reaches the squire's house, where she receives a present, and is released from her envelope of corn.1218 At Gommern, near Magdeburg, the reaper who cuts the last ears of corn is often wrapt up in corn-stalks so completely that it is hard to see whether there is a man in the bundle or not. Thus wrapt up he is taken by another stalwart reaper on his back, and carried round the field amid the joyous cries of the harvesters.1219 At Neuhausen, near Merseburg, the person who binds the last sheaf is wrapt in ears of oats and saluted as the Oats-man, whereupon the others dance round him.1220 At Brie, Isle de France, the farmer himself is tied up in the first sheaf.1221 At the harvest-home at Udvarhely, Transylvania, a person is encased in [pg 371] corn-stalks, and wears on his head a crown made out of the last ears cut. On reaching the village he is soused with water over and over.1222 At Dingelstedt, in the district of Erfurt, about fifty years ago it was the custom to tie up a man in the last sheaf. He was called the Old Man, and was brought home on the last waggon, amid huzzas and music. On reaching the farmyard he was rolled round the barn and drenched with water.1223 At NÖrdlingen, Bavaria, the man who gives the last stroke at threshing is wrapt in straw and rolled on the threshing-floor.1224 In some parts of Oberpfalz, Bavaria, he is said to “get the Old Man,” is wrapt in straw, and carried to a neighbour who has not yet finished his threshing.1225 In ThÜringen a sausage is stuck in the last sheaf at threshing, and thrown, with the sheaf, on the threshing-floor. It is called the Barrenwurst or Banzenwurst, and is eaten by all the threshers. After they have eaten it a man is encased in pease-straw, and thus attired is led through the village.1226

“In all these cases the idea is that the spirit of the corn—the Old Man of vegetation—is driven out of the corn last cut or last threshed, and lives in the barn during the winter. At sowing-time he goes out again to the fields to resume his activity as animating force among the sprouting corn.”1227

Much the same ideas are attached to the last corn in India; for we are told that in the Central Provinces, “when the reaping is nearly done, about a bisvÁ, say a rood of land, of corn is left standing in the cultivator's [pg 372] last field, and the reapers rest a little. Then they rush at this bisvÁ, tear it up, and cast it into the air, shouting victory to OmkÁr MahÁrÁj or JhÁmÁjÍ, or RÁmjÍ DÁs, etc., according to their respective possessions. A sheaf is made up of this corn, tied to a bamboo, and stuck up in the last harvest cart, and carried home in triumph. It is fastened up in the threshing-floor to a tree, or to the cattle-shed, where its services are essential in averting the evil-eye.”1228

II. Passing to the second point of comparison between the Lityerses story and European harvest customs, we have now to see that in the latter the corn-spirit is often believed to be killed at reaping or threshing. In the Romsdal and other parts of Norway, when the haymaking is over, the people say that “the Old Hay-man has been killed.” In some parts of Bavaria the man who gives the last stroke at threshing is said to have killed the Corn-man, the Oats-man, or the Wheat-man, according to the crop.1229 In the Canton of Tillot, in Lothringen, at threshing the last corn the men keep time with their flails, calling out as they thresh, “We are killing the Old Woman! We are killing the Old Woman!” If there is an old woman in the house she is warned to save herself, or she will be struck dead.1230 In Lithuania, near Ragnit, the last handful of corn is left standing by itself, with the words, “The Old Woman (Boba) is sitting in there.” Then a young reaper whets his scythe, and, with a strong sweep, cuts down the handful. It is now said of him that “He has cut off the Boba's head;” and he receives a gratuity from the farmer and a jugful of [pg 373] water over his head from the farmer's wife.1231 According to another account, every Lithuanian reaper makes haste to finish his task; for the Old Rye-woman lives in the last stalks, and whoever cuts the last stalks kills the Old Rye-woman, and by killing her he brings trouble on himself.1232 In Wilkischken (district of Tilsit) the man who cuts the last corn goes by the name of “The killer of the Rye-woman.”1233 In Lithuania, again, the corn-spirit is believed to be killed at threshing as well as at reaping. When only a single pile of corn remains to be threshed, all the threshers suddenly step back a few paces, as if at the word of command. Then they fall to work plying their flails with the utmost rapidity and vehemence, till they come to the last bundle. Upon this they fling themselves with almost frantic fury, straining every nerve, and raining blows on it till the word “Halt!” rings out sharply from the leader. The man whose flail is the last to fall after the command to stop has been given is immediately surrounded by all the rest, crying out that “He has struck the Old Rye-woman dead.” He has to expiate the deed by treating them to brandy; and, like the man who cuts the last corn, he is known as “The killer of the Old Rye-woman.”1234 Sometimes in Lithuania the slain corn-spirit was represented by a puppet. Thus a female figure was made out of corn-stalks, dressed in clothes, and placed on the threshing-floor, under the heap of corn which was to be threshed last. Whoever thereafter gave the last stroke at threshing “struck the Old Woman dead.”1235 We have already had examples of burning the figure which represents the corn-spirit.1236 Sometimes, [pg 374] again, the corn-spirit is represented by a man, who lies down under the last corn; it is threshed upon his body, and the people say that “the Old Man is being beaten to death.”1237 We have already seen that sometimes the farmer's wife is thrust, together with the last sheaf, under the threshing-machine, as if to thresh her, and that afterwards a pretence is made of winnowing her.1238 At Volders, in the Tyrol, husks of corn are stuck behind the neck of the man who gives the last stroke at threshing, and he is throttled with a straw garland. If he is tall, it is believed that the corn will be tall next year. Then he is tied on a bundle and flung into the river.1239 In Carinthia, the thresher who gave the last stroke, and the person who untied the last sheaf on the threshing-floor, are bound hand and foot with straw bands, and crowns of straw are placed on their heads. Then they are tied, face to face, on a sledge, dragged through the village, and flung into a brook.1240 The custom of throwing the representative of the corn-spirit into a stream, like that of drenching him with water, is, as usual, a rain-charm.1241

III. Thus far the representatives of the corn-spirit have generally been the man or woman who cuts, binds, or threshes the last corn. We now come to the cases in which the corn-spirit is represented either by a stranger passing the harvest-field (as in the Lityerses tale), or by a visitor entering it for the first time. All over Germany it is customary for the reapers or threshers to lay hold of passing strangers and bind them with a rope made of corn-stalks, till [pg 375] they pay a forfeit; and when the farmer himself or one of his guests enters the field or the threshing-floor for the first time, he is treated in the same way. Sometimes the rope is only tied round his arm or his feet or his neck.1242 But sometimes he is regularly swathed in corn. Thus at SolÖr in Norway, whoever enters the field, be he the master or a stranger, is tied up in a sheaf and must pay a ransom. In the neighbourhood of Soest, when the farmer visits the flax-pullers for the first time, he is completely enveloped in flax. Passers-by are also surrounded by the women, tied up in flax, and compelled to stand brandy.1243 At NÖrdlingen strangers are caught with straw ropes and tied up in a sheaf till they pay a forfeit. At Brie, Isle de France, when any one who does not belong to the farm passes by the harvest-field, the reapers give chase. If they catch him, they bind him in a sheaf and bite him, one after the other, in the forehead, crying “You shall carry the key of the field.”1244 “To have the key” is an expression used by harvesters elsewhere in the sense of to cut or bind or thresh the last sheaf;1245 hence, it is equivalent to the phrases “You have the Old Man,” “You are the [pg 376] Old Man,” which are addressed to the cutter, binder, or thresher of the last sheaf. Therefore, when a stranger, as at Brie, is tied up in a sheaf and told that he will “carry the key of the field,” it is as much as to say that he is the Old Man, that is, an embodiment of the corn-spirit.

Thus, like Lityerses, modern reapers lay hold of a passing stranger and tie him up in a sheaf. It is not to be expected that they should complete the parallel by cutting off his head; but if they do not take such a strong step, their language and gestures are at least indicative of a desire to do so. For instance, in Mecklenburg on the first clay of reaping, if the master or mistress or a stranger enters the field, or merely passes by it, all the mowers face towards him and sharpen their scythes, clashing their whet-stones against them in unison, as if they were making ready to mow. Then the woman who leads the mowers steps up to him and ties a band round his left arm. He must ransom himself by payment of a forfeit.1246 Near Ratzeburg when the master or other person of mark enters the field or passes by it, all the harvesters stop work and march towards him in a body, the men with their scythes in front. On meeting him they form up in line, men and women. The men stick the poles of their scythes in the ground, as they do in whetting them; then they take off their caps and hang them on the scythes, while their leader stands forward and makes a speech. When he has done, they all whet their scythes in measured time very loudly, after which they put on their caps. Two of the women binders then come forward; one of them ties the master or stranger (as the case may be) with corn-ears [pg 377] or with a silken band; the other delivers a rhyming address. The following are specimens of the speeches made by the reaper on these occasions. In some parts of Pomerania every passer-by is stopped, his way being barred with a corn-rope. The reapers form a circle round him and sharpen their scythes, while their leader says—

The men are ready,
The scythes are bent,
The corn is great and small,
The gentleman must be mowed.

Then the process of whetting the scythes is repeated.1247 At Ramin, in the district of Stettin, the stranger, standing encircled by the reapers, is thus addressed—

We'll stroke the gentleman
With our naked sword,
Wherewith we shear meadows and fields.
We shear princes and lords.
Labourers are often athirst;
If the gentleman will stand beer and brandy
The joke will soon be over.
But, if our prayer he does not like,
The sword has a right to strike.1248

That in these customs the whetting of the scythes is really meant as a preliminary to mowing appears from the following variation of the preceding customs. In the district of LÜneburg when any one enters the harvest-field, he is asked whether he will engage a good fellow. If he says yes, the harvesters mow some swaths, yelling and screaming, and then ask him for drink-money.1249

On the threshing-floor strangers are also regarded as embodiments of the corn-spirit, and are treated [pg 378] accordingly. At Wiedingharde in Schleswig when a stranger comes to the threshing-floor he is asked “Shall I teach you the flail-dance?” If he says yes, they put the arms of the threshing-flail round his neck (as if he were a sheaf of corn), and press them together so tightly that he is nearly choked.1250 In some parishes of Wermland (Sweden) when a stranger enters the threshing-floor where the threshers are at work, they say that “they will teach him the threshing-song.” Then they put a flail round his neck and a straw rope about his body. Also, as we have seen, if a stranger woman enters the threshing-floor, the threshers put a flail round her body and a wreath of corn-stalks round her neck, and call out, “See the Corn-woman! See! that is how the Corn-maiden looks!”1251

In these customs, observed both on the harvest-field and on the threshing-floor, a passing stranger is regarded as a personification of the corn, in other words, as the corn-spirit; and a show is made of treating him like the corn by mowing, binding, and threshing him. If the reader still doubts whether European peasants can really regard a passing stranger in this light, the following custom should set their doubts at rest. During the madder-harvest in the Dutch province of Zealand a stranger passing by a field where the people are digging the madder-roots will sometimes call out to them Koortspillers (a term of reproach). Upon this, two of the fleetest runners [pg 379] make after him, and, if they catch him, they bring him back to the madder-field and bury him in the earth up to his middle at least, jeering at him the while; then they ease nature before his face.1252 This last act is to be explained as follows. The spirit of the corn and of other cultivated plants is sometimes conceived, not as immanent in the plant, but as its owner; hence the cutting of the corn at harvest, the digging of the roots, and the gathering of fruit from the fruit-trees are each and all of them acts of spoliation, which strip him of his property and reduce him to poverty. Hence he is often known as “the Poor Man” or “the Poor Woman.” Thus in the neighbourhood of Eisenach a small sheaf is sometimes left standing on the field for “the Poor Old Woman.”1253 At Marksuhl, near Eisenach, the puppet formed out of the last sheaf is itself called “the Poor Woman.” At [pg 380] Alt Lest in Silesia the man who binds the last sheaf is called the Beggar-man.1254 In a village near Roeskilde, in Zealand (Denmark), old-fashioned peasants sometimes make up the last sheaf into a rude puppet, which is called the Rye-beggar.1255 In Southern Schonen the sheaf which is bound last is called the Beggar; it is made bigger than the rest and is sometimes dressed in clothes. In the district of OlmÜtz the last sheaf is called the Beggar; it is given to an old woman, who must carry it home, limping on one foot.1256 Thus when the corn-spirit is conceived as a being who is robbed of his store and impoverished by the harvesters, it is natural that his representative—the passing stranger—should upbraid them; and it is equally natural that they should seek to disable him from pursuing them and recapturing the stolen property. Now, it is an old superstition that by easing nature on the spot where a robbery is committed, the robbers secure themselves, for a certain time, against interruption.1257 The fact, therefore, that the madder-diggers resort to this proceeding in presence of the stranger proves that they consider themselves robbers and him as the person robbed. Regarded as such, he must be the natural owner of the madder-roots; that is, their spirit or demon; and this conception is carried out by burying him, like the madder-roots, in the ground.1258 The Greeks, it may be observed, were quite familiar with the idea that a passing stranger may be a god. Homer says that the gods in the likeness of foreigners roam up and down cities.1259

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Thus in these harvest-customs of modern Europe the person who cuts, binds, or threshes the last corn is treated as an embodiment of the corn-spirit by being wrapt up in sheaves, killed in mimicry by agricultural implements, and thrown into the water.1260 These coincidences with the Lityerses story seem to prove that the latter is a genuine description of an old Phrygian harvest-custom. But since in the modern parallels the killing of the personal representative of the corn-spirit is necessarily omitted or at most enacted only in mimicry, it is necessary to show that in rude society human beings have been commonly killed as an agricultural ceremony to promote the fertility of the fields. The following examples will make this plain.

