| PAGE. | The Flight | 5 | The McNab in Canada | 12 | Arrival of the Settlers | 22 | Progress of the Settlers | 27 | New Arrivals | 38 | Fresh Arrivals | 47 | A Digression | 59 | The Sheriff's Raid | 69 | Imprisonment of the McIntyres | 86 | Military Tactics of McNab | 103 | Mr. Allan's Report | 119 | The Trials | 133 | Imprisonment of Mr. Stewart | 150 | Final Triumph of the Settlers | 157 | Investigation of Grievances | 169 | The Chief's Reply | 178 | The Settlers Free | 187 | McNab and Hinck's Trial | 198 | Discomfiture of the Chief | 207 | Last Scene of all | 213 | THE CHIEF.