Passy, Nov. 30, 1783 Dear Sir, I did myself the honour of writing to you the Beginning of last Week, and I sent you by the Courier, M. Faujas’s Book upon the Balloons, which I hope you have receiv’d. I did hope to have given you to day an Account of Mr. Charles’s grand Balloon, which was to have gone up yesterday; but the filling it with inflammable Air having taken more time than had been calculated, it is deferr’d till to-morrow. I send you herewith a Paper in which you will see what was proposed by Messrs Robert who constructed the Machine; and some other Papers relative to the same Subject, the last of which is curious, as containing the Journal of the first Aerial Voyage performed by Man.—I purpose being present to-morrow at the Experiment, and shall give you an Acct of it by the Wednesday’s Post. With sincere & great Esteem, I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedt humble Servt B. FRANKLIN Sir Jos. Banks, Bart. |