The Indians of Guayaquil (Ecuador) used to sacrifice human blood and the hearts of men when they sowed their fields.1261 At a Mexican harvest-festival, when the first-fruits of the season were offered to the sun, a criminal was placed between two immense stones, balanced opposite each other, and was crushed by them as they fell together. His remains were buried, and a feast and dance followed. This sacrifice was known as “the meeting of the stones.”1262 Another series of human sacrifices offered in Mexico to make the maize thrive has been already referred to.1263 The Pawnees annually sacrificed a human victim in spring when they sowed their fields. The sacrifice was believed to have been enjoined on them by the Morning Star, or by a certain bird which the Morning [pg 382] Star had sent to them as its messenger. The bird was stuffed and preserved as a powerful “medicine.” They thought that an omission of this sacrifice would be followed by the total failure of the crops of maize, beans, and pumpkins. The victim was a captive of either sex. He was clad in the gayest and most costly attire, was fattened on the choicest food, and carefully kept in ignorance of his doom. When he was fat enough, they bound him to a cross in the presence of the multitude, danced a solemn dance, then cleft his head with a tomahawk and shot him with arrows. According to one trader, the squaws then cut pieces of flesh from the victim's body, with which they greased their hoes; but this was denied by another trader who had been present at the ceremony. Immediately after the sacrifice the people proceeded to plant their fields. A particular account has been preserved of the sacrifice of a Sioux girl by the Pawnees in April 1837 or 1838. The girl had been kept for six months and well treated. Two days before the sacrifice she was led from wigwam to wigwam, accompanied by the whole council of chiefs and warriors. At each lodge she received a small billet of wood and a little paint, which she handed to the warrior next to her. In this way she called at every wigwam, receiving at each the same present of wood and paint. On the 22d of April she was taken out to be sacrificed, attended by the warriors, each of whom carried two pieces of wood which he had received from her hands. She was burned for some time over a slow fire, and then shot to death with arrows. The chief sacrificer next tore out her heart and devoured it. While her flesh was still warm it was cut in small pieces from the bones, put in little baskets, and taken to a neighbouring cornfield. [pg 383] Here the head chief took a piece of the flesh from a basket and squeezed a drop of blood upon the newly-deposited grains of corn. His example was followed by the rest, till all the seed had been sprinkled with the blood; it was then covered up with earth.1264

A West African queen used to sacrifice a man and woman in the month of March. They were killed with spades and hoes, and their bodies buried in the middle of a field which had just been tilled.1265 At Lagos in Guinea it was the custom annually to impale a young girl alive soon after the spring equinox in order to secure good crops. Along with her were sacrificed sheep and goats, which, with yams, heads of maize, and plantains, were hung on stakes on each side of her. The victims were bred up for the purpose in the king's seraglio, and their minds had been so powerfully wrought upon by the fetish men that they went cheerfully to their fate.1266 A similar sacrifice is still annually offered at Benin, Guinea.1267 The Marimos, a Bechuana tribe, sacrifice a human being for the crops. The victim chosen is generally a short, stout man. He is seized by violence or intoxicated and taken to the fields, where he is killed amongst the wheat to serve as “seed” (so they phrase it). After his blood has coagulated in the sun it is burned along with the frontal bone, the flesh attached to it, and the brain; [pg 384] the ashes are then scattered over the ground to fertilise it. The rest of the body is eaten.1268

The Gonds of India, a Dravidian race, kidnapped Brahman boys, and kept them as victims to be sacrificed on various occasions. At sowing and reaping, after a triumphal procession, one of the lads was slain by being punctured with a poisoned arrow. His blood was then sprinkled over the ploughed field or the ripe crop, and his flesh was devoured.1269

But the best known case of human sacrifices, systematically offered to ensure good crops, is supplied by the Khonds or Kandhs, another Dravidian race in Bengal. Our knowledge of them is derived from the accounts written by British officers who, forty or fifty years ago, were engaged in putting them down.1270 The sacrifices were offered to the Earth Goddess, Tari Pennu or Bera Pennu, and were believed to ensure good crops and immunity from all disease and accidents. In particular, they were considered necessary in the cultivation of turmeric, the Khonds arguing that the turmeric could not have a deep red colour without the shedding of blood.1271 The victim or Meriah was acceptable to the goddess only if he had been purchased, or had been born a victim—that is, the son of a victim father—or had been devoted as a child by his father or guardian. Khonds in distress often sold their children for victims, “considering the beatification of their souls certain, and their death, for the benefit of mankind, the most honourable possible.” [pg 385] A man of the Panua tribe was once seen to load a Khond with curses, and finally to spit in his face, because the Khond had sold for a victim his own child, whom the Panua had wished to marry. A party of Khonds, who saw this, immediately pressed forward to comfort the seller of his child, saying, “Your child has died that all the world may live, and the Earth Goddess herself will wipe that spittle from your face.”1272 The victims were often kept for years before they were sacrificed. Being regarded as consecrated beings, they were treated with extreme affection, mingled with deference, and were welcomed wherever they went. A Meriah youth, on attaining maturity, was generally given a wife, who was herself usually a Meriah or victim; and with her he received a portion of land and farm-stock. Their offspring were also victims. Human sacrifices were offered to the Earth Goddess by tribes, branches of tribes, or villages, both at periodical festivals and on extraordinary occasions. The periodical sacrifices were generally so arranged by tribes and divisions of tribes that each head of a family was enabled, at least once a year, to procure a shred of flesh for his fields, generally about the time when his chief crop was laid down.1273

The mode of performing these tribal sacrifices was as follows. Ten or twelve days before the sacrifice, the victim was devoted by cutting off his hair, which, until then, was kept unshorn. Crowds of men and women assembled to witness the sacrifice; none might be excluded, since the sacrifice was declared to be “for all mankind.” It was preceded by several days of wild revelry and gross [pg 386] debauchery.1274 On the day before the sacrifice the victim, dressed in a new garment, was led forth from the village in solemn procession, with music and dancing, to the Meriah grove, which was a clump of high forest trees standing a little way from the village and untouched by the axe. In this grove the victim was tied to a post, which was sometimes placed between two plants of the sankissar shrub. He was then anointed with oil, ghee, and turmeric, and adorned with flowers; and “a species of reverence, which it is not easy to distinguish from adoration,” was paid to him throughout the day.1275 A great struggle now arose to obtain the smallest relic from his person; a particle of the turmeric paste with which he was smeared, or a drop of his spittle, was esteemed of sovereign virtue, especially by the women. The crowd danced round the post to music, and, addressing the earth, said, “O God, we offer this sacrifice to you; give us good crops, seasons, and health.”1276

On the last morning the orgies, which had been scarcely interrupted during the night, were resumed, and continued till noon, when they ceased, and the assembly proceeded to consummate the sacrifice. The victim was again anointed with oil, and each person touched the anointed part, and wiped the oil on his own head. In some places the victim was then taken in procession round the village, from door to door, where some plucked hair from his head, and others begged for a drop of his spittle, with which they anointed their heads.1277 As the victim might not be bound nor make any show of resistance, the [pg 387] bones of his arms and, if necessary, his legs were broken; but often this precaution was rendered unnecessary by stupefying him with opium.1278 The mode of putting him to death varied in different places. One of the commonest modes seems to have been strangulation, or squeezing to death. The branch of a green tree was cleft several feet down the middle; the victim's neck (in other places, his chest) was inserted in the cleft, which the priest, aided by his assistants, strove with all his force to close.1279 Then he wounded the victim slightly with his axe, whereupon the crowd rushed at the victim and cut the flesh from the bones, leaving the head and bowels untouched. Sometimes he was cut up alive.1280 In Chinna Kimedy he was dragged along the fields, surrounded by the crowd, who, avoiding his head and intestines, hacked the flesh from his body with their knives till he died.1281 Another very common mode of sacrifice in the same district was to fasten the victim to the proboscis of a wooden elephant, which revolved on a stout post, and, as it whirled round, the crowd cut the flesh from the victim while life remained. In some villages Major Campbell found as many as fourteen of these wooden elephants, which had been used at sacrifices.1282 In one district the victim was put to death slowly by fire. A low stage was formed, sloping on either side like a roof; upon it [pg 388] the victim was placed, his limbs wound round with cords to confine his struggles. Fires were then lighted and hot brands applied, to make him roll up and down the slopes of the stage as long as possible; for the more tears he shed the more abundant would be the supply of rain. Next day the body was cut to pieces.1283

The flesh cut from the victim was instantly taken home by the persons who had been deputed by each village to bring it. To secure its rapid arrival, it was sometimes forwarded by relays of men, and conveyed with postal fleetness fifty or sixty miles.1284 In each village all who stayed at home fasted rigidly until the flesh arrived. The bearer deposited it in the place of public assembly, where it was received by the priest and the heads of families. The priest divided it into two portions, one of which he offered to the Earth Goddess by burying it in a hole in the ground with his back turned, and without looking. Then each man added a little earth to bury it, and the priest poured water on the spot from a hill gourd. The other portion of flesh he divided into as many shares as there were heads of houses present. Each head of a house rolled his shred of flesh in leaves, and buried it in his favourite field, placing it in the earth behind his back without looking.1285 In some places each man carried his portion of flesh to the stream which watered his fields, and there hung it on a pole.1286 For three days thereafter no house was swept; and, in one district, strict silence was observed, no fire might be given out, no wood cut, and no strangers received. [pg 389] The remains of the human victim (namely, the head, bowels, and bones) were watched by strong parties the night after the sacrifice; and next morning they were burned, along with a whole sheep, on a funeral pile. The ashes were scattered over the fields, laid as paste over the houses and granaries, or mixed with the new corn to preserve it from insects.1287 Sometimes, however, the head and bones were buried, not burnt.1288 After the suppression of the human sacrifices, inferior victims were substituted in some places; for instance, in the capital of Chinna Kimedy a goat took the place of a human victim.1289

In these Khond sacrifices the Meriahs are represented by our authorities as victims offered to propitiate the Earth Goddess. But from the treatment of the victims both before and after death it appears that the custom cannot be explained as merely a propitiatory sacrifice. A part of the flesh certainly was offered to the Earth Goddess, but the rest of the flesh was buried by each householder in his fields, and the ashes of the other parts of the body were scattered over the fields, laid as paste on the granaries, or mixed with the new corn. These latter customs imply that to the body of the Meriah there was ascribed a direct or intrinsic power of making the crops to grow, quite independent of the indirect efficacy which it might have as an offering to secure the good-will of the deity. In other words, the flesh and ashes of the victim were believed to be endowed with a magical or physical power of fertilising the land. The same intrinsic power was ascribed to the blood and tears of the Meriah, his blood causing the redness of the turmeric and his tears [pg 390] producing rain; for it can hardly be doubted that, originally at least, the tears were supposed to produce rain, not merely to prognosticate it. Similarly the custom of pouring water on the buried flesh of the Meriah was no doubt a rain-charm. Again, intrinsic supernatural power as an attribute of the Meriah appears in the sovereign virtue believed to reside in anything that came from his person, as his hair or spittle. The ascription of such power to the Meriah indicates that he was much more than a mere man sacrificed to propitiate a deity. Once more, the extreme reverence paid him points to the same conclusion. Major Campbell speaks of the Meriah as “being regarded as something more than mortal,”1290 and Major Macpherson says, “A species of reverence, which it is not easy to distinguish from adoration, is paid to him.”1291 In short, the Meriah appears to have been regarded as divine. As such, he may originally have represented the Earth deity or perhaps a deity of vegetation; though in later times he came to be regarded rather as a victim offered to a deity than as himself an incarnate deity. This later view of the Meriah as a victim rather than a god may perhaps have received undue emphasis from the European writers who have described the Khond religion. Habituated to the later idea of sacrifice as an offering made to a god for the purpose of conciliating his favour, European observers are apt to interpret all religious slaughter in this sense, and to suppose that wherever such slaughter takes place, there must necessarily be a deity to whom the slaughter is believed by the slayers to be acceptable. Thus their preconceived ideas unconsciously colour and warp their descriptions of savage rites.

[pg 391]

The same custom of killing the representative of a god, of which strong traces appear in the Khond sacrifices, may perhaps be detected in some of the other human sacrifices described above. Thus the ashes of the slaughtered Marimo were scattered over the fields; the blood of the Brahman lad was put on the crop and field; and the blood of the Sioux girl was allowed to trickle on the seed.1292 Again, the identification of the victim with the corn, in other words, the view that he is an embodiment or spirit of the corn, is brought out in the pains which seem to be taken to secure a physical correspondence between him and the natural object which he embodies or represents. Thus the Mexicans killed young victims for the young corn and old ones for the ripe corn; the Marimos sacrifice, as “seed,” a short, fat man, the shortness of his stature corresponding to that of the young corn, his fatness to the condition which it is desired that the crops may attain; and the Pawnees fattened their victims probably with the same view. Again, the identification of the victim with the corn comes out in the African custom of killing him with spades and hoes, and the Mexican custom of grinding him, like corn, between two stones.

One more point in these savage customs deserves to be noted. The Pawnee chief devoured the heart of the Sioux girl, and the Marimos and Gonds ate the victim's flesh. If, as we suppose, the victim was regarded as divine, it follows that in eating his flesh his worshippers were partaking of the body of their god. To this point we shall return later on.

The savage rites just described offer analogies to the harvest customs of Europe. Thus the fertilising [pg 392] virtue ascribed to the corn-spirit is shown equally in the savage custom of mixing the victim's blood or ashes with the seed-corn and the European custom of mixing the grain from the last sheaf with the young corn in spring.1293 Again, the identification of the person with the corn appears alike in the savage custom of adapting the age and stature of the victim to the age and stature (actual or expected) of the crop; in the Scotch and Styrian rules that when the corn-spirit is conceived as the Maiden the last corn shall be cut by a young maiden, but when it is conceived as the Corn-mother it shall be cut by an old woman;1294 in the Lothringian warning given to old women to save themselves when the Old Woman is being killed, that is, when the last corn is being threshed;1295 and in the Tyrolese expectation that if the man who gives the last stroke at threshing is tall, the next year's corn will be tall also.1296 Further, the same identification is implied in the savage custom of killing the representative of the corn-spirit with hoes or spades or by grinding him between stones, and in the European custom of pretending to kill him with the scythe or the flail. Once more the Khond custom of pouring water on the buried flesh of the victim is parallel to the European customs of pouring water on the personal representative of the corn-spirit or plunging him into a stream.1297 Both the Khond and the European customs are rain-charms.

To return now to the Lityerses story. It has been shown that in rude society human beings have been commonly killed to promote the growth of the crops. There is therefore no improbability in the supposition that they may once have been killed for a like purpose [pg 393] in Phrygia and Europe; and when Phrygian legend and European folk-custom, closely agreeing with each other, point to the conclusion that men were so slain, we are bound, provisionally at least, to accept the conclusion. Further, both the Lityerses story and European harvest customs agree in indicating that the person slain was slain as a representative of the corn-spirit, and this indication is in harmony with the view which savages appear to take of the victim slain to make the crops flourish. On the whole, then, we may fairly suppose that both in Phrygia and in Europe the representative of the corn-spirit was annually killed upon the harvest-field. Grounds have been already shown for believing that similarly in Europe the representative of the tree-spirit was annually slain. The proofs of these two remarkable and closely analogous customs are entirely independent of each other. Their coincidence seems to furnish fresh presumption in favour of both.

