Mark opens the grating and lets the Strange Jester in. The Jester advances a few feet on the right, and stops to stare at Iseult. Ugrin walks about him, examining him.
Then come, thou jail-bird. Hark, Gilain, let now
The guard be doubled at the lower gate
That none, unnoticed, may come in.
Str. Jester.
But should
A stranger King arrive,—a stranger King,
The master of this stranger fool—let him
Come in, Gilain.
Play, Dinas, play thy game!
Their chatter wearies me.
Now tell me, rogue,
Why clamorest thou so loudly at my gate?
Str. Jester.
I wish to stay with thee.
2d Baron.
What cooked they in thy kitchen, Mark, tonight
That all the fools have smelt it out?
Str. Jester.
I saw
The fire glowing in thy hall; I saw
The light and so I came—I'm cold.
Then wrap
Thyself more closely in thy cloak, thou fool!
Str. Jester.
I've given it away.
Brangaene (laughing).
It seems thou art
A tender hearted fool!
And yet it does
Not seem as though thou couldst give much away!
Mark (looking at the fool carefully).
Whence comest thou, Sir Fool!
Str. Jester.
I come from there—
From there outside, from nowhere else—
(Looking at Iseult and in a soft voice—
almost singing.)
And yet
My mother was Blanchefleur!
[Iseult starts and stares across at him.]
Mark (goes back laughing to his seat. Ugrin follows him).
Ha! ha! The jest
Is poor. Hast thou no better ones, my friend?
Blanchefleur was mine own sister. She begat
No fool like thee!
Str. Jester.
'Twas then some other one
Who bore the self-same name and me the pain
And sorrow, Mark. What matters it to thee?
1st Knight (laughingly).
Our jesting rogue grows bitter in his mirth!
Let this strange jester stand a little forth
That we may see him in the light.
Come here,
Sir Fool, and stand before the Queen.
He is
An ass as awkward as I e'er beheld!
So cousin, judge by contrast 'twixt us two,
And see the priceless thing thou hast in me!
Go, fool, be not afraid.
Str. Jester (steps in front of the stone bench on the
left, opposite Iseult's table).
—I'm cold!—I'm cold!
Iseult (after looking at him for a moment breaks into
a clear and relieved laugh).
A sorry sight to look upon!
[The Strange Jester hides his face in his
Gimella (springing forward).
The Queen
Is laughing—see!
Made he some witty jest?
Why laughst thou so, Iseult?
'Tis horrible
To see the fool's distorted face!
He looks
So pitifully at me! it makes me laugh!
I'm angry with thee, Queen Iseult! Oh fie!
For shame, how couldst thou laugh at that strange fool?
(Turning to Mark. )
I pray thee, Mark, good cousin, wilt thou give
To him the two whole marks of gold?
[During this time the Strange Jester sits
on the railing which joins the bench to the
fireplace. He rests his elbows on his
knees and his face on his hands. He
stares at Iseult. ]
The King will give thee a reward since thou
Hast cheered the Queen.
Str. Jester (without changing his attitude).
Would that I'd make her weep,
This Queen, instead of laugh!
[Soft and low laughter.]
How's that?
Str. Jester.
I am a fool for sorrow, not for mirth!
[Laughter; the fool springs up.]
And none shall laugh when he beholds my face!
[Laughter; the fool seats himself again.]
Iseult (earnestly).
How strangely speaks the fool!
My friend, I think,
That some one cut thee from the gallows!
Str. Jester (stares at Iseult—slowly).
How proud and cold a wife thou hast! Her name's
Iseult, I think. Am I not right?
Mark (smiling).
Doth she
Please thee. Sir Fool?
Str. Jester.
Ay! ay! She pleases me.
Iseult the Goldenhaired!—I'm cold, King Mark!
The fool is mad!—I like him not.
Ugrin (to the Strange Jester).
Thou hast
Thine answer now!
Is this the first time thou
Beheldst the Queen?
Art thou a stranger, friend?
Str. Jester.
Mayhap I've seen the Queen before; mayhap
I never have.—I know not, Mark.
Gimella (laughing).
A strange
And curious jest, i' faith!
(To those laughing at the other table.)
Come here, my Lords,
For this new jester is most wondrous strange.
Str. Jester (in rising grief).
I had a sweetheart once, and she was fair!
Mark (laughing).
Ay! I believe thee, friend!
Str. Jester.
Yea, she was fair,
Almost as fair as Queen Iseult, thy wife.
I'm cold!
Iseult (angrily).
Thou fool, why starest thou at me?
Str. Jester.
Laugh once again at me, Iseult!
Thy laugh was fair, and yet, methinks, those eyes
Must be still fairer when they overflow
With tears.—I wish that I could make thee weep,
Iseult! [A silence.]
Ugrin (going over to him).
