Cutting the Glass.—For this purpose a "glass-knife" is preferred to a file, if the glass is cold: if it is hot a file must always be used, and its edge slightly moistened to prevent drawing the temper. The glass-knife is simply a flat piece of hard steel, with the edges ground sharp on an emery wheel. The bevel of the edge should be from 30 to 60 degrees. An old flat file can easily be ground into a suitable knife. The glass-knife makes a narrower scratch than the file but appears more likely to start the minute crack which is to cause the tube to break at that point, and the break is more likely to give a good square end. The scratch should be made by passing part of the knife or file once across the glass, never by "sawing" the tool back and forth. This latter procedure dulls the tool very quickly. In breaking a piece of glass tubing, many persons forget that it is necessary to pull the ends apart, as well as to bend the tube very slightly in such a direction as to open up the minute crack started in the scratch. Care in breaking the tube is essential, as it is impossible to do as good work with uneven ends as with square ones. When tubing of large diameter or thin wall is to be cut, it is often better not to attempt to break it in the usual way, but to heat a very small globule of glass (1/16 to 1/8 inch diameter) to red heat, and touch it to the scratch. This will usually start the crack around the tube; if it has not proceeded far enough, or has not gone in the de Another way of cutting large tubing, especially if it has rather thick walls, is to make a scratch in the usual way, and then turn on the smallest and sharpest possible flame of the blast lamp. The tube is next taken in both hands and held horizontally above the flame so that the scratch is exactly over it. The tubing is now rotated rapidly about its axis, and lowered so that the flame is just tangent to its lower side. After about ten seconds of heating, it is removed from the flame and the hot portion quickly breathed upon, when it will generally crack apart very nicely. Care must be taken to hold the tube at right angles to the flame during the heating, and to rotate it so that only a narrow strip of the circumference is heated, and the scratch should be in the center of this heated strip. By this means tubing as large as two inches in diameter is readily broken. Griffin's glass cutter, which contains a hardened steel wheel, like that on any ordinary window-glass cutter, and a device by which this can be made to make a true cut clear around the tube, is a very handy article, especially for large tubing, and may be obtained from any dealers in chemical apparatus. Bending Glass.—Inasmuch as this is one of the commonest operations in the laboratory, it is assumed that the reader knows how to perform it. However, it Drawing Out a Tube.—Most students learn this the first day of their laboratory work in chemistry, but few take pains to do it well. The tube should be heated in the flame of a Bunsen burner, or blast lamp (preferably the latter) until it is very soft. During this time it must be continuously rotated about its axis, and so held that the edges of the heated zone are sharply defined; i.e., it should not be allowed to move back and forth along its own axis. When so hot that it cannot longer be held in shape, the tube is removed from the flame, and the ends slowly and regularly drawn apart, continuing the rotation of the tube about its axis. By regulating the rate of drawing and the length of tube heated, the desired length and diameter of capillary may be obtained. The tube should always be rotated and kept in a straight line until the glass has set, so that the capillary may have the same axis as the main tube. This capillary or "tail" is often a very necessary handle in glass-blowing, and if it is not straight and true, will continually make trouble. In drawing out very large tubing, say from one to two inches in diameter, it is often necessary to draw the tube in the flame, proceeding very slowly and at a lower temperature than would be used with small tubing. This is partly on account of the difficulty of heating large tubing uniformly to a high temperature, and Constricting a Tube.—Where a constriction is to be made in a tube, the above method must be modified, as the strength of the tube must be maintained, and the constricted portion is usually short. Small tubes are often constricted without materially changing their outside diameter, by a process of thickening the walls. The tube is heated before the blast lamp, rotating it about its axis as later described, and as it softens is gradually pushed together so as to thicken the walls at the heated point, as in a, Fig. 1. When this operation has proceeded far enough, the tube is removed from the flame, and the ends cautiously and gently drawn apart, continuing the rotation of the tube about its axis and taking care not to draw too rapidly at first. The resulting tube should have a uniform exterior diameter, as shown in b, Fig. 1. Fig. 1.—Constricting a tube. This method of constriction is not suited to tubes much over 1/4 inch in diameter, since the mass of glass in the constricted part becomes so thick as to be difficult to handle when hot, and likely to crack on cooling. Larger tubes are therefore constricted by heating in a narrow flame, with constant rotation, and when soft, alternately gently pulling the ends apart and pushing them together, each motion being so regulated that the diameter of a short section of the tube is gradually reduced, while the thickness of the wall of the reduced portion remains the same as that of the rest of the tube, or increases only slightly. This pulling and pushing of the glass takes place in the flame, while the rotation is Flanging a Tube.