To the question, how was the representative of the corn-spirit chosen? one answer has been already given. Both the Lityerses story and European folk-custom show that passing strangers were regarded as manifestations of the corn-spirit escaping from the cut or threshed corn, and as such were seized and slain. But this is not the only answer which the evidence suggests. According to one version of the Phrygian legend the victims of Lityerses were not passing strangers but persons whom he had vanquished in a reaping contest; and though it is not said that he killed, but only that he thrashed them, we can hardly avoid supposing that in one version of the story the vanquished reapers, like the strangers in the other version, were said to have been wrapt up by Lityerses in corn-sheaves and so beheaded. The [pg 394] supposition is countenanced by European harvest-customs. We have seen that in Europe there is sometimes a contest amongst the reapers to avoid being last, and that the person who is vanquished in this competition, that is, who cuts the last corn, is often roughly handled. It is true we have not found that a pretence is made of killing him; but on the other hand we have found that a pretence is made of killing the man who gives the last stroke at threshing, that is, who is vanquished in the threshing contest.1298 Now, since it is in the character of representative of the corn-spirit that the thresher of the last corn is slain in mimicry, and since the same representative character attaches (as we have seen) to the cutter and binder as well as to the thresher of the last corn, and since the same repugnance is evinced by harvesters to be last in any one of these labours, we may conjecture that a pretence has been commonly made of killing the reaper and binder as well as the thresher of the last corn, and that in ancient times this killing was actually carried out. This conjecture is corroborated by the common superstition that whoever cuts the last corn must die soon.1299 Sometimes it is thought that the person who binds the last sheaf on the field will die in the course of next year.1300 The reason for fixing on the reaper, binder, or thresher of the last corn as the representative of the corn-spirit may be this. The corn-spirit is supposed to lurk as long as he can in the corn, retreating before the reapers, the binders, and the threshers at their work. But when he is forcibly expelled from his ultimate refuge in the last corn cut or the last sheaf bound or the last grain threshed, he necessarily assumes some other form than [pg 395] that of the corn-stalks which had hitherto been his garments or body. And what form can the expelled corn-spirit assume more naturally than that of the person who stands nearest to the corn from which he (the corn-spirit) has just been expelled? But the person in question is necessarily the reaper, binder, or thresher of the last corn. He or she, therefore, is seized and treated as the corn-spirit himself.

Thus the person who was killed on the harvest-field as the representative of the corn-spirit may have been either a passing stranger or the harvester who was last at reaping, binding, or threshing. But there is a third possibility, to which ancient legend and modern folk-custom alike point. Lityerses not only put strangers to death; he was himself slain, and probably in the same way as he had slain others, namely, by being wrapt in a corn-sheaf, beheaded, and cast into the river; and it is implied that this happened to Lityerses on his own land. Similarly in modern harvest-customs the pretence of killing appears to be carried out quite as often on the person of the master (farmer or squire) as on that of strangers.1301 Now when we remember that Lityerses was said to have been the son of the King of Phrygia, and combine with this the tradition that he was put to death, apparently as a representative of the corn-spirit, we are led to conjecture that we have here another trace of the custom of annually slaying one of those divine or priestly kings who are known to have held ghostly sway in many parts of Western Asia and particularly in Phrygia. The custom appears, as we have seen,1302 to have been so far modified in places that the king's son was slain in the king's stead. Of the custom thus [pg 396] modified the story of Lityerses would therefore be a reminiscence.

Turning now to the relation of the Phrygian Lityerses to the Phrygian Attis, it may be remembered that at Pessinus—the seat of a priestly kingship—the high-priest appears to have been annually slain in the character of Attis, a god of vegetation, and that Attis was described by an ancient authority as “a reaped ear of corn.”1303 Thus Attis, as an embodiment of the corn-spirit, annually slain in the person of his representative, might be thought to be ultimately identical with Lityerses, the latter being simply the rustic prototype out of which the state religion of Attis was developed. It may have been so; but, on the other hand, the analogy of European folk-custom warns us that amongst the same people two distinct deities of vegetation may have their separate personal representatives, both of whom are slain in the character of gods at different times of the year. For in Europe, as we have seen, it appears that one man was commonly slain in the character of the tree-spirit in spring, and another in the character of the corn-spirit in autumn. It may have been so in Phrygia also. Attis was especially a tree-god, and his connection with corn may have been only such an extension of the power of a tree-spirit as is indicated in customs like the Harvest-May.1304 Again, the representative of Attis appears to have been slain in spring; whereas Lityerses must have been slain in summer or autumn, according to the time of the harvest in Phrygia.1305 On the whole, then, while we are not justified in regarding [pg 397] Lityerses as the prototype of Attis, the two may be regarded as parallel products of the same religious idea, and may have stood to each other as in Europe the Old Man of harvest stands to the Wild Man, the Leaf Man, etc., of spring. Both were spirits or deities of vegetation, and the personal representatives of both were annually slain. But whereas the Attis worship became elevated into the dignity of a state religion and spread to Italy, the rites of Lityerses seem never to have passed the limits of their native Phrygia, and always retained their character of rustic ceremonies performed by peasants on the harvest-field. At most a few villages may have clubbed together, as amongst the Khonds, to procure a human victim to be slain as representative of the corn-spirit for their common benefit. Such victims may have been drawn from the families of priestly kings or kinglets, which would account for the legendary character of Lityerses as the son of a Phrygian king. When villages did not so club together, each village or farm may have procured its own representative of the corn-spirit by dooming to death either a passing stranger or the harvester who cut, bound, or threshed the last sheaf. It is hardly necessary to add that in Phrygia, as in Europe, the old barbarous custom of killing a man on the harvest-field or the threshing-floor had doubtless passed into a mere pretence long before the classical era, and was probably regarded by the reapers and threshers themselves as no more than a rough jest which the license of a harvest-home permitted them to play off on a passing stranger, a comrade, or even on their master himself.

I have dwelt on the Lityerses song at length because it affords so many points of comparison with [pg 398] European and savage folk-custom. The other harvest songs of Western Asia and Egypt, to which attention has been called above,1306 may now be dismissed much more briefly. The similarity of the Bithynian Bormus1307 to the Phrygian Lityerses helps to bear out the interpretation which has been given of the latter. Bormus, whose death or rather disappearance was annually mourned by the reapers in a plaintive song, was, like Lityerses, a king's son or at least the son of a wealthy and distinguished man. The reapers whom he watched were at work on his own fields, and he disappeared in going to fetch water for them; according to one version of the story he was carried off by the (water) nymphs.1308 Viewed in the light of the Lityerses story and of European folk-custom, this disappearance of Bormus is probably a reminiscence of the custom of binding the farmer himself in a corn-sheaf and throwing him into the water. The mournful strain which the reapers sang was probably a lamentation over the death of the corn-spirit, slain either in the cut corn or in the person of a human representative; and the call which they addressed to him may have been a prayer that the corn-spirit might return in fresh vigour next year.

The Phoenician Linus song was sung at the vintage, at least in the west of Asia Minor, as we learn from Homer; and this, combined with the legend of Syleus, suggests that in ancient times passing strangers were handled by vintagers and vine-diggers in much the same way as they are said to have been handled by the reaper Lityerses. The Lydian Syleus, so ran the legend, compelled passers-by to dig for him in his vineyard, till Hercules came and killed him and dug [pg 399] up his vines by the roots.1309 This seems to be the outline of a legend like that of Lityerses; but neither ancient writers nor modern folk-custom enable us to fill in the details.1310 But, further, the Linus song was probably sung also by Phoenician reapers, for Herodotus compares it to the Maneros song, which, as we have seen, was a lament raised by Egyptian reapers over the cut corn. Further, Linus was identified with Adonis, and Adonis has some claims to be regarded as especially a corn-deity.1311 Thus the Linus lament, as sung at harvest, would be identical with the Adonis lament; each would be the lamentation raised by reapers over the dead corn-spirit. But whereas Adonis, like Attis, grew into a stately figure of mythology, adored and mourned in splendid cities far beyond the limits of his Phoenician home, Linus appears to have remained a simple ditty sung by reapers and vintagers among the corn-sheaves and the vines. The analogy of Lityerses and of folk-custom, both European and savage, suggests that in Phoenicia the slain corn-spirit—the dead Adonis—may formerly have been represented by a human victim; and this suggestion is possibly supported by the HarrÂn legend that Thammuz (Adonis) was slain by his cruel lord, who ground his bones in a mill and scattered them to the wind.1312 For in Mexico, as we have seen, the human victim at harvest was crushed between two stones; and both in India and Africa the ashes of the victim were scattered over the fields.1313 But the HarrÂn legend may be only a mythical way of expressing the [pg 400] grinding of corn in the mill and the scattering of the seed. It seems worth suggesting that the mock king who was annually killed at the Babylonian festival of the Sacaea on the 16th of the month Lous may have represented Thammuz himself. For the historian Berosus, who records the festival and its date, probably used the Macedonian calendar, since he dedicated his history to Antiochus Soter; and in his day the Macedonian month Lous appears to have corresponded to the Babylonian month Thammuz.1314 If this conjecture is right, the view that the mock king at the Sacaea was slain in the character of a god would be established.

There is a good deal more evidence that in Egypt the slain corn-spirit—the dead Osiris—was represented by a human victim, whom the reapers slew on the harvest-field, mourning his death in a dirge, to which the Greeks, through a verbal misunderstanding, gave the name of Maneros.1315 For the legend of Busiris seems to preserve a reminiscence of human sacrifices once offered by the Egyptians in connection with the worship of Osiris. Busiris was said to have been an Egyptian king who sacrificed all strangers on the altar of Zeus. The origin of the custom was traced to a barrenness which afflicted the land of Egypt for nine years. A Cyprian seer informed Busiris that the barrenness would cease if a man were annually sacrificed [pg 401] to Zeus. So Busiris instituted the sacrifice. But when Hercules came to Egypt, and was being dragged to the altar to be sacrificed, he burst his bonds and slew Busiris and his son.1316 Here then is a legend that in Egypt a human victim was annually sacrificed to prevent the failure of the crops, and a belief is implied that an omission of the sacrifice would have entailed a recurrence of that infertility which it was the object of the sacrifice to prevent. So the Pawnees, as we have seen, believed that an omission of the human sacrifice at planting would have been followed by a total failure of their crops. The name Busiris was in reality the name of a city, pe-Asar, “the house of Osiris”1317 the city being so called because it contained the grave of Osiris. The human sacrifices were said to have been offered at his grave, and the victims were red-haired men, whose ashes were scattered abroad by means of winnowing-fans.1318 In the light of the foregoing discussion, this Egyptian tradition admits of a consistent and fairly probable explanation. Osiris, the corn-spirit, was annually represented at harvest by a stranger, whose red hair made him a suitable representative of the ripe corn. This man, in his representative character, was slain on the harvest-field, and mourned by the reapers, who prayed at the same time that the corn-spirit might revive and return (mÂÂ-ne-rha, Maneros) with renewed vigour in the following year. Finally, the victim, or some part of him, was burned, and the ashes scattered by winnowing-fans [pg 402] over the fields to fertilise them. Here the choice of the representative on the ground of his resemblance to the corn which he was to represent agrees with the Mexican and African customs already described.1319 Similarly the Romans sacrificed red-haired puppies in spring, in the belief that the crops would thus grow ripe and ruddy;1320 and to this day in sowing wheat a Bavarian sower will sometimes wear a golden ring, that the corn may grow yellow.1321 Again, the scattering of the Egyptian victim's ashes is identical with the Marimo and Khond custom.1322 His identification with the corn comes out again in the fact that his ashes were winnowed; just as in VendÉe a pretence is made of threshing and winnowing the farmer's wife, regarded as an embodiment of the corn-spirit; or as in Mexico the victim was ground between stones; or as in Africa he was slain with spades and hoes.1323 The story that the fragments of Osiris's body were scattered up and down the land, and buried by Isis on the spots where they lay,1324 may very well be a reminiscence of a custom, like that observed by the Khonds, of dividing the human victim in pieces and burying the pieces, often at intervals of many miles from each other, in the fields. However, it is possible that the story of the dismemberment of Osiris, like the similar story told of Thammuz, may have been simply a mythical expression for the scattering of the seed. Once more, the story that the body of Osiris enclosed in a coffer was thrown by Typhon into the [pg 403] Nile perhaps points to a custom of throwing the body of the victim, or at least a portion of it, into the Nile as a rain-charm, or rather to make the Nile rise. For a similar purpose Phrygian reapers seem to have thrown the headless bodies of their victims, wrapt in corn-sheaves, into a river, and the Khonds poured water on the buried flesh of the human victim. Probably when Osiris ceased to be represented by a human victim, an effigy of him was annually thrown into the Nile, just as the effigy of his Syrian counterpart, Adonis, used to be thrown into the sea at Alexandria. Or water may have been simply poured over it, as on the monument already mentioned a priest is seen pouring water over the body of Osiris, from which corn stalks are sprouting. The accompanying inscription, “This is Osiris of the mysteries, who springs from the returning waters,” bears out the view that at the mysteries of Osiris a water-charm or irrigation-charm was regularly performed by pouring water on his effigy, or by throwing it into the Nile.