Ho, ho! Are those thy jokes! I'll fall
A weeping straight, thou croaking raven!
Str. Jester (springing up).
This fool away, or else I'll smite him dead!
[Ugrin jumps backward.]
Thou art a gloomy jester, boy!
His jests
Are all of some new fangled sort.
Speak, fool,
Whom hast thou served till now?
Str. Jester.
I've served King Mark
In far off Cornwall—.
And he had a wife,
And she was fair, with long and golden hair!
Why laughst thou Dinas, friend?
[The laughter dies suddenly; the Barons
and Knights, who, with the exception of
those at the Queen's table, had formed a
circle around the Strange Jester, shrink
Dinas (startled).
My God! He knows
My name as well!
1st Baron.
'Tis passing strange!
2d Baron.
He's quick, and makes good use of what he hears!
His jests are impudent,—I wish that he
Would go away! He wearies me.
And yet
There's something in the knave that pleases me.
His madness lies still deeper than it seems—
Ay, cousin, in his belly, for, methinks,
He has a stomachache!
Come, friend, tell us
A tale.
Str. Jester (starting up). Why stare ye so at me, ye pack
Of rogues? Why mock ye me?
(In anguish.)
I'm but a fool!
A wretched fool! Send them away. King Mark,
And listen thou to me. We'll stay here all
Alone:—the Queen, and thou, and I, and then
I'll tell thee pretty things, sweet things,—so sweet
That one must shiver when one hears! Now send
Away the rest!
1st Baron.
Take heed. Sir Fool, be not
Too bold.
2d Baron.
He should be soundly beaten!
Him, Lords, in peace. I like his foolishness,
Because he does not crack the silly jokes
That other jesters do.
Str. Jester.
I, too, was once
As good a knight as they—!
Ganelun (laughing).
I wish I'd seen
Thee, knave!
Str. Jester (steadily).
Thou saw'st me many times and wast
My friend, Lord Ganelun!
[All step back nervously.]
1st Knight (crossing himself).
God save us, friends!
He knows us all by name!
A gruesome fool!
Send him away. King Mark; he's mad.
Speak on!
Str. Jester.
My tongue cleaves to my gums; my throat is parch'd!
Give me to drink.
Mark (stands up and takes a goblet from the table).
I had forgot, poor fool!
But thou shalt drink wine from a golden cup.
Thy foolishness has touched my heart. At times.
My Lords, 'twould be an easy thing to turn
To such a fool. Iseult! Come pledge the cup
That he may have somewhat of which to dream
On cold and thirsty nights. Grant him this
boon. [He gives Iseult the cup.]
I pledge—
Str. Jester (jumping down from the bench).
Drink not! Drink not!—She drank!
[He waves aside the cup.]
I will
Not drink.
A brazen knave!
Fie, fie! For shame!
Str. Jester.
I'll not drink with a woman from one cup
The self-same wine again.
What hinders thee?
Str. Jester.
Ask Queen Iseult.
Iseult (angrily and fearfully).
Oh, Mark! He mocks me. Send
The fool away!
Str. Jester (he throws himself on the ground before the
dais and whispers low and tensely to Iseult).
"For they who drink thereof
Together, so shall love with every sense
Alive, yet senseless—with their every thought,
Yet thoughtless, too, in life, in death, for aye—
Yet he, who having known the wond'rous bliss
Of that intoxicating cup of love.
Spits out the draught disloyally, shall be
A homeless and a friendless worm,—a weed
That grows beside the road"—So spake my love,
And handed me a golden cup of wine
And bade me drink,—But evil came thereof—.
[During his speech Iseult sits up in her
chair, and bending backward, stares down
at him in horror.]
The Queen turns pale!
Iseult! My God! Iseult!
He conjures!
1st Baron.
'Twas a magic spell!
2d Knight.
Lay hold
Of him! He is a conjurer.
[A few men start to seize the jester—he
jumps upon the bench.]
Iseult (trembling with fright).
My weakness—'tis—'tis but—let be—this fool's
Strange jesting is most ghastly—it revolts my soul
And—made me faint—.
Thou knave! I'll have thee whipped!
Tell me thy name—Who art thou? Speak!
Str. Jester.
Come not
Too near!
I have a dungeon deep and strong,
And I can have thee thrown to Husdent. He
Will tear thee limb from limb, thou conjurer!
Who art thou?
Ugrin (in a friendly tone).
Answer, friend, our Cousin Mark
Speaks not in jest!
Call in the guards!
[A Knight tries to lay hold of the Strange
Str. Jester.
Let go!
I'm but a wretched fool!—I have no name!
What matters it to you? I've smirched my good
And noble name—so now I have no name.
I had one once that rang full true and high!
I've twisted it about, and broken it!
(In rising agitation.)
