html#Page_117" class="pginternal">117;
wild herds of, 95, 117;
wild dogs and, 97;
improvement and increase of, 99;
numbers of, 122;
and importation embargo in England, 130-1
Cattle-breeding, 66-7;
importation of bloodstock for, 118;
improvements in, 120;
Argentine Agricultural Society and, 120-2
Cattle disease, prevalence of, 69
Central Argentine Railway, returns of, 140;
growth of 141-2;
electrification of, 145;
suburban traffic, 143;
excursions on, 143;
goods and agricultural traffic of, 144;
irrigation scheme of, 144;
extension of, 144-5;
weekly receipts of, 145;
works of at Rosario, 156;
excursions to Alta Gracia, 165
Central Cordoba Railway, 153
Cereals, value of exportation of, 67;
low yield of, 70
Chaco, the, swamps of, 91;
Indians of, 91
Chamber of Deputies, constitution of, 73;
qualifications of candidates and members of, 73;
salary of members of, 74;
Socialism in, 75

Chicago and Argentine chilled meat trade, 68
"Chico," 212, 213
Chili, nitrates of, 4;
railway communication with, 146-7, 149;
leprosy in, 246
"Chilled" meat compared with "frozen," 125
Chilled meat trade, American attempts to capture, 68;
extension of, 126
Christ, statue of, on Chilian boundary, 148
Chubut, Welsh colony at, 225
Citizenship, qualifications for, 77
Clarke, Mr. Percy, and Great Southern Railway, 152
Climate, variations of, 89, 102-3
Coal, lack of, and importation of, 83;
possible supply from Brazil, 155
Coal Strike, effect in Argentine of, 243
Colon Theatre, the, gala performance at, 29
"Colonists," system of, 5 eru, rubber in, 4
Peso, the, 236
Petroleum zone, Government reservation on, 243
Pilots, National School of, 80
Plate, River, 19;
volume of, 90;
reclamation of land from, 146;
silting of, 155, 176
Plaza Jewell, Rosario, 156
Plaza Mayo, "B.A.," 26, 27
Plaza San Lopez, Rosario, 156
Plaza San Martin, Rosario, 156
Population, call for, 53;
growth of, 63
Posados, lumber trade of, 243
Port Madryn, Welsh colony at, 225
Portugal and frozen meat, 127
Poverty, non-existence of, 35
President, qualifications and powers of, 72-3
Property, State regulations on disposal of, 76
Provincial Council of Education, 79
Provincial Governments, powers of, 75;
relations of, with Central Government, 76
Puerta del Inca, 219
Puerta Galvan, 179
Quebracho, the, 92
Railways, luxuriance of trains on, 36, 44, 134-5;
influence on prosperity of, 43;
British capital in, 43, 134;
mileage of, 45;
State lines, 45;
limitations of dividends of, 45;
landowners and, 47;
government and direction of, 48;
profits of, for roadmaking, 49;
and mail carrying, 49;
equipment of, 49;
causes of profits of, 134;
"special cars" on, 135, 166-7, 213213;
carriage of agricultural produce, 137;
growth of, 138;
William Wheelwright as founder of, 138;
United States and, 139;
Thomas Brassey and, 139;
dividends and prospects of, 139;
growth of the Central Argentine, 141-5;
growth and prospects of the Buenos Aires and Pacific,

Printed by
Cassell & Company, Limited,
La Belle Sauvage, London, E.C.


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