It may be objected that the red-haired victims were slain as representatives not of Osiris, but of his enemy Typhon; for the victims were called Typhonian, and red was the colour of Typhon, black the colour of Osiris.1325 The answer to this objection must be reserved for the present. Meantime it may be pointed out that if Osiris is often represented on the monuments as black, he is still more commonly depicted as green,1326 appropriately enough for a corn-god, who may be conceived as black while the seed is under ground, but as green after it has sprouted. So the Greeks recognised [pg 404] both a green and a black Demeter,1327 and sacrificed to the green Demeter in spring with mirth and gladness.1328

Thus, if I am right, the key to the mysteries of Osiris is furnished by the melancholy cry of the Egyptian reapers, which down to Roman times could be heard year after year sounding across the fields, announcing the death of the corn-spirit, the rustic prototype of Osiris. Similar cries, as we have seen, were also heard on all the harvest-fields of Western Asia. By the ancients they are spoken of as songs; but to judge from the analysis of the names Linus and Maneros, they probably consisted only of a few words uttered in a prolonged musical note which could be heard for a great distance. Such sonorous and long-drawn cries, raised by a number of strong voices in concert, must have had a striking effect, and could hardly fail to arrest the attention of any traveller who happened to be within hearing. The sounds, repeated again and again, could probably be distinguished with tolerable ease even at a distance; but to a Greek traveller in Asia or Egypt the foreign words would commonly convey no meaning, and he might take them, not unnaturally, for the name of some one (Maneros, Linos, Lityerses, Bormus), upon whom the reapers were calling. And if his journey led him through more countries than one, as Bithynia and Phrygia, or Phoenicia and Egypt, while the corn was being reaped, he would have an opportunity of comparing the various harvest cries of the different peoples. Thus we can readily account for the fact that these harvest cries were so often noted and compared with each other by the Greeks. Whereas, if they had been [pg 405] regular songs, they could not have been heard at such distances, and therefore could not have attracted the attention of so many travellers; and, moreover, even if the traveller were within hearing of them, he could not so easily have picked out the words. To this day Devonshire reapers utter cries of the same sort, and perform on the field a ceremony exactly analogous to that in which, if I am not mistaken, the rites of Osiris originated. The cry and the ceremony are thus described by an observer who wrote in the first half of this century. “After the wheat is all cut, on most farms in the north of Devon, the harvest people have a custom of ‘crying the neck.’ I believe that this practice is seldom omitted on any large farm in that part of the country. It is done in this way. An old man, or some one else well acquainted with the ceremonies used on the occasion (when the labourers are reaping the last field of wheat), goes round to the shocks and sheaves, and picks out a little bundle of all the best ears he can find; this bundle he ties up very neat and trim, and plats and arranges the straws very tastefully. This is called ‘the neck’ of wheat, or wheaten-ears. After the field is cut out, and the pitcher once more circulated, the reapers, binders, and the women, stand round in a circle. The person with ‘the neck’ stands in the centre, grasping it with both his hands. He first stoops and holds it near the ground, and all the men forming the ring take off their hats, stooping and holding them with both hands towards the ground. They then all begin at once in a very prolonged and harmonious tone to cry ‘the neck!’ at the same time slowly raising themselves upright, and elevating their arms and hats above their heads; the person with ‘the neck’ also raising it on high. This is done three times. [pg 406] They then change their cry to ‘wee yen!’‘way yen!’—which they sound in the same prolonged and slow manner as before, with singular harmony and effect, three times. This last cry is accompanied by the same movements of the body and arms as in crying ‘the neck.’... After having thus repeated ‘the neck’ three times, and ‘wee yen,’ or ‘way yen,’ as often, they all burst out into a kind of loud and joyous laugh, flinging up their hats and caps into the air, capering about and perhaps kissing the girls. One of them then gets ‘the neck’ and runs as hard as he can down to the farmhouse, where the dairymaid or one of the young female domestics stands at the door prepared with a pail of water. If he who holds ‘the neck’ can manage to get into the house, in any way unseen, or openly, by any other way than the door at which the girl stands with the pail of water, then he may lawfully kiss her; but, if otherwise, he is regularly soused with the contents of the bucket. On a fine still autumn evening, the ‘crying of the neck’ has a wonderful effect at a distance, far finer than that of the Turkish muezzin, which Lord Byron eulogises so much, and which he says is preferable to all the bells in Christendom. I have once or twice heard upwards of twenty men cry it, and sometimes joined by an equal number of female voices. About three years back, on some high grounds, where our people were harvesting, I heard six or seven ‘necks’ cried in one night, although I know that some of them were four miles off. They are heard through the quiet evening air, at a considerable distance sometimes.”1329 Again, Mrs. Bray tells how, travelling in Devonshire, “she saw a party of reapers standing in a circle on a rising ground, holding [pg 407] their sickles aloft. One in the middle held up some ears of corn tied together with flowers, and the party shouted three times (what she writes as) ‘Arnack, arnack, arnack, we haven, we haven, we haven.’ They went home, accompanied by women and children carrying boughs of flowers, shouting and singing. The man-servant who attended Mrs. Bray, said, ‘it was only the people making their games, as they always did, to the spirit of harvest.’1330 Here, as Miss Burne remarks, ‘arnack, we haven!’ is obviously in the Devon dialect, ‘a neck (or nack)! we have un!’ “The neck” is generally hung up in the farmhouse, where it sometimes remains for two or three years.1331 A similar custom is still observed in some parts of Cornwall, as I am informed by my friend Professor J. H. Middleton. “The last sheaf is decked with ribbons. Two strong-voiced men are chosen and placed (one with the sheaf) on opposite sides of a valley. One shouts, ‘I've gotten it.’ The other shouts, ‘What hast gotten?’ The first answers, ‘I'se gotten the neck.’

In these Devonshire and Cornish customs a particular bunch of ears, generally the last left standing,1332 is conceived as the neck of the corn-spirit, who is consequently beheaded when the bunch is cut down. Similarly in Shropshire the name “neck,” or “the gander's neck,” used to be commonly given to the last handful of ears left standing in the middle of the field, when all the rest of the corn was cut. It was plaited together, and the reapers, standing ten or twenty paces off, threw their sickles at it. Whoever cut it through was said to have cut off the gander's neck. [pg 408] The “neck” was taken to the farmer's wife, who was supposed to keep it in the house “for good luck” till the next harvest came round.1333 Near TrÈves, the man who reaps the last standing corn “cuts the goat's neck off.”1334 At Faslane, on the Gareloch (Dumbartonshire), the last handful of standing corn was sometimes called the “head.”1335 At Aurich, in East Friesland, the man who reaps the last corn “cuts the hare's tail off.”1336 In mowing down the last corner of a field French reapers sometimes call out, “We have the cat by the tail.”1337 In Bresse (Bourgogne) the last sheaf represented the fox. Beside it a score of ears were left standing to form the tail, and each reaper, going back some paces, threw his sickle at it. He who succeeded in severing it “cut off the fox's tail,” and a cry of You cou cou! was raised in his honour.1338 These examples leave no room to doubt the meaning of the Devonshire and Cornish expression “the neck,” as applied to the last sheaf. The corn-spirit is conceived in human or animal form, and the last standing corn is part of its body—its neck, its head, or its tail. Sometimes, as we have seen, it is regarded as the navel-string.1339 Lastly, the Devonshire custom of drenching with water the person who brings in “the neck” is a rain-charm, such as we have had many examples of. Its parallel in the mysteries of Osiris was the custom of pouring water on the image of Osiris or on the person who represented him.

In Germany cries of Waul! or Wol! or WÔld! are sometimes raised by the reapers at cutting the last corn. Thus in some places the last patch of standing [pg 409] corn was called the Waul-rye; a stick decked with flowers was inserted in it, and the ears were fastened to the stick. Then all the reapers took off their hats and cried thrice, Waul! Waul! Waul! Sometimes they accompany the cry by clashing with their whetstones on their scythes.1340

Virgil, Aen. vi. 136 sqq.; Servius, ad l.; Strabo, v. 3, 12; Pausanias, ii. 27; Solinus, ii. 11; Suetonius, Caligula, 35. For the title “King of the Wood,” see Suetonius, l.c.; and compare Statius, Sylv. iii. 1, 55 sq.

Jamque dies aderat, profugis cum regibus aptum
Fumat Aricinum Triviae nemus;

Ovid, Fasti, iii. 271, Regna tenent fortesque manu, pedibusque fugaces;” id. Ars am. i. 259 sq.

Ecce suburbanae templum nemorale Dianae,
Partaque per gladios regna nocente manu.

Bulletino dell' Instituto, 1885, p. 153 sq.; Athenaeum, 10th October 1885; Preller, RÖmische Mythologie,3 i. 317. Of these votive offerings some represent women with children in their arms; one represents a delivery, etc.

Statius, Sylv. iii. 1, 52 sqq. From Martial, xii. 67, it has been inferred that the Arician festival fell on the 13th of August. The inference, however, does not seem conclusive. Statius's expression is:—

Tempus erat, caeli cum ardentissimus axis
Incumbit terris, ictusque Hyperione multo
Acer anhelantes incendit Sirius agros.

