- Acanthyllis caudacuta, 40, 55
- Acanthyllis gigantea, 55
- Aeroplane, observations on flight of birds from, 50
- Age of stags, 110-11
- Air speed, 25
- A Joy for Ever, 181
- Alpine swift, 41-2, 49-53, 56-7
- American golden plover, 33
- An Angler’s Paradise, 191
- Applecross, 141-2
- Apus, 53
- Armour, G. Denholm, 58
- Attadale, 73
- Australia, birds of fastest flight in, 54
- Avicultural Magazine, 54 n.
- Aytoun, 218
- Baker, E. Stuart, 55
- Balfour-Browne, Vincent, 164
- Bas, 217
- Bhasaich, 217
- Birds, speeds of various British, 35-6
- Birds of Australia, twelve swiftest, 54
- Birds of Europe, History of, 53 n.
- Birds of Fastest Flight in the British Isles, 23-70
- Birds of Great Britain, 146
- Birds of prey, 39-52, 57-70, 136-54
- Blackcock, 35, 37, 45, 50, 58-9, 65, 138
- Black game, killed by peregrines and eagles, 29, 66, 137-8, 149
- Blaine, Captain G. S., 45, 148
- Blanford, W. T., 56
- Blue rock pigeons, 35, 44-5
- Bond, William Walpole, 47
- Book of the Sea Trout, 192
- British Museum (Natural History), 41
- Browne, Bishop G. F., 22 n.
- Buzzard, 49
- Caberslach, 74
- Calf, deer, attacked by eagle, 142
- Canadian Boat Song, 217
- Caochladh, 219
- Capercailzie, probably fastest flying game bird, 45, 50
- Carter, H. R. P., 57
- 143, 147-8
- Hawks, 30, 48, 136, 142-53
- Hereford, 88
- Highlands of Scotland, fascination of, 216
- Hobby, 45-6, 49
- Homing Instincts of Wounded Deer, 123-35
- Hounds, deer-, 128
- Hummel, 74
- Hurrell, H. G., 39
- Hutton, J. Arthur, 94-5
- Iceland falcon, 38-9
- Jackdaw, 35
- Jura, 111
- Kestrel, 35, 49, 142
- Killilan, 66
- King’s night-cap, 179
- Kite, 49
- Lambs, killed by eagles, 138
- Lame Dog’s Diary, 217
- Landrail, speed of, 35
- Last Stalk of the Season, 170-81
- Letters to a Salmon Fisher’s Sons, 93
- Life History and Habits of Salmon, etc., 190, 193
- Loch Carron, 10
- Leven, 185
- trout, 191
- Luichart, 204
- problem, 182
- Lodges in the Highlands, highest shooting, 171
- Lost in the Forest, 209
- Macdougall, stalker, Fealar, 171
- McIver, Donald, 66
- Mackay, John, stalker, North Jura, 111
- Mackenzie, Alick, stalker, Applecross, 141
- Maclennan, watcher, Coignafearn, 72
- Macnaughtan, S., 217
- Mallard, 30-31, 33-5, 70
- Malloch, P. D., 190, 191 n., 192-3, 196
- Mar Forest, 74
- Marryat, 194
- Matheson, Donald, stalker, Glen Shieldaig, 140
- Meinertzhagen, D.S.O., Colonel R., 27, 31, 33, 35, 42, 50, 52
- Merlin, 35, 53
- needle-tailed or spine-tailed, 40-42, 51-3, 55, 70
- Switch-horn, 73-4
- Tame pigeons, 36
- Teal, 28, 33-6, 46, 57
- Tennyson, 21 n.
- Three, luck in number, 92
- Tickell, 55
- Tiercel, 42, 46
- Tracker, 128
- Trout eggs, number of, 195
- loch, how to improve, 182-96
- Velocity of falling birds, 61
- Waders, speed of, 36
- Wallace, Frank, 156
- Weight, influence of in flight, 30, 60
- of the eagle, 60
- of the gyrfalcon, 60
- of the peregrine, 60
- Wild duck, 28-9, 36-70
- Wild Sport with Gun, Rifle, and Salmon Rod, 197
- Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands, 37, 164
- Willoughby, Colonel the Hon. Claude, 141
- Wings, 54, 58, 142, 145, 150
- Witherby, H. F., 53 n.
- Wood pigeon, 35, 152
- Woodcock, 28-30
- Wounded Deer, Homing Instincts of, 123-35
- stags, attacking stalkers, 155-64
- danger of, 81, 157
- Wye, river, 12, 85
Printed in Great Britain by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.