I broke my name, and throwing up the bits
I caught them as they fell, and threw them up
Again; and so I played with my fair name
Until the fragments rang again and fell
At last back to my hand, deformed and changed,
To stick, and make a name that is no name—
So call me Tramtris.
[Ugrin claps his hands and rolls laughing
on the ground.]
Fool, what ails
Thee now?
The jester jesteth. Seest thou not?
Why, turn it 'round! Tramtris—Tristram!
He says
He was Lord Tristram! Ho! [Laughter.]
That was the jest
That he so cunningly devised!
1st Baron.
This shaft
Of irony has struck the mark and hits
This day and thee, King Mark!
2d Knight.
A clever fool!
Mark (laughing softly).
I wish Lord Tristram saw the knave!
2d Baron.
He'd laugh!
Iseult (trembling with anger).
Let not thy nephew Tristram's knightly fame
And noble name serve as a mockery
To such a ghoul!
Mark (gaily).
Forgive me, fair Iseult;
And yet it makes me laugh to think that this
Poor fool went mad from thinking that he was
My noble nephew Tristram. Speak, thou toy of fate,
Wast thou Lord Tristram once!
Str. Jester (almost timidly).
Ay, Mark, I was;
And often was I with Iseult, thy wife!
Forgive it me! [Laughter.]
Dost thou permit that he
Should heap such insults on thy wife's fair
Mark (gaily).
Heed not his words; the people love such jests.
(To the jester.)
Give us a sign, Sir Fool.
A sign! A sign!
1st Baron.
Ay, let the fool describe the Queen. Give ear.
'Twill be a royal sport! And first he shall
Describe her feet! Speak on!
[Ugrin sits on the ground. Iseult hides
her face in Brangaene's breast.]
Gimella (to Iseult laughingly).
He'll liken thee
Unto his wench!
Why dost thou hesitate?
I grant thee jester's freedom, Fool. Begin!
Str. Jester (softly and hesitatingly).
From pedestals white snowy columns rise
Of ivory, draped in softly whispering silk,
That arched, and all immaculate, stretch up,—
The swelling pillars of her body's frame—
A graceful speech, my friend. Canst thou go on?
Str. Jester (in rising agitation and feverish emotion).
Her body is a gleam of silvery light
Cast by the full moon in the month of May
Changed to the snowy marvel of herself.
Thou art a garden wild wherein there grow
Deep purple fruits that stupefy and yet
That make one burn! Thy body is a church
Of rarest marble built—a fairy mount
Where sounds the music of a golden harp;
A field of virgin snow! Thy breasts are buds
Of the most sacred plant that flowering grows
Within the garden,—swelling fruits that wait
To suck the honeyed dew of summer moons!
Thy neck is like a lily's stem! Thy arms
Are like the blossoming branches of a young
And tender almond-tree, directing us
Within that Paradise where rules the chaste
Perfection of thy rounded limbs, enthroned
Within thy wondrous body like a God
Who threatens from on high. Thou art—
Oh hear
How this impostor talks! The token, fool!
Str. Jester (softly, trembling and feverishly).
Below the left breast of this master-piece
Of His creation God has set his mark—
A darkened cross—!
Mark (hoarsely).
O seize the knave! The cross
Is there.—She bears the mark!
Christ save my soul!
1st Baron.
I feel an awful dread of this strange fool!
1st Knight (drawing).
I'll run him through the body with my sword!
Str. Jester. (tears the sword from his hand, and springs
upon the bench).
Take heed unto thyself! Come not too near!
I'll tear thee like a beast.
His words are not
So marvelously strange. Hast thou forgot,
King Mark, that once, before a heaped up pyre
Thou bad'st me stand, stark naked and exposed
Unto the rabble's gaze? It well may be
That this low jester cast his shaming eyes
Upon me then.
Saw'st thou the Queen when she
Stood on the burning pile?
Str. Jester.
I saw the Queen;
I stood beside her there!
Behold, that sight
Has made him lose his wits!
Poor witless fool!
Str. Jester.
Glare not at me! I'm but a fool, a poor
Mad fool—a wretched fool that wished to tell
You tales to make you laugh!
(Almost screaming.)
For God's sake laugh!
[He throws the sword down. It falls clattering
on the floor. The First Guard enters while two
others stand outside the grating with the Strange
Whom bring'st thou there?
1st GUARD.
King Mark, thy messengers
Have found the witnesses that signed the bond
Too late, for in the forest they had caught
A man whom they have sent to thee. The man
Is wounded; when they called on him to stand
He fled. His horse fell dead. They know him not.
He is a stranger in the land.
How heavily
God's wrath descends upon my head. This blood
I've spilled was innocent!
1st GUARD.
This man is near
His end; his dying wish is to behold
The Queen Iseult. He much desires it.
Poor soul!
Bring in the man. How things mischance!
My castle is a gruesome place today.