Ovid, Fasti, iii. 269; Propertius, iii. 24 (30), 9 sq. ed. Paley.
Inscript. Lat. ed. Orelli, No. 1455.
Statius, l.c.; Gratius Faliscus, v. 483 sqq.
Athenaeum, 10th October 1885. The water was diverted a few years ago to supply Albano. For Egeria, compare Strabo, v. 3, 12; Ovid, Fasti, iii. 273 sqq.; id. Met. xv. 487 sqq.
Festus, p. 145, ed. MÜller; Schol. on Persius, vi. 56 ap. Jahn on Macrobius, i. 7, 35.
Virgil, Aen. vii. 761 sqq.; Servius, ad l.; Ovid, Fasti, iii. 265 sq.; id. Met. xv. 497 sqq.; Pausanias, ii. 27.
Servius on Virgil, Aen. vii. 776.
Inscript. Lat. ed. Orelli, Nos. 2212, 4022. The inscription No. 1457 (Orelli) is said to be spurious.
See above, p. 4, note 1.
Marquardt, RÖmische Staatsverwaltung, iii.2 321 sqq.
G. Gilbert, Handbuch der griechischen StaatsalterthÜmer, i. 241 sq.
Gilbert, op. cit. ii. 323 sq.
Livy, ii. 2, 1; Dionysius Halic. iv. 74, 4.
Demosthenes, contra Neacr. § 74, p. 1370. Plutarch, Quaest. Rom. 63.
Xenophon, Repub. Lac. c. 15, cp. id. 13; Aristotle, Pol. iii. 14, 3.
Strabo, xii. 3, 37. 5, 3; cp. xi. 4, 7. xii. 2, 3. 2, 6. 3, 31 sq. 3, 34. 8, 9. 8, 14. But see Encyc. Brit., art. “Priest,” xix. 729.
Grimm, Deutsche RechtsalterthÜmer, p. 243.
See the LÎ-KÎ (Legge's translation), passim.
A. Leared, Morocco and the Moors, p. 272.
J. W. Thomas, “De jacht op het eiland Nias,” in Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde, xxvi. 277.
E. Aymonier, “Notes sur les coutumes et croyances superstitieuses des Cambodgiens,” in Cochinchine FranÇaise, Excursions et Reconnaissances, No. 16, p. 157.
Witzschel, Sagen, Sitten und GebrÄuche aus ThÜringen, p. 218, No. 36.
Van Hasselt, Volksbeschrijving van Midden-Sumatra, p. 323.
J. C. E. Tromp, “De Rambai en Sebroeang Dajaks,” Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde, xxv. 118.
E. Aymonier, Notes sur le Laos, p. 25 sq.
J. Campbell, Travels in South Africa (second journey), ii. 206; Barnabas Shaw, Memorials of South Africa, p. 66.
Casalis, The Basutos, p. 271 sq.
Casalis, The Basutos, p. 272.
W. Mannhardt, Antike Wald- und Feldkulte, p. 342, note.
C. F. H. Campen “De Godsdienstbegrippen der Halmaherasche Alfoeren,” in Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde, xxvii. 447.
Riedel, De sluik-en kroesharige rassen tusschen Selebes en Papua, p. 114.
R. Parkinson, Im Bismarck Archipel, p. 143.
J. Owen Dorsey, “Omaha Sociology,” in Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology (Washington), p. 347. Cp. Charlevoix, Voyage dans l'AmÉrique septentrionale, ii. 187.
Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xvi. 35. Cp. Dawson, Australian Aborigines, p. 98.
Labat, Relation historique de l'Ethiopie occidentale, ii. 180.
Turner, Samoa, p. 145.
Journ. Anthrop. Inst. xiv. 362.
Journ. Anthrop. Inst. l.c. Cp. Curr, The Australian Race, ii. 377.
Rhys, Celtic Heathendom, p. 184; Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie4 i. 494. Cp. San-Marte, Die Arthur Sage, pp. 105 sq., 153 sqq.
The American Antiquarian, viii. 339.
Rhys, Celtic Heathendom, p. 185 sq.
Ib. p. 187. So at the fountain of Sainte Anne, near GevezÉ, in Brittany. SÉbillot, Traditions et Superstitions de la Haute Bretagne, i. 72.
Lamberti, “Relation de la Colchide ou MingrÉlie,” Voyages au Nord, vii. 174 (Amsterdam, 1725).
Le Brun, Histoire critique des pratiques superstitieuses (Amsterdam, 1733), i. 245 sq.
Turner, Samoa, p. 345 sq.
Mannhardt, Baumkultus, p. 329 sqq.; Grimm, D. M.4 i. 493 sq.; W. Schmidt, Das Jahr und seine Tage in Meinung und Brauch der RomÄnen SiebenbÜrgens, p. 17; E. Gerard, The Land beyond the Forest, ii. 13.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 331.
J. G. F. Riedel, “De Minahasa in 1825,” Tijdschrift v. Indische Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde, xviii. 524.
J. Reinegg, Beschreibung des Kaukasus, ii. 114.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 553; Gerard, The Land beyond the Forest, ii. 40.
Panjab Notes and Queries, iii. Nos. 173, 513.
Acosta, History of the Indies, bk. v. ch. 28.
A. L. van Hasselt, Volksbeschrijving van Midden-Sumatra, p. 320 sq.
South African Folk-lore Journal, i. 34.
J. S. G. Gramberg, “Eene maand in de binnenlanden van Timor,” in Verhandelingen van het Bataviansch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, xxxvi. 209.
Dalton, Ethnology of Bengal, p. 88.
Huc, L'empire chinois, i. 241.
BÉrenger-FÉraud, Les peuplades de la SÉnÉgambie, p. 291.
Colombia, being a geographical etc. account of that country, i. 642 sq.; A. Bastian, Die Culturlander des alten Amerika, ii. 216.
A. Kuhn, Sagen, GebrÄuche und MÄrchen aus Westfalen, ii. p. 80; Gerard, The Land beyond the Forest, ii. 13.
Bancroft, Native Races of the Pacific States, i. 520.
Brien, “AperÇu sur la province de Battambang,” in Cochinchine franÇaise, Excursions et Reconnaissances, No. 25, p. 6 sq.
Biddulph, Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh, p. 95.
Gervasius von Tilburg, ed. Liebrecht, p. 41 sq.
Giraldus Cambrensis, Topography of Ireland, ch. 7. Cp. Mannhardt, A. W. F. p. 341 note.
Callaway, Religious System of the Amazulu, p. 407 sq.
Reclus, Nouvelle GÉographie Universelle, xii. 100.
Rasmussen, Additamenta ad historiam Arabum ante Islamismum, p. 67 sq.
Reste arabischen Heidentumes, p. 157.
Labat, Relation historique de l'Ethiopie occidentale, ii. 180.
S. Gason, “The Dieyerie tribe,” in Native Tribes of S. Australia, p. 276 sqq.
W. Stanbridge, “On the Aborigines of Victoria,” in Trans. Ethnol. Soc. of London, i. 300.
Marcus Antoninus, v. 7; Petronius, 44; Tertullian, Apolog. 40; cp. id. 22 and 23.
Pausanias, viii. 38, 4.
Antigonus, Histor. Mirab. 15 (Script. mirab. Graeci, ed. Westermann, p. 65).
Apollodorus, Bibl. i. 9, 7; Virgil, Aen. vi. 585 sqq.; Servius on Virgil, l.c.
Festus, svv. aquaelicium and manalem lapidem, pp. 2, 128, ed. MÜller; Nonius Marcellus, sv. trullum, p. 637, ed. Quicherat; Servius on Virgil, Aen. iii. 175; Fulgentius, Expos. serm. antiq., sv. manales lapides, Mythogr. Lat. ed. Staveren, p. 769 sq.
Nonius Marcellus, sv. aquilex, p. 69, ed. Quicherat. In favour of taking aquilex as rain-maker is the use of aquaelicium in the sense of rain-making. Cp. K. O. MÜller, Die Etrusker, ed. W. Deecke, ii. 318 sq.
Diodorus, v. 55.
Peter Jones, History of the Ojebway Indians, p. 84.
Gumilla, Histoire de l'OrÉnoque, iii. 243 sq.
Glaumont, “Usages, moeurs et coutumes des NÉo-CalÉdoniens,” in Revue d' Ethnographie, vi. 116.
Arbousset et Daumas, Voyage d'exploration au Nord-est de la Colonie du Cap de Bonne-EspÉrance, p. 350 sq. For the kinship with the sacred object (tchem) from which the clan takes its name, see ib. pp. 350, 422, 424. Other people have claimed kindred with the sun, as the Natchez of North America (Voyages au Nord, v. 24) and the Incas of Peru.
Codrington, in Journ. Anthrop. Instit. x. 278.
Above, p. 18.
Turner, Samoa, p. 346. See above, p. 16.
Bastian, Die VÖlker des Östlichen Asien, iv. 174. The name of the place is Andahuayllas.
Th. Williams, Fiji and the Fijians, i. 250.
Schoolcraft, The American Indians, p. 97 sqq.; Gill, Myths and Songs of the South Pacific, p. 61 sq.; Turner, Samoa, p. 200 sq.
Aeneas Sylvius, Opera (BÂle, 1571), p. 418.
Brough Smyth, Aborigines of Victoria, ii. 334; Curr, The Australian Race, i. 50.
Fancourt, History of Yucatan, p. 118.
South African Folk-lore Journal, i. 34.
E. J. Eyre, Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia, ii. 365.
Curr, The Australian Race, iii. 145.
Gmelin, Reise durch Sibirien, ii. 510.
Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology (Washington), p. 241.
G. M. Dawson, “On the Haida Indians of the Queen Charlotte Islands,” Geological Survey of Canada, Report of progress for 1878-1879, p. 124 B.
W. Powell, Wanderings in a Wild Country, p. 169.
Miss C. F. Gordon Cumming, In the Hebrides, p. 166 sq.; Martin, “Description of the Western Islands of Scotland,” in Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, iii. 627.
Olaus Magnus, Gentium Septentr. Hist. iii. 15.
Scheffer, Lapponia, p. 144; Gordon Cumming, In the Hebrides, p. 254 sq.; Train, Account of the Isle of Man, ii. 166.
C. Leemius, De Lapponibus Finmarchiae etc. commentatio, p. 454.
Odyssey, x. 19 sqq.
E. Veckenstedt, Die Mythen, Sagen, und Legenden der Zamaiten (Litauer), i. 153.
J. Chalmers, Pioneering in New Guinea, p. 177.
Rogers, Social Life in Scotland, iii. 220; @public@vhost@g@html@files@41082@41082-h@41082-h-3.html.html#noteref_167" id="note_167" class="pginternal">167.
Dos Santos, “History of Eastern Ethiopia,” in Pinker tei tei-hi">MÄrkische Sagen und MÄrchen, p. 315.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 162.
L. Lloyd, Peasant Life in Sweden, p. 235.
L. Lloyd, op. cit. p. 257 sqq.
Reinsberg-DÜringsfeld, Fest-Kalendar aus BÖhmen, p. 308 sq.
Hone, Every-day Book, i. 547 sqq.; Chambers, Book of Days, i. 571.
Quoted by Brand, op. cit. i. 237.
Id., op. cit. i. 235.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 169 sq. note.
Hone, Every-day Book, ii. 597 sq.
Reinsberg-DÜringsfeld, Fest-Kalendar aus BÖhmen, p. 217; Mannhardt, B. K. p. 566.
Birlinger, VolksthÜmliches aus Schwaben, ii. 74 sq.; Mannhardt, B. K. p. 566.
Aristophanes, Plutus, 1054; Mannhardt, A. W. F. p. 222 sq.
Reinsberg-DÜringsfeld, Fest-Kalendar aus BÖhmen, p. 86 sqq.; Mannhardt, B. K. p. 156.
Chambers, Book of Days, i. 573.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 312.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 313.
Ib. p. 314.
Bavaria, Landes-und Volkskunde des KÖnigreichs Bayern, iii. 357; Mannhardt, B. K. p. 312 sq.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 313 sq.
Dalton, Ethnology of Bengal, p. 261.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 315 sq.
Ralston, Songs of the Russian People, p. 234.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 318.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 318; Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,4 ii. 657.
Mannhardt, B. K. p. 320; Witzschel, elabel">366.
Virgil, Aen. viii. 600 sq., with Servius's note.
Castren, op. cit. p. 97 sq.
Above, p. 4 sq.
Above, p. 66 sq.
Above, p. 6.
Above, p. 71.
Castren, Finnische Mythologie, pp. 92, 95.
Historic. Roman. Fragm. ed. Peter, p. 52 (first ed.)
Manners and Customs of the Japanese in the Nineteenth Century. From recent Dutch Visitors to Japan, and the German of Dr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold (London, 1841), p. 141 sqq.
Kaempfer, “History of Japan,” in Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, vii. 716 sq.
Caron, “Account of Japan,” in Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, vii. 613. Compare Varenius, Descriptio regni Japoniae, p. 11, Nunquam attingebant (quemadmodum et hodie id observat) pedes ipsius terram: radiis Solis caput nunquam illustrabatur: in apertum aËrem non procedebat, etc.
A. Bastian, Die deutsche Expedition an der Loango-KÜste, i. 287 sq.; cp. id., p. 353 sq.
Labat, Relation historique de l'Ethiopie Occidentale, i. 254 sqq.
Above, pp. 44, 49.
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. des nations civilisÉes du Mexique et de l'AmÉrique-centrale, iii. 29 sq.; Bancroft, Native Races of the Pacific States, ii. 142 sq.
Bastian, Die deutsche Expedition an der Loango-KÜste, i. 355.
Dapper, Description de l'Afrique, p. 336.
P. 49 sq.
Bibl. Hist. i. 70.
P. 6.
Aulus Gellius, x. 15; Plutarch, Quaest. Rom. 109-112; Pliny, Nat. Hist. xxviii. 146; Servius on Virgil, Aen. i. vv. 179, 448, iv. 518; Macrobius, Saturn. i. 16, 8 sq.; Festus, p. 161 A, ed. MÜller. For more details see Marquardt, RÖmische Staatsverwaltung, iii.2 326 476.
Callaway, Nursery Tales, Traditions, and Histories of the Zulus, p. 342.
Arbousset et Daumas, Voyage d'exploration au Nord-est de la Colonie du Cap de Bonne-EspÉrance, p. 12.
Codrington, “Religious Beliefs and Practices in Melanesia,” in Journ. Anthrop. Instit. x. 313.
Fragmenta Philosoph. Graec. ed. Mullach, i. 510; Artemidorus, Onirocr. ii. 7; Laws of Manu, iv. 38.
See above, p. 125 sq.
Wattke, Der deutsche Volksaberglaube,2 § 726.
Folk-lore Journal, iii. 281; Dyer, English Folk-lore, p. 109; J. Napier, Folk-lore, or Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland, p. 60; Ellis, History of Madagascar, i. 238; Revue d'Ethnographie, v. 215.
Punjab Notes and Queries, ii. 906.
Folk-lore Journal, vi. 145 sq.; Panjab Notes and Queries, ii., No. 378.
Journ. Anthrop. Inst. xv. 82 sqq.
Ralston, Songs of the Russian People, p. 117. The objection, however, may be merely Puritanical. Professor W. Robertson Smith informs me that the peculiarities of the Raskolniks are largely due to exaggerated Puritanism.
A. Simson, “Notes on the Jivaros and Canelos Indians,” in Journ. Anthrop. Inst. ix. 392.
J. Thomson, Through Masai Land, p. 86.
Maximilian Prinz zu Wied, Reise in das Innere Nord-Amerika, i. 417.
Ib. ii. 166.
“A far-off Greek Island,” Blackwood's Magazine, February 1886, p. 235.
Ralston, Songs of the Russian People, p. 117.
James Napier, Folk-lore: or, Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland, p. 142. For more examples of the same sort, see R. Andree, Ethnographische Parallelen und Vergleiche, Neue Folge (Leipzig, 1889), p. 18 sqq.
Turner, Samoa, p. 291 sq.
Charles New, Life, Wanderings, and Labours in Eastern Africa, p. 432. Cp. ib. pp. 400, 402. For the demons on Mt. Kilimanjaro, see also Krapf, Travels, Researches etc. in Eastern Africa, p. 192.
Pierre Bouche, La CÔte des Esclaves et le Dahomey, p. 133.
C. A. L. M. Schwaner, Borneo, ii. 77.
Shway Yoe, The Burman, i. 308 Valerius Flaccus, Argonaut, i. 378 sq.:—

Tectus et Eurytion servato colla capillo,
Quem pater Aonias reducem tondebit ad aras.

