A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Abu Shahrein, 46.
- See also Eridu
- Abydos, 95, 96, 102
- administration, Egyptian, 99 ff.
- African character of early Egyptian civilization, 39;
- modern A. parallels, 33, 70, 120
- agriculture: Egyptian, 100, 105 f., 113 f.;
- Al Ubaid period, 44;
- of Mesopotamian cities, 63 ff.;
- neolithic, 29 f., 32;
- social consequences of introduction, 34 f.
- Akkad, 82, 87, 88
- Akkadian, 83
- Alabdeh tribe, 34
- allotments of temple land, 65 f.
- Al Ubaid culture, period, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 83, 126
- Amon-re, texts glorifying, 19 f.
- Amorites, 88
- Amratian culture, 39
- amulets, funerary, 123
- animal forms, use of, in art, 124 f., 131, 134-35
- Anu, 55, 88
- Arabia, Southern, 136
- Arabs of marshes of S. Iraq, 43, 45 f., 60
- architecture, 45, 55, 56, 127, 128;
- monumental appearance of, 49, 126, 127;
- Protoliterate, influence of in Egypt, 97, 126 f.
- See also bricks, houses, recessed buildings, reed structures, temples
- army service, 69;
- usually as labour corps, 108 f., 118
- art: Egyptian, 92, 97;
- Mesopotamian influence in, 124 f.;
- Mesopotamian Protoliterate, 59 f.;
- palaeolithic, 27;
- representational, 50
- assemblies in Sumerian cities, 77 f.
- Assur, 84
- B
- Babylon, 48, 137
- Badarian culture, 39
- Baghdad, 53
- barter, 73, 117
- Bes, 109
- blind, employment of, 69
- boats on Nile, 112
- Brak, temple at, 84, 87, 133, 136
- bricks, 45, 126
- Byblos, 36, 119
- C
- calendar, 62, 86.
- See also seasons
- canals, 53, 66
- Cappadocia, 133
- Carchemish, 36
- Chagar Bazar, 36
- Cilicia, 36
- cities: Egyptian, insignificance of, 97;
- Mesopotamian, basis of rulers’ power, 98;
- economic organization of, 64 ff;
- particularism, 88;
- political institutions, 77 ff.;
- ruled by deity, 54, 61;
- rural connections of, 61
- civilization, genesis of, 2 ff.
- climate, 26, 51 f., 68, 69
- Collingwood, R. G., 15 f.
- common land, 65
- copper, 40 f., 45, 75, 100
- corvÉe, 65, 76 n. 27, 80, 108, 109
- craftsmen, 67, 73, 110, 111
- Crocodilopolis, 116
- crops, 29, 68, 113-14
- cylinder seals, 58-59, 60 and n., 83, 97, 122
- Cyrus the Persian, 89
- D
- dictatorship, 78 f.
- Djet, Stele of, 129, 132
- drainage, 34, 113
- dress, Sumerian, 75 f.
- dynamics of civilizations, 3, 12, 13
- E
- Egypt: compared with Mesopotamia, 49;
- early conditions, 37 f.;
- foreign contacts of, 39 f.;
- formative period, 51;
- ideal of society in, 23-24;
- Mesopotamian influence in, 122 ff.;
- time of, 135-36;
- predynastic culture phases, 39;
- rural life in, 104, 105, 106 f.;
- sickles, 29;
- Spengler’s idea of, 9 f.;
- Toynbee’s, 18 f., 22-23;
- unification of, 90 f.
- Elam, 67, 74
- Elamites, 88
- Enki, 47
- Enlil, 56, 63, 88
- ensi, “governor,” functions, 79-80;
- equality of Mesopotamian citizens, 77
- Erech, 54, 55 f., 60, p 78 n., 124
- Eridu (Abu Shahrein), 47, 128
- exchequer, Egyptian, 100, 101, 118
- F
- Fayum, 30, 94
- festivals, 62
- First Dynasty (Egyptian), 30, 95, 113, 122-23, 126, 127, 128, 130, 136-37
- First Intermediate period, 39, 111, 119
- fish, fishing, 47, 68, 112
- floods of Tigris, 53.
- See also Nile flood
- “forms” of civilization, 3, 7, 25, 49, 94
- Fourth Dynasty, 99
- frankincense, 118, 137
- G
- Gebel el Arak, knife-handle from, 92, 124, 134
- Gerzean period, 40 f., 122, 136, 137
- Gizeh, workmen’s barracks at, 108
- gods: chthonic, 57;
- of waters, 47;
- man created to serve, 63;
- Pharaoh regarded as a, 54, 129;
- rulers of Mesopotamian cities, 54, 57
- “gol
d” reward of merit, 111
- Guti, 88
- H
- Hadendoa tribe, 33
- Hassuna, 30, 36
- Herodotus, 8, 137
- hieroglyphs, 131
- history, idea of progress in, 15 f.;
- theories of, 4 ff.;
- distinction between prehistory and, 26 f.
- Hittites, 88
- houses, Mesopotamian, 75
- hunting, 38, 112
- Hyksos, 18, 19
- I
- Inanna, temple of, 55
- inventions, neolithic, 35 f.
- Iraq, 30
- irrigation, 31 ff., 34, 49
- J
- Jamdat Nasr, Late Protoliterate, formerly called, 132
- Jericho, 36
- K
- Kassites, 88
- Khafajah, 67 n., 75, 84
- king-figure in art, p 78 n., 124
- kingship, 78, 79, 86 and n., 93, 94 f., 98, 120
- Kish, 75
- knife-handles, 92.
- See also Gebel el Arak
- Koptos, 137
- L
- labour corps, housing of, 108
- Lagash, 68, 79, 81
- Lahun, workmen’s town at, 109
- land of Mesopotamian cities, division and cultivation, 64 f.
- language: Akkadian, 52, 83;
- Egyptian, Hamitic elements in, 39, 40 f.;
- Sumerian, 51 f.
- law, 86;
- Pharaoh fount of, 99
- Lebanon, timber from, 96, 118
- Libya, 28, 97
- lugal, “great man,” “king,” 78 f., 79
- Lugalzaggesi, 83
- luxuries, trade in, 37
- 97, 118
- slaves, 66, 68, 110
- Snefru, 23, 119
- socialism, Sumerian theocratic, 73
- soldiers, 69
- specialization, 69
- Spengler, O., views discussed, 4-12, 17-18
- stock-breeding, 35, 116-17
- Sumer, 48, 84, 97, 136, 137
- Sumerians, 51 n., 57, 69, 88
- Susa, 133
- Syria, contacts with Egypt, 96, 97, 117, 136
- T
- Tasian culture, 39
- taxes, 100, 104, 112, 114-15
- Tell Asmar (Eshunna), 88
- Tell el Amarna, workmen’s village at, 109
- Tell Halaf, 36;
- pottery, 44 n., 46
- Tell Uqair, 55, 60
- temples: of Al Ubaid period, 47-48, 54, 128;
- Protoliterate, 54;
- their influence in Egypt, 97, 127 ff.;
- accounts kept by, 71 ff.;
- civic importance, 57;
- earliest writing in, 57, 58;
- economic units, 50, 54, 64 ff.;
- magazines, 67 f.
- See also Assur, Brak, Erech, Mari
- Tepe Gawra, 46, 128
- Thebes, 98, 118
- Theocracy, 54
- This, 90, 95
- Tigris, 43, 45, 53;
- and Euphrates, cultural continuum along, 84
- toilet sets, copper and gold,