A Acciajuoli, Lorenzo, 262 Acciajuoli, Nicholas, 246, 251-2, 261 et sq. AglaË, 3 et sq. Agnes, Duchess of Durazzo, 204, 235 et sq. Aix, Archbishop of, 258 Alexander, Emperor of Russia, 294 Alexis, St., 6 et sq. Alphonsus Liguori, St., 241-2 Altamura, Giovanni Pipino, Count of, 205, 212-13, 230 Amadeus VIII of Savoy, 185, 187 Andrew of Hungary, Prince (Duke of Calabria), 1st Consort of Queen Joan of Naples, his marriage to Queen Joan, 200 et sq.; his temperament, 201-2; his disappointment at Joan’s sole occupancy of the throne, 202 et sq., 219; Charles of Durazzo plots against, 210; forms a friendship with Charles of Durazzo, 211 et sq.; begged to leave Naples by his mother, 219 et sq.; his crown confirmed by the Pope, 221-2; his murder planned, 223 et sq., 254; goes on a hunting expedition, 224 et sq.; murdered by his enemies, 228-9, 248, 255, 275; lying-in-state of, 230-1; Papal Bull to inquire into the murder of, 238 et sq.; his murderers tried and sentenced, 239 et sq.; Joan’s complicity in the death of, 249 et sq., 260; King Louis seeks to avenge the death of, 248 et sq. Andrew of Isernia, 222 et sq. Angles, 49 Appian Way, 145 Aquileia, Patriarch of, 265 ArÉtin, Baron d’, 119 Artois, Bertrand d’, 203-4, 206-7, 213, 215, 222-3, 227-8, 241, 245-6 Artois, Charles d’, 203, 213, 223, 241, 245 et sq. Asilo, The, 69 et sq., 84 et sq. Aubert, St., 364-5 Augustine, St., 50-1 Aventine, The, 2 et sq. Avignon, 77 et sq., 205, 220, 238, 251, 258, 260 B Bacourt, Marquis de, 97 Baldwin II, 204 Balzo, Count of, 213 Barberini, Prince, 76 Barbou, 288 Baux, Renaud des, 268-9 Baux, Robert des, 268-9 Beauharnais, EugÈne de, 277, 293 Benedict, St., 15 et sq., 22 et sq., 52, 152, 156 Benedict I, 42-3 Benedictine Rule, 31 et sq., 40 et sq., 50 Bentinck, Lord William, 282-3, 289, 290, 304 Bernadotte. See Charles XIV Bernard, St., 84 Berthier, General, 115-16, 131 et sq. Bonaparte, Caroline. See Murat Bonaparte, Prince Jerome, 78 Bonaparte, Joseph (King of Naples, afterwards King of Spain), 279 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon Bonaparte, Pauline (Princess Borghese), 297, 309 Boniface, St., 3 et sq., 10 et sq. Boniface III, 52 Boniface VIII, 147 et sq. Borghese, Villa, 68 Borgi, Giovanni, 65 et sq., 84, 86, 96, 104 Bossone, Francesco, 182 et sq. Bossuet, cited, 29 Boulogne, Cardinal de, 261 Brennan, Rev. Richard, 97 Brompton Oratory, 355 Brune, Marshal, 315 Burghersh, Lord, 311 C Cabano, Filippo, 201, 206 et sq., 214-15, 223, 231, 241 Cabano, Robert of, Count of Eboli, 200 et sq., 213-14, 223, 226 et sq., 231, 241, 243 Cabarelli, 321 Calabria, Duke of. See Charles Campbell, Commodore, 308 Campochiaro, Duke di, 293 Cancia, Donna, 206, 223, 231, 241, 256 Cane, Facino, 182 et sq. Canosa, 324 Capobianco, 282 et sq. Caracalla, 56 Carbonari, the, 282 et sq., 296, 298 Carmagnola. See Francesco Borsone Caroline of Austria, Queen of Spain, 294, 297 Carrascosa, General, 291, 303, 309, 311 Castel Nuovo (Naples), 214, 219, 224 et sq., 269, 273 Castlereagh, Viscount, 295 Catanzaro, Count