

Abu Shahrein, 46.
See also Eridu
Abydos, 95, 96, 102
administration, Egyptian, 99 ff.
African character of early Egyptian civilization, 39;
modern A. parallels, 33, 70, 120
agriculture: Egyptian, 100, 105 f., 113 f.;
Al Ubaid period, 44;
of Mesopotamian cities, 63 ff.;
neolithic, 29 f., 32;
social consequences of introduction, 34 f.
Akkad, 82, 87, 88
Akkadian, 83
Alabdeh tribe, 34
allotments of temple land, 65 f.
Al Ubaid culture, period, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 83, 126
Amon-re, texts glorifying, 19 f.
Amorites, 88
Amratian culture, 39
amulets, funerary, 123
animal forms, use of, in art, 124 f., 131, 134-35
Anu, 55, 88
Arabia, Southern, 136
Arabs of marshes of S. Iraq, 43, 45 f., 60
architecture, 45, 55, 56, 127, 128;
monumental appearance of, 49, 126, 127;
Protoliterate, influence of in Egypt, 97, 126 f.
See also bricks, houses, recessed buildings, reed structures, temples
army service, 69;
usually as labour corps, 108 f., 118
art: Egyptian, 92, 97;
Mesopotamian influence in, 124 f.;
Mesopotamian Protoliterate, 59 f.;
palaeolithic, 27;
representational, 50
assemblies in Sumerian cities, 77 f.
Assur, 84
Babylon, 48, 137
Badarian culture, 39
Baghdad, 53
barter, 73, 117
Bes, 109
blind, employment of, 69
boats on Nile, 112
Brak, temple at, 84, 87, 133, 136
bricks, 45, 126
Byblos, 36, 119
calendar, 62, 86.
See also seasons
canals, 53, 66
Cappadocia, 133
Carchemish, 36
Chagar Bazar, 36
Cilicia, 36
cities: Egyptian, insignificance of, 97;
Mesopotamian, basis of rulers’ power, 98;
economic organization of, 64 ff;
particularism, 88;
political institutions, 77 ff.;
ruled by deity, 54, 61;
rural connections of, 61
civilization, genesis of, 2 ff.
climate, 26, 51 f., 68, 69
Collingwood, R. G., 15 f.
common land, 65
copper, 40 f., 45, 75, 100
corvÉe, 65, 76 n. 27, 80, 108, 109
craftsmen, 67, 73, 110, 111
Crocodilopolis, 116
crops, 29, 68, 113-14
cylinder seals, 58-59, 60 and n., 83, 97, 122
Cyrus the Persian, 89
dictatorship, 78 f.
Djet, Stele of, 129, 132
drainage, 34, 113
dress, Sumerian, 75 f.
dynamics of civilizations, 3, 12, 13
Egypt: compared with Mesopotamia, 49;
early conditions, 37 f.;
foreign contacts of, 39 f.;
formative period, 51;
ideal of society in, 23-24;
Mesopotamian influence in, 122 ff.;
time of, 135-36;
predynastic culture phases, 39;
rural life in, 104, 105, 106 f.;
sickles, 29;
Spengler’s idea of, 9 f.;
Toynbee’s, 18 f., 22-23;
unification of, 90 f.
Elam, 67, 74
Elamites, 88
Enki, 47
Enlil, 56, 63, 88
ensi, “governor,” functions, 79-80;
equality of Mesopotamian citizens, 77
Erech, 54, 55 f., 60, p 78 n., 124
Eridu (Abu Shahrein), 47, 128
exchequer, Egyptian, 100, 101, 118
Fayum, 30, 94
festivals, 62
First Dynasty (Egyptian), 30, 95, 113, 122-23, 126, 127, 128, 130, 136-37
First Intermediate period, 39, 111, 119
fish, fishing, 47, 68, 112
floods of Tigris, 53.
See also Nile flood
“forms” of civilization, 3, 7, 25, 49, 94
Fourth Dynasty, 99
frankincense, 118, 137
Gebel el Arak, knife-handle from, 92, 124, 134
Gerzean period, 40 f., 122, 136, 137
Gizeh, workmen’s barracks at, 108
gods: chthonic, 57;
of waters, 47;
man created to serve, 63;
Pharaoh regarded as a, 54, 129;
rulers of Mesopotamian cities, 54, 57
“gol d” reward of merit, 111
Guti, 88
Hadendoa tribe, 33
Hassuna, 30, 36
Herodotus, 8, 137
hieroglyphs, 131
history, idea of progress in, 15 f.;
theories of, 4 ff.;
distinction between prehistory and, 26 f.
Hittites, 88
houses, Mesopotamian, 75
hunting, 38, 112
Hyksos, 18, 19
Inanna, temple of, 55
inventions, neolithic, 35 f.
Iraq, 30
irrigation, 31 ff., 34, 49
Jamdat Nasr, Late Protoliterate, formerly called, 132
Jericho, 36
Kassites, 88
Khafajah, 67 n., 75, 84
king-figure in art, p 78 n., 124
kingship, 78, 79, 86 and n., 93, 94 f., 98, 120
Kish, 75
knife-handles, 92.
See also Gebel el Arak
Koptos, 137
labour corps, housing of, 108
Lagash, 68, 79, 81
Lahun, workmen’s town at, 109
land of Mesopotamian cities, division and cultivation, 64 f.
language: Akkadian, 52, 83;
Egyptian, Hamitic elements in, 39, 40 f.;
Sumerian, 51 f.
law, 86;
Pharaoh fount of, 99
Lebanon, timber from, 96, 118
Libya, 28, 97
lugal, “great man,” “king,” 78 f., 79
Lugalzaggesi, 83
luxuries, trade in, 37
97, 118
slaves, 66, 68, 110
Snefru, 23, 119
socialism, Sumerian theocratic, 73
soldiers, 69
specialization, 69
Spengler, O., views discussed, 4-12, 17-18
stock-breeding, 35, 116-17
Sumer, 48, 84, 97, 136, 137
Sumerians, 51 n., 57, 69, 88
Susa, 133
Syria, contacts with Egypt, 96, 97, 117, 136
Tasian culture, 39
taxes, 100, 104, 112, 114-15
Tell Asmar (Eshunna), 88
Tell el Amarna, workmen’s village at, 109
Tell Halaf, 36;
pottery, 44 n., 46
Tell Uqair, 55, 60
temples: of Al Ubaid period, 47-48, 54, 128;
Protoliterate, 54;
their influence in Egypt, 97, 127 ff.;
accounts kept by, 71 ff.;
civic importance, 57;
earliest writing in, 57, 58;
economic units, 50, 54, 64 ff.;
magazines, 67 f.
See also Assur, Brak, Erech, Mari
Tepe Gawra, 46, 128
Thebes, 98, 118
Theocracy, 54
This, 90, 95
Tigris, 43, 45, 53;
and Euphrates, cultural continuum along, 84
toilet sets, copper and gold,

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