The full-page subjects from drawings by Arthur Heming. The head- and tail-pieces from drawings by J. S. Gordon | FACING | Shag carried the Dog-wolf on his back | Title | | | "Lying on my back as though I were dead, I | held my tail straight up" | 6 | | | "I am no Wolf, Shag; I am A'tim, which | meaneth a Dog in the talk of the Crees" | 10 | | | One after another they hurtled into the | slaughter-pen of the Blood Indians' corral | 36 | | | Muskwa had A'tim in his long-clawed grasp | 66 | | | "Steady, Dog-Wolf, steady," admonished | Shag, "this is a friend of mine" | 78 | | | "Oh, don't mention it!" exclaimed the Wolf; | | "no doubt we shall find something for | | dinner, presently" | 114 | | | "Thou art a traitor, and a great liar," said | | the Bull | 136 |