Homer, Iliad, xxiii. 141 sqq.
D. Porter, Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean, ii. 120.
Paulus Diaconus, Hist. Langobard. iii. 7.
Ellis, Polynesian Researches, iv. 387.
Numbers vi. 5.
J. A. E. KÖhler, Volksbrauch, etc. im Voigtlande, p. 424; W. Henderson, Folk-lore of the Northern Counties, p. 16 sq.; F. Panzer, Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie, i. 258; Zingerle, Sitten, BrÄuche und Meinungen des Tiroler Volkes,2 Nos. 46, 72; J. W. Wolf, Beitrage zur deutschen Mythologie, i. 208 (No. 45), 209 (No. 53); Knoop, Volkssagen, ErzÄhlungen, etc. aus dem Östlichen Hinterpommern, p. 157 (No. 23); E. Veckenstedt, Wendische Sagen, MÄrchen und aberglÄubische GebrÄuche, p. 445; J. Haltrieh, Zur Volkskunde der SiebenbÜrger Sachsen, p. 313; E. Krause, “AberglÄubische Kuren u. sonstiger Aberglaube in Berlin,” Zeitschrift fÜr Ethnologie, xv. 84.
Panjab Notes and Queries, ii. No. 1092.
G. Gibbs, “Notes on the Tinneh or Chepewyan Indians of British and Russian America,” in Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1866, p. 305; W. Dall, Alaska and its Resources, p. 202. The reason alleged by the Indians (that if the girls' nails were cut sooner the girls would be lazy and unable to embroider in porcupine quill-work) is probably a late invention, like the reasons assigned in Europe for the similar custom (the commonest being that the child would become a thief).
Knoop, l.c.
Wolf, BeitrÄge zur deutschen Mythologie, i. 209 (No. 57).
R. Taylor, New Zealand and its Inhabitants, p. 206 sqq.
Richard A. Cruise, Journal of a Ten Months' Residence in New Zealand, p. 283 sq. Cp. Dumont D'Urville, Voyage autour du Monde et À la recherche de La PÉrouse. Histoire du Voyage (Paris, 1832), ii. 533.
E. Shortland, Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders, p. 108 sqq.; Taylor, l.c.
J. Moura, Le Royaume du Cambodge, i. 226 sq.
See above, p. 111.
Brough Smyth, Aborigines of Victoria, i. 468 sq.
D. Porter, Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean, ii. 188.
J. Dawson, Australian Aborigines, p. 36.
A. W. Howitt, “On Australian Medicine-men,” in Journ. Anthrop. Inst. xvi. 27. Cp. E. Palmer, “Notes on some Australian Tribes,” in Journ. Anthrop. Inst. xiii. 293; James Bonwick, Daily Life of the Tasmanians, p. 178; James Chalmers, Pioneering in New Guinea, p. 187; J. S. Polack, Manners and Customs of the New Zealanders, i. 282; Bastian, Die VÖlker des Östlichen Asien, iii. 270; Langsdorff, Reise um die Welt, i. 134 sq. A. S. Thomson, The Story of New Zealand, i. 79, 116 sq.; Ellis, Polynesian Researches, i. 364; Zingerle, Sitten, BrÄuche und Meinungen des Tiroler Volkes,2 No. 178.
Meier, Deutsche Sagen, Sitten und GebrÄuche aus Schwaben, p. 509; Panzer, Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie, i. 258; J. A. E. KÖhler, Volksbrauch etc. im Voigtlande, p. 425; A. Witzschel, Sagen, Sitten und GebrÄuche aus ThÜringen, p. 282; Zingerle, op. cit. No. 180; Wolf, BeitrÄge zur deutschen Mythologie, i. 224 (No. 273).
Zingerle, op. cit. No. 181.
Zingerle, op. cit. Nos. 176, 179.
A. Krause, Die Tlinkit-Indianer. (Jena, 1885), p. 300.
Petronius, Sat. 104.
Bastian, Die deutsche Expedition an der Loango-KÜste, i. 231 sq.; id., Ein Besuch in San Salvador, p. 117.
W. Stanbridge, “On the Aborigines of Victoria,” in Transact. Ethnolog. Soc. of London, i. 300.
FranÇois Pyrard, Voyages to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil. Translated by Albert Gray (Hakluyt Society, 1887), i. 110 sq.
Shortland, Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders, p. 110.
Polack, Manners and Customs of the New Zealanders, i. 38 sq.
James Wilson, A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, p. 355.
Aulus Gellius, x. 15, 15.
Pliny, Nat. Hist. xvi. 235; Festus, s.v. capillatam vel capillarem arborem.
Wuttke, Der deutsche Volksaberglaube,2 § 464.
W. Mannhardt, Germanische Mythen, p. 630.
W. Henderson, Folk-lore of the Northern Counties, p. 17.
Riedel, De sluik-en kroesharige rassen tusschen Selebes en Papua, p. 74.
Riedel, op. cit. p. 265.
G. Heijmering “Zeden en gewoonten op het eiland Rottie,” in Tijdschrift voor NeÊrland's Indie (1843), dl. ii. 634-637.
W. Dall, Alaska and its Resources, p. 54; F. Whymper, “The Natives of the Youkon River,” in Transact. Ethnolog. Soc. of London, vii. 174.
E. Meier, Deutsche Sagen, Sitten und GebrÄuche aus Schwaben, p. 509.
W. Mannhardt, Germanische Mythen, p. 630.
H. B. Guppy, The Solomon Islands and their Natives, p. 54.
Fargaard, xvii.
Grihya-SÛtras, translated by H. Oldenberg (Oxford, 1886), vol. i. p. 57.
R. W. Felkin, “Notes on the Madi or Moru tribe of Central Africa,” in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, xii. (1882-84) p. 332.
A. Steedman, Wanderings and Adventures in the Interior of Southern Africa (London, 1835), i. 266.
Emin Pasha in Central Africa, being a Collection of his Letters and Journals (London, 1888), p. 74.
J. L. Wilson, West Afrika, p. 159 (German trans.)
N. P. Wilken en J. A. Schwarz, “Allerlei over het land en volk van Bolaang Mongondou,” in Mededeelingen van wege het Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, xi. (1867) p. 322.
Garcilasso de la Vega, First part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas, bk. ii. ch. 7 (vol. i. p. 127, Markham's translation).
MÉlusine, 1878, c. 583 sq.
The People of Turkey, by a Consul's daughter and wife, ii. 250.
Boecler-Kreutzwald, Der Ehsten aberglÄubische GebrÄuche, Weisen und Gewohnheiten, p. 139; F. J. Wiedemann, Aus dem innern und Äussern Leben der Ehsten, p. 491.
R. W. Felkin, “Notes on the For tribe of Central Africa,” in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, xiii. (1884-86) p. 230.
Zingerle, Sitten, BrÄuche und Meinungen des Tiroler Volkes,2 Nos. 176, 580; MÉlusine, 1878, c. 79.
Musters, “On the Races of Patagonia,” in Journ. Anthrop. Inst. i. 197; J. Dawson, Australian Aborigines, p. 36.
David Livingstone, Narrative of Expedition to the Zambesi, p. 46 sq.
Zingerle, op. cit. Nos. 177, 179, 180.
M. Jahn, Hexenwesen und Zauberei in Pommern, p. 15; MÉlusine, 1878, c. 79.
E. H. Meyer, Indogermanische Mythen, ii. Achilleis (Berlin, 1887), p. 523.
Above, p. 201.
Above, pp. 167, 169 sqq.
W. Ridley, “Report on Australian Languages and Traditions,” in Journ. Anthrop. Inst. ii. 268.
See G. A. Wilken, Ueber das Haaropfer und einige andere TrauergebrÄuche bei den VÖlkern Indonesiens, p. 94 sqq.; H. Ploss, Das Kind in Branch und Sitte der VÖlker2 i. 289 sqq.
Above, p. 194.
Above, p. 157 sq.
Monier Williams, Religious Thought and Life in India, p. 375.
Above, p. 117.
Bastian, Die deutsche Expedition an der Loango-KÜste, ii. 170. The blood may be drunk by them as a medium of inspiration. See above, p. 34 sq.
Dapper, Description de l'Afrique, p. 336.
T. J. Hutchinson, Impressions of Western Africa (London, 1858), p. 198.
G. Watt (quoting Col. W. J. M'Culloch), “The Aboriginal Tribes of Manipur,” in Journ. Anthrop. Inst. xvi. 360.
Meiners, Geschichte der Religionen, i. 48.
R. I. Dodge, Our Wild Indians, p. 112.
Blumentritt, “Der Ahnencultus und die relig. Anschauungen der Malaien des Philippinen-Archipels,” in Mittheilungen d. Wiener Geogr. Gesellschaft, 1882, p. 198.
Theophilus Hahn, Tsuni-Goam, the Supreme Being of the Khoi-Khoi, pp. 56, 69.
Diodorus, iii. 61; Pomponius Mela, ii. 7, 112; Minucius Felix, Octavius, 21.
Plutarch, I sis et Osiris, 35; Philochorus, Fragm. 22, in MÜller's Fragm. Hist. Graec. i. p. 387.
Porphyry, Vit. Pythag. 16.
Philochorus, Fr. 184, in Fragm. Hist. Graec. ii. p. 414.
Lobeck, Aglaophamus, p. 574 sq.
See above, p. 121 sqq.
Gill, Myths and Songs of the South Pacific, p. 163.
Ch. Wilkes, Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition (London, 1845), iii. 96.
U. S. Exploring Expedition, Ethnology and Philology, by H. Hale (Philadelphia, 1846), p. 65. Cp. Th. Williams, Fiji and the Fijians, i. 183; J. E. Erskine, Journal of a Cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific, p. 248.
Turner, Samoa, p. 335.
Martin Flad, A Short Description of the Falasha and Kamants in Abyssinia, p. 19.
J. B. Labat, Relation historique de l'Ethiopie Occidentale, i. 260 sq.; W. Winwood Reade, Savage Africa, p. 362.
Diodorus Siculus, iii. 6; Strabo, xvii. 2, 3.
Emin Pasha in Central Africa, being a Collection of his Letters and Journals (London, 1888), p. 91.
P. GuillemÉ, “Credenze religiose dei Negri di Kibanga nell' Alto Congo,” in Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, vii. (1888) p. 231.
Nathaniel Isaacs, Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa, i. p. 295 sq., cp. pp. 232, 290 sq.
Above, p. 45 sq.
Dos Santos, “History of Eastern Ethiopia” (published at Paris in 1684), in Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, xvi. 684.
Plutarch, Agesilaus, 3.
Herodotus, iii. 20; Aristotle, Politics, iv. 4, 4; Athenaeus, xiii. p. 566. According to Nicolaus Damascenus (Fr. 142, in Fragm. Historic. Graecor. ed. C. MÜller, iii. p. 463), the handsomest and bravest man was only raised to the throne when the king had no heirs, the heirs being the sons of his sisters. But this limitation is not mentioned by the other authorities. Among the Gordioi the fattest man was chosen king; among the Syrakoi, the tallest, or the man with the longest head. Zenobius, v. 25.
G. Nachtigal, Sahar und SÛdÂn (Leipzig, 1889), iii. 225; Bastian, Die deutsche Expedition an der Loango-KÜste, i. 220.
Strabo, xvii. 2, 3; Diodorus, iii. 7.
Mohammed Ebn-Omar El-Tounsy, Voyage au Darfour (Paris, 1845), p. 162 sq.; Travels of an Arab Merchant in Soudan, abridged from the French by Bayle St. John (London, 1854), p. 78; Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ de GÉographie (Paris) IVme SÉrie, iv. (1852) p. 539 265; and Grimm, D. M.4 ii. 643.
Reinsberg-DÜringsfeld, Fest-Kalender aus BÖhmen, p. 88. Sometimes the effigy of Death (without a tree) is carried round by boys who collect gratuities. Grimm, D. M.4 ii. 644.
Above, p. 243.
Wiedemann, Aus dem inneren und Äusseren Leben der Ehsten, p. 353; Holzmayer, “Osiliana,” in Verhandlungen der gelehrten Estnischen Gesellschaft zu Dorpat, vii. Heft 2, p. 10 sq.; W. Mannhardt, Baumkultus, p. 407 sq.
W. Mannhardt, Baumkultus, pp. 417-421.
Ralston, Songs of the Russian People, p. 221.
Ralston, op. cit. p. 241.
Ralston, op. cit. p. 243 sq.; W. Mannhardt, Baumkultus, p. 414.
W. Mannhardt, Baumkultus, p. 414 sq.; Ralston, op. cit. p. 244.
Ralston, op. cit. p. 245; W. Mannhardt, Baumkultus, p. 416.
W. Mannhardt, l.c.; Ralston, l.c.
Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,4 ii. 644.
J. G. von Hahn, Albanesische Studien, i. 160.
Captain R. C. Temple, in Indian Antiquary, xi. (1882) p. 297 sq.
See above, p. 94 sqq.
Above, p. 70 sqq.
Baudissin, Studien zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte, i. 299; W. Mannhardt, Antike Wald- und Feldkulte, p. 274.
Plutarch, Alcibiades, 18; Zenobius, Centur. i. 49; Theocritus, xv. 132 sq.; Eustathius on Homer, Od. xi. 590.
Besides Lucian (cited below) see Jerome, Comment. in Ezechiel. viii. 14, in qua (solemnitate) plangitur quasi mortuus, et postea reviviscens, canitur atque laudatur ... interfectionem et resurrectionem Adonidis planctu et gaudio prosequens.
Theocritus, xv.
W. Mannhardt, op. cit. p. 277.
Lucian, De dea Syria, 6. The words ?? ??? ???? ???????? imply that the ascension was supposed to take place in the presence, if not before the eyes, of the worshipping crowds.
Lucian, op. cit. 8. The discoloration of the river a 082-h@41082-h-14.html.html#noteref_951" id="note_951" class="pginternal">951.
Diodorus, iii. 59; Firmicus Maternus, De err. profan. relig. 3; Arnobius, Advers. nat. v. 16; Schol. on Nicander, Alex. 8; Servius on Virgil, Aen. ix. 116; Arrian, Tactica, 33. The ceremony described in Firmicus Maternus, c. 22 (nocte quadam simulacrum in lectica supinum ponitur et per numeros digestis fletibus plangitur.... Idolum sepelis. Idolum plangis, etc.), may very well be the mourning and funeral rites of Attis, to which he had more briefly referred in c. 3.

On the Hilaria see Macrobius, Saturn. i. 21, 10; Julian, Orat. v. 168 D, 169 D; Damascius, Vita Isidori, in Photius, p. 345 A 5 sqq. ed. Bekker. On the resurrection, see Firmicus Maternus, 3, reginae suae amorem [Phryges] cum luctibus annuis consecrarunt, et ut satis iratae mulieri facerent aut ut paenitenti solacium quaererent, quem paulo ante sepelierant revixisse jactarunt.... Mortem ipsius [i.e. of Attis] dicunt, quod semina collecta conduntur, vitam rursus quod jacta semina annuis vicibus † reconduntur [renascuntur, C. Halm]. Again cp. id. 22, Idolum sepelis. Idolum plangis, idolum de sepultura proferis, et miser cum haec feceris gaudes; and Damascius, l.c. t?? t?? ??a???? ?a??????? ???t??; ?pe? ?d???? t?? ?? ?d?? ?e?????a? ??? s?te??a?. This last passage, compared with the formula in Firmicus Maternus, c. 22

?a??e?te ?sta? t?? ?e?? ses?????;
?sta? ??? ??? ?? p???? s?t???a,

makes it probable that the ceremony described by Firmicus, c. 22, is the resurrection of Attis.

Ovid, Fast. iv. 337 sqq.; Ammianus Marcellinus, xxiii. 3. For other references see Marquardt and Mannhardt, ll. cc.
Pausanias, vii. 17; Arnobius, Adv. nationes, v. 6.; cp. Hippolytus, Refut. omn. haeres. v. 9, pp. 166, 168.
See above, p. 264 sq.
Firmicus Maternus, 27.
Above, p. 81.
Hippolytus, Ref. omn. haeres. v. cc. 8, 9, pp. 162, 168; Firmicus Maternus, De errore prof. relig. 3.
Julian, Orat. v. 174 a b.
Duncker, Geschichte des Alterthums,5 i. 456, note 4; Roscher, AusfÜhrliches Lexikon d. griech. u. rÖm. Mythologie, i. c. 724. Cp. Polybius, xxii. 20 (18).
The conjecture is that of Henzen in Annal. d. Inst. 1856, p. 110, referred to in Roscher, l.c.
See pp. 84, 231.
Article “Phrygia,” in Encyclopaedia Britannica, ninth ed. xviii. 853.
xii. 5, 3.
The myth, in a connected form, is only known from Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, cc. 13-19. Some additional details, recovered from Egyptian sources, will be found in the work of Adolf Erman, Aegypten und aegyptisches Leben im Altertum, p. 365 sqq.
Le Page Renouf, Hibbert Lectures, 1879, p. 110; Brugsch, Religion und Mythologie der alten Aegypter, p. 614; Ad. Erman, l.c.; Ed. Meyer, Geschichte des Altertums, i. § 56 sq.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 13; Diodorus, i. 14; Tibullus, i. 7, 29 sqq.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 8.
So Brugsch, op. cit. p. 617. Plutarch, op. cit. 39, says four days, beginning with the 17th of the month Athyr.
In the Alexandrian year the month Athyr corresponded to November. But as the old Egyptian year was vague, that is, made no use of intercalation, the astronomical date of each festival varied from year to year, till it had passed through the whole cycle of the astronomical year. From the fact, therefore, that, when the calendar became fixed, Athyr fell in November, no inference can be drawn as to the date at which the death of Osiris was originally celebrated. It is thus perfectly possible that it may have been originally a harvest festival, though the Egyptian harvest falls, not in November, but in April; cp. Selden, De diis Syris, p. 335 sq.; Parthey on Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, c. 39.
Brugsch, l.c. For a specimen of these lamentations see Brugsch, op. cit. p. 631 sq.; Records of the Past, ii. 119 sqq. For the annual ceremonies of finding and burying Osiris, see also Firmicus Maternus, De errore profanarum religionum, 2 § 3; Servius on Virgil, Aen. iv. 609.
Brugsch, op. cit. p. 617 sq.; Erman, Aegypten und aegyptisches Leben im Altertum, p. 377 sq.
Erman, l.c.; Wilkinson, Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (London, 1878), iii. 68, 82; Tiele, History of the Egyptian Religion, p. 46.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 35. ?????e? d? ?a? t? t?ta???? ?a? ??? te?e?a t??? ?e??????? ?s???d?? d?aspas??? ?a? ta?? ??a??ses? ?a? pa????e?es?a??, ????? d? ?a? t? pe?? t?? taf??.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 39.
Tibullus, i. 7, 33 sqq.
Brugsch, op. cit. p. 621.
Servius on Virgil, Georg. i. 166.
Above, p. 267.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 73, cp. 33; Diodorus, i. 88.
Plutarch, op. cit. 31; Herodotus, ii. 38.
Herrera, quoted by Bastian, CulturlÄnder des alten Amerika, ii. 639.
LefÉbure, Le mythe Osirien (Paris, 1874-75), p. 188.
Firmicus Maternus, De errore profanarum religionum, 2, § 6, defensores eorum volunt addere physicam rationem, frugum semina Osirim dicentes esse; Isim terram, Tyfonem calorem: et quia maturatae fruges calore ad vitam hominum colliguntur et divisae a terrae consortia separantur et rursus adpropinquante hieme seminantur, hanc volunt esse mortem Osiridis, cum fruges recondunt, inventionem vero, cum fruges genitali terrae fomento conceptae annua rursus coeperint procreatione generari; Eusebius, Praepar. Evang. iii. 11, 31, ? d? ?s???? pa?? ????pt??? t?? ???p??? pa??st?s? d??a??, ?? ??????? ?p?e???ss??ta? e?? ??? ?fa???????? ?? t? sp???. ?a? ?f? ??? ?ata?a??s?????? e?? t?? t??f??.
Op. cit. 27, § 1.
Isis et Osiris, 21, a??? d? t??? ????? ?a? s??s?? ????? ?a? ???? ?e???a?. d?? t? p???? t?? ?st???? ??ae???a? t??t???. Again, c. 42, t? d? ????? ?? ta?? ?e????a??; ?s???d?? tafa?? t????te? ?atas?e?????s? ????a?a ???e?d?.
See above, p. 304.
LefÉbure, Le mythe Osirien, pp. 194, 198, referring to Mariette, Denderah, iv. 66 and 72.
LefÉbure, op. cit. pp. 195, 197.
Birch, in Wilkinson's Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (London, 1878), iii. 84.
Wilkinson, op. cit. iii. 63 sq.; Ed. Meyer, Geschichte des Alterthums, i. §§ 56, 60.
Wilkinson, op. cit. iii. 349 sq.; Brugsch, Religion und Mythologie der alten Aegypter, p. 621; Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 20. In Plutarch l.c. Parthey proposes to read ?????? for ???d??, and this conjecture appears to be accepted by Wilkinson, l.c.
LefÉbure, Le mythe Osirien, p. 191.
LefÉbure, op. cit. p. 188.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 35. One of the points in which the myths of Isis and Demeter agree, is that both goddesses in their search for the loved and lost one are said to have sat down, sad at heart and weary, on the edge of a well. Hence those who had been initiated at Eleusis were forbidden to sit on a well. Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 15; Homer, Hymn to Demeter, 98 sq.; Pausanias, i. 39, 1; Apollodorus, i. 5, 1; Nicander, Theriaca, 486; Clemens Alex., Protrept. ii. 20.