of, 213, 223, 241, 256 Catherine of Taranto, Empress of Constantinople, 204, 206, 214, 223, 232 et sq., 245 et sq. Cavaletti, Marchese, 164 et sq. Celestine V, 239 Charlemagne, 13 Charles I of Anjou, 242 Charles, Duke of Calabria, 200 Charles, Duke of Durazzo, presents Joan as sole sovereign to the Neapolitans, 202; refuses to do homage to Andrew of Hungary, 202; his ambition, 204, 208; obtains an audience with Joan and plots against Andrew, 209 et sq.; secretly marries Princess Maria of Calabria, 211, 216 et sq.; propitiates Andrew, 211 et sq.; appeals to the people to avenge Andrew’s death, 231; objects to re-marriage of Joan, 232 et sq.; tragic death of his mother, 235-6; and the Papal inquiry into the murder of Prince Andrew, 238 et sq.; his tyranny, 244; civil war between Louis of Taranto and, 244 et sq.; invites King Louis of Hungary to take possession of Naples, 248 et sq.; a truce with Joan, 250; attempts to conciliate King Louis, 253; King Louis’s accusations against, 254-5; his execution by order of King Louis, 255-6 Charles, Duke of Durazzo (son of Prince Louis), 272 et sq. Charles IV, Emperor of Germany, 265 Charles, King of Hungary, 200 Charles, King of Naples, 201 Charles XIV, King of Sweden, 117, 278 Cienfuegos, Canon, 85 Civita Vecchia, 289 Clement VI, 205, 220-1, 238, 244, 249, 250-1, 259 et sq., 265, 270 Clement VII (Anti-Pope), 273 Colonna, Count of, 299 Colonna, family of, 147 et sq. Conradin of Hohenstaufen, 242 Consalvi, Cardinal, 86 Constans II, 56 Constantine the Great, 13 Constantinople, Empress of, See Catherine of Taranto Crawford, Marion, 154, 169, 331 D Dalberg, Duke, 295 Denbigh, Countess of, 157 Dominic, St., 352 Dumas, Alexandre, 261 Dupin, 295 Durazzo. See Agnes, Charles, and Louis E Edessa, 8 Elizabeth of Hungary, St., 351 Elizabeth of Poland, Queen, 205, 219 et sq., 249 Enghien, Duc d’, 326 Ephrem, St., 197 Euphemian, 11-12 Eustace, St., 20 et sq. Eutychius, 43-4 F Falkland Isles, 91 et sq. Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 278, 284, 286, 288, 297, 311-12, 321, 326, 328 Ferrara, 289 Fesch, Cardinal, 129, 134, 309 Filippo Maria, Duke of Milan, 183 et sq. Fondi, Count of, 253 Foscari, Doge of Venice, 186-7 FouchÉ, Joseph, Duke of Otranto, 288, 315 et sq. Francis of Assisi, St., 24, 156 Francis, Emperor of Austria, 119, 125, 300, 320 Frederick of Baden, 242 Frimont, 303 Fullerton, Lady Georgina, 157 G Gargano, Monte, 359 et sq. Genazzano, 141 et sq. Genoa, 336 et sq. Genseric, 13 George III of England, 264-5 Gian Maria, Duke of Milan, 183 Giotto, 271 Giovanni, Duke of Milan, 182-3 Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua, 193 Gotis, Conrad de, 224 Grace, Mary, 1 et sq. Gravina, Domenico, 247 Gregory, St., 29, 31, 39 et sq., 110 Guadagnolo, 20 et sq. GuÉranger, Dom, 22 H Hardenberg, Prince Von, 295 Hare, Augustus J., 141, 152, 154 Honorius, Emperor, 57 Hutton, Edward, cited, 97 I Infantado, Duke dell’, 322 Innocent I, 11 Innocent IV, 352 Isolda (Nurse to Andrew of Hungary), 225-6, 229 Italian seas, 329 et