"If there ever was a book made up from beginning to end of laughter, yet not a comic book, or a 'merry' book, or a book of jokes, or a book of pictures, or a jest-book, or a tomfool-book, but a perfectly sober and serious book, in the reading of which a sober man may laugh without shame from beginning to end, it is the new book called 'Vice VersÂ; or, a Lesson to Fathers....' We close the book, recommending it very earnestly to all fathers, in the first instance, and their sons, nephews, uncles, and male cousins next."—Saturday Review. "Cordially do we recommend 'Vice VersÂ.' We content ourselves with a tardy tribute, in general terms, to its originality, its irresistible humor, and never relaxed fascination."—New York Independent. "By all odds the freshest and most unconventional work of fiction recently published."—New York Herald. "If the story were not so laughable in every incident, and the humor so delightful, we should weep over Mr. Bultitude; but we are grateful to the author for an original, incomparably funny, and morally instructive story, which exhibits a variety of talent that will make him a distinguished novelist."—Criterion, St. Louis, Mo. "We predict for this book a wide popularity in America."—Boston Journal of Education. "'Vice VersÂ' is a remarkable book. It has been received in England with a clamor of applause, and deserves all the good that has been said of it."—New York Critic. "An uncommonly bright and amusing novel. It is brimful of clean and spirited humor, and is as diverting a book as we have met with in some time: refined in character, admirable in literary style, and equally keen and clever in satire."—Boston Gazette. "'Vice VersÂ' has a rare and lasting flavor that will make it sought."—Boston Globe. "A capital book, full of fun, constantly provoking to laughter, and abounding in dramatic incidents. It is the cleverest book of the kind that has been written for many a day."—Baltimore Sun. "If you want the best novel of the year, buy 'Vice VersÂ.'"—Chicago Inter-Ocean. "One of the drollest and most entertaining books ever written."—New York Churchman. "A work of genuine and well-sustained humor from beginning to end."—Utica, N. Y. Herald.