
A Soldier (in subdued tones).
What? Dost
Thou weep, Forzin?

2d Soldier.
I'm not ashamed! There's none
But weeps, save Mark alone! The very stones
Must weep!

1st Soldier.
It makes me shudder when I think
Of it.

2d Soldier.
Come, come, let's all go home.

A Girl.
Oh hark!
Methought I heard one moan!

2d Girl.
Oh God! Behold!
Here lies the Queen!

3d Girl.
They've murdered her!

1st Soldier (running to the spot).
The Queen!

2d Soldier.
My God!

1st Soldier.
The King doth call!

A Man.
She lives no more.

3d Girl.
Here lies another!

1st Soldier (running up).
Lord Denovalin!
Stone dead!

A Voice.
Who? Where?

2d Soldier.
He bleeds and does not move!

Paranis (rushes up and throws himself down beside Iseult).
Oh God! My queen!

1st Soldier (pulling him away).
Stand back there, boy!

Oh let
Me kneel beside the Queen!—I always did!
Oh, Queen Iseult, how pale thou art!—But, see,
She breathes!

2d Soldier.
The Queen still breathes!

She is not dead!

A Girl.
Go call it out within that all may come,
She is not dead!

A Knight.
Why shout ye so?

A Boy.
The lepers would not have Iseult!

2d Boy.
It round about!

A Man.
Be still, here comes the King!
Make room!

Mark comes down the steps and stops on
the last one, motionless and staring.]

1st Soldier.
King Mark, here lies the Queen Iseult.
She breathes, but shows no signs of life.

2d Soldier.
And here
Lies Lord Denovalin. He's dead, King Mark.</]>

[Mark leans against a column to support
himself and stares down upon the scene.
The crowd groups itself and throngs the
door of the church behind him.]

What's this?

A Boy.
The lepers would not have Iseult.

A Girl (to Gimella).
Here lies the Queen!

A Man.
Untouched and pure!

A Woman.
A great,
And wondrous thing!—A judgment from the sky!

No one has touched her, see!

A Voice.
Is she asleep?

A Man.
See, one has wrapped her in a cloak!

Shepherd (calling aloud).
The cloak
Shall hang within the church!

A Girl.
Brangaene, come!
She's smiling through her tears.

Brangaene (bending over Iseult—softly).
Oh dear Iseult!
BelovÈd one!

She breathes as feverishly
And deep as does a sick and suffering child
At midnight in its sleep!

1st Soldier.
I'll to the gate
And ask the guards if they have seen some sign
Or token how this miracle occur'd!

Mark (cries angrily).
I'll crucify the man who asks!

[All heads turn then in his direction and a
terrified expression comes over all
countenances. Mark speaks harshly and calmly.]

Of Lidan? Is he here?

1st GUARD.
Lord Dinas left
The castle gate today at dawn, my Lord.

Did Lord Denovalin receive his wound
In front, or from behind?

1st GUARD.
Here, at the throat.
The wound is small and deep, as though a shaft
Of lightning struck him there between the helm
And gorget—sharp and swift.

Oh listen! See,
'Twas God that struck Denovalin, since he
Had falsely testified against the Queen!

Then let the executioner strip off
His arms, and hang them in my armory,
So that the sun shall shine thereon. The corpse
Shall he bind to a horse's tail, and drag
It o'er the common land and let it rot!
Where lies the Queen!

Stand back there, for King Mark
Would see the Queen in her pale beauty! Back!

[The crowd stands back and a space is
cleared around Iseult. Mark looks down
upon her from above and speaks coldly
and slowly, controlling himself.]

Let Queen Iseult be carried on that cloak
Within the castle. Place her there upon
Soft pillows. Strew fresh flowers round about
Her bed, and moisten all her robes and clothes
With sweetest perfumes. Kneel ye down and pray
When she doth speak to you, for she must be
In some way sacred, since God loves her thus.

(Almost shouting.)

And if she should be found in Tristram's bed
I'll kill the man who tells me of it, ay,
And let his body rot upon the ground!
Now saddle me a horse that I may go
To seek Lord Dinas, my most loyal friend!


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