sq. Ives, St., 109 J James of Aragon, King of Minorca (3rd Consort of Queen Joan of Naples), 272 Januarius, St., 276 Jerome, St., 197 Joan of Anjou, Queen of Naples, 200 et sq. Joan of Naples, Queen, her beauty, 200, 209, 214; her marriage to Andrew of Hungary, 200 et sq.; her intrigue with Robert of Cabano, 201, 203, 206 et sq.; is proclaimed sole ruler of Naples, 202 et sq., 222; and Charles of Durazzo’s scheming against Andrew, 209, 210; her love for Bertrand d’Artois, 213, 223; abduction of her sister, Princess Maria, 214 et sq.; and Charles of Durazzo’s marriage to Princess Maria, 216-17; her act of homage for her crown, 218-9; Andrew’s confirmation as King, 222; and the murder of Prince Andrew, 223 et sq.; her fellow-conspirators’ claims, 231 et sq.; her marriage to Louis of Taranto, 237-8, 244; Charles of Durazzo and Robert of Taranto make war upon, 244 et sq.; accused by King Louis of Hungary of the murder of Prince Andrew, 248 et sq.; departs for Marseilles on the entrance of King Louis into Naples, 251; her reception at Aix, 258; Clement VI declares her innocent of Andrew’s death, 260; her John, Patriarch of Constantinople, 46 Josephus, 20 Julian the Apostate, 13 Julius CÆsar, 45 L Louis, King of Hungary, 211; informed of conspiracy to deprive his brother Andrew of sharing the crown with Joan, 205; invited by Charles of Durazzo to take possession of Naples, 248-9; accuses Joan of complicity in the murder of Andrew, 248 et sq.; enters Italy, 251; Charles of Durazzo and Robert of Taranto attempt to conciliate, 253; orders Charles to be executed, 255, 272; wreaks vengeance on Andrew’s murderers, 256, 270; terrorises the country, 256-7; requested by the Pope to retire from Naples, 261; fighting between Louis of Taranto and, 262 et sq.; consents to abandon Naples, 270; orders Queen Joan to be put to death, 274-5 Lascolette, 288 Lebzeltern, Chevalier de, 114 et sq., 118 et sq. Lecchi, General, 306 Leo XIII, 1 Leopold of Bourbon, Crown Prince, 313 Lillo of Aquila, Count, 253-4 Livron, General, 304 Loreto, 143 Louis of Anjou, Prince, 273 Louis of Durazzo, Prince, 253, 272 Louis of Taranto, Prince (afterwards King of Naples), 2nd husband of Queen Joan, his personal appearance, 204, 214; marries Joan of Naples, 237; civil war between Charles of Durazzo and, 244 et sq.; resists Louis of Hungary, 250 et sq., 262 et sq.; joins Queen Joan at Provence, 252; his marriage to Joan confirmed by Clement VI, 260; his rescue of Princess Maria, 265 et sq.; returns to Naples with Queen Joan, 270; his coronation, 271; his death, 272 Louis XVIII, 316 M Magella, 296 Maio, General, 306 Malachy, St., 84 Malastrata, Carlo, 191 Marcella, 3 Marcellinus, 103 Marcus Agrippa, 55 Marie Louise, Empress of France, 123 Marie de Medici, 336 Marie of Valois, 200 Marius, 145 Marmont, Marshal, 314 Martin V, 189 Mary of Calabria, Princess (afterwards Duchess of Durazzo), 203, 206-7, 311, 214 et sq., 238, 248 Masaniello, 242 Masdea, Father, 327 Mastai-Ferretti, Cardinal, 107, 255, 259, 262, 265 et sq. Mastai-Ferretti, Count, 