There are far more plausible grounds for identifying Osiris with the moon than with the sun—1. He was said to have lived or reigned twenty-eight years; Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, cc. 13, 42. This might be taken as a mythical expression for a lunar month. 2. His body was rent into fourteen pieces (ib. cc. 18, 42). This might be interpreted of the moon on the wane, losing a piece of itself on each of the fourteen days which make up the second half of a lunation. It is expressly mentioned that Typhon found the body of Osiris at the full moon (ib. 8); thus the dismemberment of the god would begin with the waning of the moon. 3. In a hymn supposed to be addressed by Isis to Osiris, it is said that Thoth

“Placeth thy soul in the bark Ma-at,
In that name which is thine, of God Moon.”

And again,

“Thou who comest to us as a child each month,
We do not cease to contemplate thee,
Thine emanation heightens the brilliancy
Of the stars of Orion in the firmament,”

Records of the Past, i. 121 sq.; Brugsch, Religion und Mythologie der alten Aegypter, p. 629 sq. Here then Osiris is identified with the moon in set terms. If in the same hymn he is said to “illuminate us like Ra” (the sun), this, as we have already seen, is no reason for identifying him with the sun, but quite the contrary. 4. At the new moon of the month Phanemoth, being the beginning of spring, the Egyptians celebrated what they called “the entry of Osiris into the moon.” Plutarch, Is. et Os. 43. 5. The bull Apis, which was regarded as an image of the soul of Osiris (Is. et Os. cc. 20, 29), was born of a cow which was believed to have been impregnated by the moon (ib. 43). 6. Once a year, at the full moon, pigs were sacrificed simultaneously to the moon and Osiris. Herodotus, ii. 47; Plutarch, Is. et Os. 8. The relation of the pig to Osiris will be examined later on.

Without attempting to explain in detail why a god of vegetation, as I take Osiris to have been, should have been brought into such close connection with the moon, I may refer to the intimate relation which is vulgarly believed to subsist between the growth of vegetation and the phases of the moon. See e.g. Pliny, Nat. Hist. ii. 221, xvi. 190, xvii. 108, 215, xviii. 200, 228, 308, 314; Plutarch, Quaest. Conviv. iii. 10, 3; Aulus Gellius, xx. 8, 7; Macrobius, Saturn. vii. 16, 29 sq. Many examples are furnished by the ancient writers on agriculture, e.g. Cato, 37, 4; Varro, i. 37; Geoponica, i. 6.

Herodotus, ii. 42, 49, 59, 144, 156; Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 13, 35; id., Quaest. Conviv. iv. 5, 3; Diodorus, i. 13, 25, 96, iv. 1; Orphica, Hymn 42; Eusebius, Praepar. Evang. iii. 11, 31; Servius on Virgil, Aen. xi. 287; id., on Georg. i. 166; Hippolytus, Refut. omn. haeres. v. 9, p. 168; Socrates, Eccles. Hist. iii. 23, p. 204; Tzetzes, Schol. in Lycophron, 212; ?????ata, xxii. 2, in Mythographi Graeci, ed. Westermann, p. 368; Nonnus, Dionys. iv. 269 sq.; Cornutus, De natura deorum, c. 28; Clemens Alexandr. Protrept. ii. 19; Firmicus Maternus, De errore profan. relig. 7.
Lucian, De dea Syria, 7.
Herodotus, ii. 49.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 35.
Osiris, Attis, Adonis, and Dionysus were all explained by him as the sun; but he stopped short at Demeter (Ceres), whom, however, he interpreted as the moon. See the Saturnalia, bk. i.
On Dionysus in general see Preller, Griechische Mythologie,3 i. 544 sqq.; Fr. Lenormant, article “Bacchus” in Daremberg et Saglio, Dictionnaire des AntiquitÉs grecques et romaines, i. 591 sqq.; Voigt and Thraemer's article “Dionysus,” in Roscher's AusfÜhrliches Lexikon der griech. und rÖm. Mythologie, i. c. 1029 sqq.
Plutarch, Quaest. Conviv. v. 3, ?????s? d? de?d??t? p??te?, ?? ???? e?pe??, ?????e? ????s??.
Hesychius, s.v. ??de?d???.
See the pictures of his images, taken from ancient vases, in BÖtticher, Baumkultus der Hellenen, plates 42, 43, 43a, 43b, 44; Daremberg et Saglio, op. cit. i. 361, 626.
Daremberg et Saglio, op. cit. i. 626.
Cornutus, De natura deorum, 30.
Pindar, quoted by Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 35.
Maximus Tyrius, Dissertat. viii. 1.
Athenaeus, iii. pp. 78 c, 82 d.
Himerius, Orat. i. 10, ?????s?? ?e???e?.
Orphica, Hymn l. 4, liii. 8.
Aelian, Var. Hist. iii. 41; Hesychius, s.v. F???[?]. Cp. Plutarch, Quaest. Conviv. v. 8, 3.
Pausanias, i. 31, 4; id. vii. 21, 6 (2).
Plutarch, Quaest. Conviv. v. 3.
Pausanias, ii. 2, 6 (5) sq. Pausanias does not mention the kind of tree; but from Euripides, Bacchae, 1064 sqq., and Philostratus, Imag. i. 17 (18), we may infer that it was a pine; though Theocritus (xxvi. 11) speaks of it as a mastich-tree.
MÜller-Wieseler, DenkmÄler der alten Kunst, ii. pl. xxxii. sqq.; Baumeister, DenkmÄler des klassischen Altertums, i. figures 489, 491, 492, 495. Cp. Lenormant in Daremberg et Saglio, i. 623; Lobeck, Aglaophamus, p. 700.
Pausanias, i. 31, 6 (3).
Athenaeus, iii. p. 78 c.
Firmicus Maternus, De errore profanarum religionum, 6.
Clemens Alexandr., Protrept. ii. 17. Cp. Lobeck, Aglaophamus, p. 1111 sqq.
Clemens Alexandr., Protrept. ii. 19.
Clemens Alexandr., Protrept. ii. 18; Proclus on Plato's Timaeus, iii. 200 D, quoted by Lobeck, Aglaophamus, p. 562, and by Abel, Orphica, p. 234. Others said that the mangled body was pieced together, not by Apollo but by Rhea. Cornutus, De natura deorum, 30.
Lobeck, Aglaophamus, p. 572 sqq. For a conjectural restoration of the temple, based on ancient authorities and an examination of the scanty remains, see an article by Professor J. H. Middleton, in Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. ix. p. 282 sqq.
Diodorus, iii. 62.
Macrobius, Comment. in Somn. Scip. i. 12, 12; Scriptores rerum mythicarum Latini tres Romae nuper reperti (commonly referred to as Mythographi Vaticani), ed. G. H. Bode (Cellis, 1834), iii. 12, 5, p. 246; Origen, c. Cels. iv. 171, quoted by Lobeck, Aglaophamus, p. 713.
Himerius, Orat. ix. 4.
Proclus, Hymn to Minerva, in Lobeck, Aglaophamus, p. 561; Orphica, ed. Abel, p. 235.
Hyginus, Fab. 167.
The festivals of Dionysus were biennial in many places. See SchÖmann, Griechische AlterthÜmer,3 ii. 500 sqq. (The terms for the festival were t??et????, t??et?????? both terms of the series being included in the numeration, in accordance with the ancient mode of reckoning.) Probably the festivals were formerly annual and the period was afterwards lengthened, as has happened with other festivals. See W. Mannhardt, Baumkultus, pp. 172, 175; 491, 533 sq., 598. Some of the festivals of Dionysus, however, were annual.
Firmicus Maternus, De err. prof. relig. 6.
Mythogr. Vatic. ed. Bode, l.c.
Plutarch, Consol. ad uxor. 10. Cp. id., Isis et Osiris, 35; id., De ei Delphico, 9; id., De esu carnium, i. 7.
Pausanias, ii. 31, 2, and 37, 5; Apollodorus, iii. 5, 3.
Pausanias, ii. 37, 5 sq.; Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 35; id., Quaest. Conviv. iv. 6, 2.
Himerius, Orat. iii. 6, xiv. 7.
For Dionysus, see Lenormant in Daremberg et Saglio, i. 632. For Osiris, see Wilkinson, Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (London, 1878), iii. 65.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 35; id., Quaest. Graec. 36; Athenaeus, xi. 476 a; Clemens Alexandr., Protrept. ii. 16; Orphica, Hymn xxx. vv. 3, 4, xlv. 1, lii. 2, liii. 8; Euripides, Bacchae, 99; Schol. on Aristophanes, Frogs, 357; Nicander, Alexipharmaca, 31; Lucian, Bacchus, 2.
Euripides, Bacchae, 920 sqq., 1017.
Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 35; Athenaeus, l.c.
Diodorus, iii. 64, 2, iv. 4, 2; Cornutus, De natura deorum, 30.
Diodorus, l.c.; Tzetzes, Schol. in Lycophr. 209; Philostratus, Imagines, i. 14 (15).
MÜller-Wieseler, DenkmÄler der alten Kunst, ii. pl. xxxiii.; Daremberg et Saglio, i. 619 sq., 631; Roscher, AusfÜhrl. Lexikon, i. c. 1149 sqq.
Welcker, Alte DenkmÄler, v. taf. 2.
Plutarch, Quaest. Graec. 36; id., Isis et Osiris, 35.
Nonnus, Dionys. vi. 205.
Firmicus Maternus, De errore profan. religionum, 6.
Euripides, Bacchae, 735 sqq.; Schol. on Aristophanes, Frogs, 357.
Hesychius, s.v. ???f?? ? ?????s??, on which there is a marginal gloss ? ????? a??, ? ?? t? ?a?? fa???e???, ????? ? p?????; Stephanus Byzant. s.v. ?????e?a. The title ???af??t?? is probably to be explained in the same way. [Homer], Hymn xxxiv. 2; Porphyry, De abstin. iii. 17; Dionysius, Perieg. 576; Etymolog. Magnum, p. 371, 57.
Apollodorus, iii. 4, 3.
Ovid, Metam. v. 329; Antoninus Liberalis, 28; Mythogr. Vatic. ed. Bode, i. 86, p. 29.
Arnobius, Adv. nationes, v. 19. Cp. Suidas, s.v. a????e??. As fawns appear to have been also torn in pieces at the rites of Dionysus (Photius, s.v. ?e???e??; Harpocration, s.v. ?e?????), it is probable that the fawn was another of the god's embodiments. But of this there seems no direct evidence. Fawn-skins were worn both by the god and his worshippers (Cornutus, De natura deorum, c. 30). Similarly the female Bacchanals wore goat-skins (Hesychius, s.v. t?a??f????).
Varro, De re rustica i. 2, 19; Virgil, Georg. ii. 380, and Servius, ad I., and on Aen. iii. 118; Ovid, Fasti, i. 353 sqq.; id., Metam. xv. 114 sq.; Cornutus, De natura deorum, 30.
Euripides, Bacchae, 138 sq. ???e??? a?a t?a???t????, ??f???? ?????.
Schol. on Aristophanes, Frogs, 357.
Hera a???f???? at Sparta, Pausanias, iii. 15, 9 (cp. the representation of Hera clad in a goat's skin, with the animal's head and horns over her head, MÜller-Wieseler, DenkmÄler der alten Kunst, i. No. 299 b); Apollo ???f???? at Elis, Athenaeus, 346 b; Artemis ?ap??f???? in Samos, Hesychius, s.v. ?ap??f????; cp. id., s.v. ????f????. Divine titles derived from killing animals are probably to be similarly explained, as Dionysus a???????, Pausanias ix. 8, 2; Rhea or Hecate ????sfa???, Tzetzes, Schol. in Lycophr. 77; Apollo ?????t????, Sophocles, Electra, 6; Apollo sa????t????, Pliny, Nat. Hist. xxxiv. 70.
Porphyry, De abstin. ii. 55.
Pausanias, ix. 8, 2.
Plutarch, Quaest. Graec. 38.
Aelian, Nat. An. xii. 34. Cp. W. Robertson Smith, Religion of the Semites, i. 286 sqq.
It is to be remembered that on the Mediterranean coasts the harvest never falls so late as autumn.
On Demeter as a corn-goddess see Mannhardt, Mythologische Forschungen, p. 224 sqq.; on Proserpine in the same character see Cornutus, De nat. deor. c. 28; Varro in Augustine, Civ. Dei, vii. 20; Hesychius, s.v. Fe?sef??e?a; Firmicus Maternus, De errore prof. relig. 17. In his carefu l account of Demeter as a corn-goddess Mannhardt appears to have overlooked the very important statement of Hippolytus (Refut. omn. haeres. v. 8, p. 162, ed. Duncker and Schneidewin) that at the initiation into the Eleusinian mysteries (the most famous of all the rites of Demeter) the central mystery revealed to the initiated was a reaped ear of corn.
Welcker, Griechische GÖtterlehre, ii. 532; Preller, in Pauly's Real-EncyclopÄdie fÜr class. Alterthumswiss. vi. 107; Lenormant, in Daremberg et Saglio, Dictionnaire des AntiquitÉs grecques et romaines, i. pt. ii. 1047 sqq.
Homer, Hymn to Demeter; Apollodorus, i. 5; Ovid, Fasti, iv. 425 sqq.; id., Metam. v. 385 sqq.
A third, according to Homer, H. to Demeter, 399, and Apollodorus, i. 5, 3; a half, according to Ovid, Fasti, iv. 614; id., Metam. v. 567; Hyginus, Fab. 146.
SchÖmann, Griech. AlterthÜmer,3 ii. 393; Preller, Griech. Mythologie,3 i. 628 sq., 644 sq., 650 sq. The evidence of the ancients on this head, though not full and definite, seems sufficient. See Diodorus, v. 4; Firmicus Maternus, cc. 7, 27; Plutarch, Isis et Osiris, 69; Apuleius, Met. vi. 2; Clemens Alex., Protrept. ii. §§ 12, 17.
Mythol. Forschungen, p. 292 sqq.
Etymol. Magnum, p. 264, 12 sq.
O. Schrader, Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte2 (Jena, 1890), pp. 409, 422; V. Hehn, Kulturpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem Uebergang aus Asien,4 p. 54. ???? is doubtless equivalent etymologically to ?????, which is often taken to be spelt, but this seems uncertain.
Hesiod, Theog. 971; Lenormant, in Daremberg et Saglio, i. pt. ii. p. 1029.
W. Mannhardt, Mythol. Forsch. p. 296.
Ib. p. 297.
Ib. p. 297 sq.
Ib. p. 299.
Ib. p. 300.
Ib. p. 310.
W. Mannhardt, Mythol. Forsch. p. 310 sq.
Ib. p. 316.
Ib. p. 316.
Ib. p. 316 sq.
See above, pp. 16 sq., 286 sq.
Above, pp. 334, 345.
Above, p. 344 sq.; W. Mannhardt, KorndÄmonen, pp. 7, 26. Amongst the Wends the last sheaf, made into a puppet and called the Old Man, is hung in the hall till next year's Old Man is brought in. Schulenburg, Wendisches Volksthum, p. 147. In Inverness and Sutherland the Maiden is kept till the next harvest. Folk-lore Journal, vii. 50, 53 sq. Cp. Kuhn, WestfÄlische Sagen, GebrÄuche und MÄrchen, ii. Nos. 501, 517.
Acosta, Hist. of the Indies, v. c. 28, vol. ii. p. 374 (Hakluyt Society, 1880).
W. Mannhardt, Mythol. Forsch. p. 342 sq. Mannhardt's authority is a Spanish tract (Carta pastoral de exortacion e instruccion contra las idolatrias de los Indios del arÇobispado de Lima) by Pedro de Villagomez, Archbishop of Lima, published at Lima in 1649, and communicated to Mannhardt by J. J. v. Tschudi.
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Histoire des Nations civilisÉes du Mexique, iii. 40 sqq.
H. M. Elliot, Supplemental Glossary of Terms used in the North Western Provinces, edited by J. Beames, i. 254.
Spenser St. John, Life in the Forests of the Far East,2 i. 187, 192 sqq.
E. B. Cross, “On the Karens,” in Journal of the American Oriental Society, iv. 309.
See above, p. 346.
Veth, Java, i. 524-526.
Homer, Od. v. 125 sqq.; Hesiod, Theog. 969 sqq.
See above, p. 343 sq.
It is possible that a ceremony performed in a Cyprian worship of Ariadne may have been of this nature. Plutarch, Theseus, 20, ?? ?? ?? ????? ??? ????????? ????? ????????? ??????? ?????????????? ???? ??? ????????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ???? ????????? ????????. We have already seen grounds for regarding Ariadne as a goddess or spirit of vegetation (above, p. 104). If, however, the reference is to the Syro-Macedonian calendar, in which Gorpiaeus corresponds to September (Daremberg et Saglio, i. 831), the ceremony could not have been a harvest celebration, but may have been a vintage one. Amongst the Minnitarees in North America, the Prince of Neuwied saw a tall strong woman pretend to bring up a stalk of maize out of her stomach; the object of the ceremony was to secure a good crop of maize in the following year. Maximilian, Prinz zu Wied, Reise in das innere Nord-Amerika, ii. 269.