—This operation produces the characteristic flange seen on test-tubes, necks of flasks, etc., the object being twofold: to finish the end neatly and to strengthen it so that a cork may be inserted without breaking it. This flanging may be done in several ways. In any case the first operation is to cut the tube to a square end, and then heat this end so that the extreme sixteenth or eighth of an inch of it is soft and begins to shrink. The tube is of course rotated during this heating, which should take place in a flame of slightly greater diameter than the tube, if possible. The flange is now produced by expanding this softened part with some suitable tool. A cone of charcoal has been recommended for this purpose, and works fairly well, if made so its height is about equal to the diameter of its base. The tube is rotated and the cone, held in the other hand, is pressed into the open end until the flange is formed. A pyramid with eight or ten sides would probably be better than the cone. Fig. 2.—Flanging tool. A better flanging tool is made from a triangular piece of copper or brass, about 1/16 inch thick, and mounted in a suitable handle. Such a tool is shown in Fig. 2, being cut from a sheet of copper and provided with a Fig. 3.—Flanging a tube with flanging tool. Fig. 4.—Flanging a tube with carbon rod or wire. Some glass-blowers use a small carbon rod, about 3/16 inch in diameter, as a flanging tool for tubes larger than about 3/8 inch diameter, and a small iron wire or similar piece of metal for smaller tubes. In this case the tube is heated as above described, and the rod or wire inserted in the end at an angle and pressed against the softened part, as indicated in Fig. 4, while the tube is Rotation of the Tube.—This is the fundamental manipulation in glass-blowing, and upon it more than all else depends the uniformity and finish of the work, and often the possibility of accomplishing the work at all. Directions for it will be given on the assumption that the reader is right-handed; if otherwise, the position of the hands is of course reversed. The object of rotation is to insure even heating of the whole circumference of the tube at the point of attack, to equalize the effect of gravity on the hot glass and prevent it from falling out of shape when soft, and to keep the parts of the tube on each side of the heated portion in the same straight line. In rotating the tube, both hands must be used, so that the two ends may revolve at the same rate and the glass in the hot part not be twisted. The rotation is performed by the thumb and first finger of each hand, the other fingers serving to support the tube. As it is almost always necessary to follow rotating and heating a tube by blowing it, the hands should be so placed that it will be easy to bring the right-hand end up to the mouth without shifting the hold on the glass. For this reason the left hand grasps the glass with the palm down, and the right hand with the palm turned toward the left. If there is any choice, the longer and heavier part of the tube is usually given to the left hand, and it is planned to blow into the shorter end. This is because it is easier to support the tube with the hand which has the palm down. This support is accomplished by bending the hand at the wrist so that it points slightly downward, and then curling the second, third and little fingers in under the tube, which is held between them and the palm. This support should be loose enough so that the thumb and first finger can easily cause the tube to rotate regu The right hand is held with the palm toward the left, the fingers except the first slightly bent, and the tube held between the first finger and the thumb while it rests on the second finger and that portion of the hand between the base of the first finger and the thumb. Rotation of the tube is accomplished by rolling it between the thumbs and first fingers: the rotation being continued in the same direction regularly, and not reversed. It is better to roll slowly and evenly, with a series of light touches, each of which moves the tube a little, than to attempt to turn the tube a half a revolution or so with each motion of the hands. The hands must be held steady, and the tube must be under good control at all times, so that both ends may be rotated at the same angular velocity, even though they may be of different diameters, and the tube be neither drawn apart nor pushed together unless such a motion is expressly desired, as it sometimes is. The hot part of the glass must be constantly watched to see that it is uniformly rotated and not twisted, nor pulled out or pushed together more than is desired. Care must also be taken to keep the parts of the tube in the same straight line, or as near it as possible, during the heating and all other manipulations. When flanging a tube, it is held and rotated with the left hand as above described, while the right hand holds the flanging tool. When part of the end of a tube must be heated, as in Exercise 6, and rotation must be very carefully performed and continued during the blowing, both hands are used. Smoothness and exactness are the two things for which the beginner must constantly strive in glass-blowing, and they are only attained by a careful attention to the details of manipulation, with a steady hand and watchful eye. Every move must count, and the exercise must be finished with a minimum of reheating and retouching, for the best results. |