73 et sq., 81 Mastai-Ferretti, Countess, 74 et sq. Mastai-Ferretti, Giovanni. See Pius IX Maurus, 29 et sq. Metternich, Count, 116, 119 et sq., 133, 290, 295, 299, 320 Mier, Count Von, 285 Milan Cathedral, 59 Milan, Dukes of. See Gian, Giovanni, and Filippo Mocenigo, Doge of Venice, 186, 190 Mohr, 303 Monastic Orders, 14-15 Montalembert, cited, 19, 28, 34, 47 Montefeltro, Guido de, 148 Monte Scaglioso, Bertram des Baux, Count of, 238-9, 242, 264 Montigny, General, 306-7 Morcone, Count of, 213, 223, 241 Morcone, Countess of, 206, 223, 231, 241 Moscow, 280 Murano, 348-9 Murat, Caroline Queen of Naples, 297 et sq., 308 et sq., 325 Murat, Joachim, King of Naples, his descent from power, 277; his difficult position, 278; conspiracies against his life, 279, 280; his public works, 280; and the Smolensk campaign, 280; attempts to unify Italy, 281; and the suggested alliance with Austria, 285 et sq.; and Pope Pius VII, 291-2, 296; receives the news of Napoleon’s abdication, 292-3; adjusts his kingdom, 293-4; Talleyrand’s enmity towards, 294 et sq.; and Napoleon’s escape from Elba, 299 et sq.; engages in war against Austria, 303 et sq.; his defeat, 309 et sq.; resolves to join Napoleon, 311; at Toulon, 315-16; his perils en route for Paris, 316 et sq.; and Austria’s offer to, 319 et sq.; lands at Pizzo, 3; is imprisoned, 322 et sq.; his trial and death sentence, 324 et sq.; last letter to Caroline, 325; his execution, 327-8 Muzi, Monsignor, 85, 87 et sq. N Naples, under Queen Joan, 201 et sq.; under Murat, 276 et sq. Napoleon I, 13,45; his persecution of Pius VII, 75, 77 et sq., 114 et sq.; elevates Murat to the throne of Naples, 278; pushes on to Moscow, 280; his quarrel with Murat, 281; his abdication, 292, 294; his distrust of Talleyrand, 295; at Elba, 296; his escape from Elba, 299, 310; suggests an alliance with Murat, 299-314; his star once more in the ascendant, 311; and Murat’s appeal to, 315; his power in Europe, 318; and Duc d’Enghien, 326 Napoleon III, 101 Narses, 13-14 Neipperg, Count, 303, 305-6, 311 Nesselrode, Count, 295 Nicholas of Melazzo, 211, 215, 223-4, 228, 239 et sq. Noailles, Count de, 295 Nogaret, William de, 150-1 Norcia. See Nursia Normandy, Duke of, 203, 211, 258 Nunziante, General, 323 et sq. Nursia, 15 et sq. O Oderisio, Roberto di, 271 Odescalchi Palace, 1 Odoacer, 13 Olevano, 152 Orsini, family of, 147 Otho, Duke of Brunswick (4th Consort of Queen Joan of Naples), 273-4 P Pace, Tommaso, 211, 215, 223, 228, 239 et sq. Palestrina, 144 et sq. Pantheon, 55 et sq. Paul Petrovitch, Emperor, 264 Paul, St., 4 Pepes, General, 305 PÉrigord, Cardinal de, 254 Peter, St., 51, 118, 350 et sq. Peter, St. (the exorcist), 103 Petrarch, 202 Philip of Taranto, Prince, 253 Philippe le Bel, King of France, 150 Phocas, Emperor, 57 Piccino, Nicolo, 190, 192 et sq. Pignatelli, General, 264 Pius VII, and the ordination of Pius IX, 72; returns in triumph to the throne of St. Peter, 76-7; Napoleon’s insolent demands upon, 77-8, 116 et sq.; excommunicates Pius VIII, 98 Pius