Ib. p. 48. To prevent a rationalistic explanation of this custom, which, like most rationalistic explanations of folk-custom, would be wrong, it may be pointed out that a little of the crop is sometimes left on the field for the spirit under other names than “the Poor Old Woman.” Thus in a village of the Tilsit district, the last sheaf was left standing on the field “for the Old Rye-woman.” M. F. p. 337. In Neftenbach (Canton of ZÜrich) the first three ears of corn reaped are thrown away on the field “to satisfy the Corn-mother and to make the next year's crop abundant.” Ib. In ThÜringen when the after-grass (Grummet) is being got in, a little heap is left lying on the field; it belongs to “the Little Wood-woman” in return for the blessing she has bestowed. Witzschel, Sagen, Sitten und GebrÄuche aus ThÜringen, p. 224. At Kupferberg, Bavaria, some corn is left standing on the field when the rest has been cut. Of this corn left standing, they say that “it belongs to the Old Woman,” to whom it is dedicated in the following words—

“We give it to the Old Woman;
She shall keep it.
Next year may she be to us
As kind as this time she has been.”

M. F. p. 337 sq. These last expressions are quite conclusive. See also Mannhardt, KorndÄmonen, p. 7 sq. In Russia a patch of unreaped corn is left in the field and the ears are knotted together; this is called “the plaiting of the beard of Volos.” “The unreaped patch is looked upon as tabooed; and it is believed that if any one meddles with it he will shrivel up, and become twisted like the interwoven ears.” Ralston, Songs of the Russian People, p. 251. In the North-east of Scotland a few stalks were sometimes left unreaped for the benefit of “the aul' man.” W. Gregor, Folk-lore of the North-East of Scotland, p. 182. Here “the aul' man” is probably the equivalent of the Old Man (der Alte) of Germany.

M. F. p. 48.
Ib. p. 48 sq.
Ib. p. 49.
Ib. p. 49 sq.; Wuttke, Der deutsche Volksaberglaube,2 § 400; TÖppen, Aberglaube aus Masuren,2 p. 57.
The explanation of the custom is Mannhardt's. M. F. p. 49.
Odyssey, xvii. 485 sqq. Cp. Plato, Sophist, 216 a.
For throwing him into the water, see p. 374.
Cieza de Leon, Travels, translated by Markham, p. 203 (Hakluyt Society, 1864).
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Histoire des Nations civilisÉes du Mexique, i. 274; Bancroft, Native Races of the Pacific States, ii. 340.
Bastian, Die CulturlÄnder des alten Amerika, ii. 639 (quoting Herrara). See above, p. 307.
E. James, Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, ii. 80 sq.; Schoolcraft, Indian Tribes, v. 77 sqq.; De Smet, Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses, nouvelle ed. 1873, p. 121 sqq. The accounts by Schoolcraft and De Smet of the sacrifice of the Sioux girl are independent and supplement each other.
Labat, Relation historique de l'Ethiopie occidentale, i. 380.
John Adams, Sketches taken during Ten Voyages in Africa between the years 1786 and 1800, p. 25.
P. Bouche, La CÔte des Esclaves, p. 132.
Arbousset et Daumas, Voyage d'exploration au Nord-est de la Colonie du Cap de Bonne-Esperance, p. 117 sq.
Panjab Notes and Queries, ii. No. 721.
Major S. C. Macpherson, Memorials of Service in India, p. 113 sq.; Major-General John Campbell, Wild Tribes of Khondistan, pp. 52-58, etc.
J. Campbell, op. cit. p. 56.
S. C. Macpherson, op. cit. p. 115 sq.
Ib. p. 113.
S. C. Macpherson, op. cit. p. 117 sq.; J. Campbell, p. 112.
S. C. Macpherson, p. 118.
J. Campbell, p. 54.
Ib. pp. 55, 112.
S. C. Macpherson, p. 119; J. Campbell, p. 113.
S. C. Macpherson, p. 127. Instead of the branch of a green tree, Campbell mentions two strong planks or bamboos (p. 57) or a slit bamboo (p. 182).
J. Campbell, pp. 56, 58, 120.
Dalton, Ethnology of Bengal, p. 288, quoting Colonel Campbell's Report.
J. Campbell, p. 126. The elephant represented the Earth Goddess herself, who was here conceived in elephant-form; Campbell, pp. 51, 126. In the hill tracts of Goomsur she was represented in peacock-form, and the post to which the victim was bound bore the effigy of a peacock, Campbell, p. 54.
S. C. Macpherson, p. 130.
Dalton, Ethnology of Bengal, p. 288, referring to Colonel Campbell's Report.
S. C. Macpherson, p. 129. Cp. J. Campbell, pp. 55, 58, 113, 121, 187.
J. Campbell, p. 182.
S. C. Macpherson, p. 128; Dalton, l.c.
J. Campbell, pp. 55, 182.
J. Campbell, p. 187.
J. Campbell, p. 112.
S. C. Macpherson, p. 118.
Above, pp. 383, 384.
Above, pp. 334, 335.
Above, pp. 333, 344, 345.
Above, p. 372.
Above, p. 374.
Above, pp. 286 sq., 337, 340, 374.
Above, p. 374.
W. Mannhardt, KorndÄmonen, p. 5.
Pfannenschmid, Germanische Erntefeste, p. 98.
Above, p. 376 sq.
Above, p. 235.
Above, p. 299.
Above, p. 68.
I do not know when the corn is reaped in Phrygia; but considering the high upland character of the country, harvest is probably later there than on the coasts of the Mediterranean.
Above, p. 364 sq.
Above, p. 365.
Hesychius, s.v. ?????.
Apollodorus, ii. 6, 3.
The scurrilities exchanged in both ancient and modern times between vine-dressers, vintagers, and passers-by seem to belong to a different category. See W. Mannhardt, Myth. Forsch. p. 53 sq.
Above, p. 282 sqq.
Above, p. 283 sq.
Above, pp. 381, 384, 389.
For this fact of the probable correspondence of the months, which supplies so welcome a confirmation of the conjecture in the text, I am indebted to my friend Professor W. Robertson Smith, who furnishes me with the following note: “In the Syro-Macedonian calendar Lous represents Ab, not Tammuz. Was it different in Babylon? I think it was, and one month different, at least in the early times of the Greek monarchy in Asia. For we know from a Babylonian observation in the Almagest (Ideler, I. 396) that in 229 b.c. Xanthicus began on February 26. It was therefore the month before the equinoctial moon, not Nisan but Adar, and consequently Lous answered to the lunar month Tammuz.”
Above, p. 364.
Apollodorus, ii. 5, 11; Schol. on Apollonius Rhodius, iv. 1396; Plutarch, Parall. 38. Herodotus (ii. 45) discredits the idea that the Egyptians ever offered human sacrifices. But his authority is not to be weighed against that of Manetho (Plutarch, Is. et Os. 73), who affirms that they did.
E. Meyer, Geschichte des Alterthums, i. § 57.
Diodorus, i. 88; Plutarch, Is. et Os. 73; cp. id., 30, 33.
Above, pp. 307, 383, 391.
Festus, s.v. Catularia. Cp. id., s.v. rutilae canes; Columella, x. 343; Ovid, Fasti, iv. 905 sqq.; Pliny, N. H. xviii. § 14.
Panzer, Beitrag zur deutschen Mythologie, ii. 207, No. 362; Bavaria, Landes- und Volkskunde des KÖnigreichs Bayern, iii. 343.
Above, pp. 384, 389.
Above, pp. 381, 383.
Plutarch, Is. et Os. 18.
Plutarch, Is. et Os. 22, 30, 31, 33, 73.
Wilkinson, Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (ed. 1878), iii. 81.
Pausanias, i. 22, 3, viii. 5, 8, viii. 42, 1
Cornutus, De nat. deor. c. 28.
Hone, Every-day Book, ii. c. 1170 sq.
Miss C. S. Burne and Miss G. F. Jackson, Shropshire Folk-lore, p. 372 sq., referring to Mrs. Bray's Traditions of Devon, i. 330.
Hone, op. cit. ii. 1172.
Brand, Popular Antiquities, ii. 20 (Bohn's ed.); Burne and Jackson, op. cit. p. 371.
Burne and Jackson, l.c.
W. Mannhardt, Myth. Forsch. p. 185.
1335.< /dt>
See above, p. 345.
W. Mannhardt, Myth. Forsch. p. 185.
Revue des Traditions populaires, ii. 500.
Above, p. 343.
U. Jahn, Die deutschen OpfergebrÄuche bei Ackerbau und Viehzucht, pp. 166-169; Pfannenschmid, Germanische Erntefeste, p. 104 sq.; Kuhn, WestfÄlische Sagen, GebrÄuche und MÄrchen, ii. Nos. 491, 492; Kuhn und Schwartz, Norddeutsche Sagen, MÄrchen und GebrÄuche, p. 395, No. 97; Lynker, Deutsche Sagen und Sitten in hessischen Gauen, p. 256, No. 340.

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