IX, 50, 65; appointed director of the Asilo, 70 et sq.; his infirmity, 71-2, 76; his ordination, 72; his birth and early life, 73 et sq.; witnesses the return to Rome of Pius VII, 76, 81-2; prophecies concerning his election to the Papacy, 83-4; undertakes mission to Chile, 84 et sq.; last evening at the Asilo, 85-6; appointed Director of the Ospizio di San Michele, 95-6; appointed Abp. of Spoleto, 96 et sq.; and the revolutionaries in Spoleto, 99 et sq.; appointed Abp. of Imola, 102; his fearless zeal, 102; his escape from assassination, 103; made a Cardinal, 103; Riotti’s attempt to kidnap, 104-5; his great humility, 106-7; his charity and love of justice, 108 et sq. Pius X, 143 Placidus. See St. Eustace Prina, 293 Procopius, St., 197 Q Quintus, Sertorius, 16 R Ranieri, Bp. of Pisa, 149, 196 et sq. Rapp, Marshal, 280 Ravenna, 354 et sq. Richard I, Duke of Normandy, 365 Riotti, 104 RiviÈre, Marquis de la, 316 Robert, Father, 202, 205-6, 208, 212, 220-1, 249 Robert, King of Naples, 200 et sq., 211, 220, 222 Robert of Taranto, Prince, 232-3, 236 et sq., 244, 250 Romanus, 24 et sq. Rome, the Aventine, 2 et sq.; the centre of education, 19; pestilence in, 51 et sq.; the Pantheon, 55 et sq.; Giovanni Borgi founds the Asilo in, 65 et sq.; Pius VII returns to 76-7, 81, 136, 291; the Vatican, 78 et sq., 136; the Campagna and its cities, 137 et sq.; the Sabines from, 160 S Sabine Hills, 138 et sq., 159 et sq. St. Michael, Mont, 363 et sq. St. Peter’s (Rome), 63, 65, 68, 83 Sant’Angelo, 288-9 Sant’Angelo, Count of, 213 Santa Chiara, Church of, 207, 218 Santa Croce, Church of, 243, 259 Sant’Eligio, Church of, 222 San Gennaro (Naples), Cathedral of, 230-1 St. John Lateran, 143 San Marco (Venice), 341 San Martino de Monti, Cardinal, 218 San Michele, Ospizio di, 95-6 San Pietro a Maiella, 226 San Severino, Count of, 213 Santo Spirito, Hospital of, 109 Sallusti, Father, 85 et sq. Sancia of Aragon, Queen, 204 Savona, 113 et sq. Scholastica, St., 15 et sq., 36 et sq., 152 Sciarra, family of, 147 Septimus Severus, 56 Sinigaglia, 70 et sq., 104, 108 Spezia, 336 Spinelli, 262 Squillace, Godfrey of Marsano, Count of, 223, 241, 256 Stackelberg, 295 Stephen of Transylvania (Voivode), 255 Strasburg Cathedral, 59 Strongoli, General, 304 Subiaco, 24, 27 et sq., 34, 152, 154 Sub Laqueum. See Subiaco Sulla, 145 T Taigi, Anna Maria, 83-4 Talleyrand, Prince de, 117, 294-5, 236 Taranto. See Robert of, Louis, King of Naples, and Philip of Tarsus, 4 Terlizzi, Count of, 213, 223, 227 et sq., 240 Terlizzi, Countess of, 206, 223, 231, 241 Thackeray, W. M., 359 ThÉvenot, Colonel, 114-5 Tiberius Constantinus, Emperor, 43-4 Trajan, Emperor, 21 Trentacapilli, Captain, 322 U Urban VI, 273 Urban VIII, 110 V Venice, 180 et sq., 336 et sq. Vescovado, Palace of, 114 et sq. Vespasian, Emperor, 16 Vesuvius, Mt., 8 Viareggio, 356 et sq. Vico Varo, Monks of, 26-7 W Wellington, Duke of, 290 Westminster Abbey, 59 Westminster Cathedral, 355 Wied, 303 Wolf, Conrad, 263 Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. |