An idiot first, and then a corpse have knocked
To crave admittance to my hall! My Lords,
I pray you to forgive my sins.
There comes
The wounded Knight.
[The Strange Knight is led before Iseult.
He walks firmly, standing erect.]
Str. Knight.
—Art thou Iseult?—Iseult
The Goldenhaired? May God be merciful
Unto thy soul!
Str. Jester (crouches on the bench, taking no interest in
what is said). My brother Kuerdin!
Dear friend! In a disastrous hour went
We forth. I pity thee!
[The Strange Knight turns and looks at
him searchingly.]
Ganelun (angrily and oppressed). Will death not close
Thy mouth, thou cur!
Dost thou then know this man?
Str. Jester.
I've said so, Mark! I'll sit beside him here
Until he dies. I'll be his priest.
Str. Knight.
Keep off.
This babbling fool; his chatter shames my death.
Methinks this was the man I saw at dawn
Today as I rode through the wood, and yet
He bore a shield on which I thought I saw
Lord Tristram's arms.
Unhappy man, who art
Str. Knight (calmly and quietly).
One who knoweth how to die. Lay me
On yonder bench and wrap me in my cloak.
[He is laid on the bench near the chimney,
and lies there like an effigy.]
Mark (to the First Guard).
Where are his shield and arms?
Str. Knight.
I bore the shield
Of Tristram, Lord of Lyonesse, since we,
For our great love, exchanged our arms. I am
His brother, for my sister is his wife.
Lord Tristram greets thee, Mark.
Mark (to him passionately).
Speak, friend, and put
An end unto the quandary in which
I stand. God shall reward thee soon. Where is
Lord Tristram?
Str. Knight (groaning).
With his wife whom he holds dear.
Str. Jester.
Thou liest, brother, yet thou speak'st the truth!
God mocks me, Lords! God mocks me!
Str. Jester.
I will watch
By him and guard his body through the night.
Be still, thou toad! Be still!
1st GUARD.
King Mark, the Knight
Upon his left hand wears a ring—a stone
Rich set in gold. Shall he retain the ring
Upon his hand?—He's dead.
Str. Jester (seizing the ring).
The ring is mine!
I gave it him!
Ganelun (striking him).
Away! Thou damned thief!
Str. Jester.
The ring is mine, I say. My love once gave
It me and sware thereon; but now I'll give
It as a jester's gift unto the Queen.
I pray thee take the ring, Iseult.
[Iseult takes the ring, looks at it a moment
and lets it fall. She totters.]
Cast not
Away my gift!
Help! Help! The Queen.
Iseult (in great agitation).
Oh God,
I pray Thee open now mine eyes, and set
Me free! I know not if I am alive!
There lies a corpse—There stands a ghost and I
Between them, here! I hear a moaning sound
Pass whimpering through the halls—!
[She runs to the stairs.]
Let me go up!
Brangaene, come, and thou Gimella, too!
[Half way up the stairs she turns.]
Be not too angry with me, Mark, for thou
Hast set a loathsome ghost to mock and jeer
At me to make thee laugh. He makes my heart
Grow cold with horror! Come, my ladies, come!
Stand by me now—this awful game has made
Me shudder. [She hastens up the stairs.]
Str. Jester (springs onto the table to look after her).
Queen Iseult, thou fairest one.
Have pity on my leper's soul!
Be still,
Thou croaking raven!
1st Baron.
Smite him dead and spit
Upon his corpse!
2d Baron.
Thou filthy worm!
Lay hold
Upon the jester! Hold him fast. Thou fool,
Thou base-born cur, how dar'st thou vex my wife
So bitterly with thy presumptuous wit?
Str. Jester.
Mark, heed thy words!
1st Knight (catching his wrists from behind).
I have the knave!
The Guards
Shall whip the rogue for his bold impudence,
And cast him from the castle gates. Let loose
The dogs upon him if he does not run,
And leave my walls as though they were on fire!
Away with him!
Ugrin (in greatest haste and agitation).
King Mark, oh good King Mark,
Behold, he is my brother in my kind,
A much abused and crazy fool who means
No evil with his foolish jests! See now
How pitiful his mien! He strove to make
Thee laugh in his poor way as I in mine.
Forgive the knave, and drive him not away
Into the darkness like a snarling cur
That whines about the house! He hungers, too,
For thou hast given him naught to eat or drink
Since he has been beneath thy kingly roof.
I am an old, old man, King Mark; he is
My brother, and a jester like myself;
I pity him! I pray thee let me keep
Him here with me until tomorrow's morn,
That he may sleep with me within my bed.
Then, when the sun shall shine upon his road,
He shall depart and seek a dwelling place.
'Twas thou thyself encouraged him to jest;
Judge then thy guilt and his with equal eye.
He is a fool, a crazy, blundering fool,
Yet drive him not away! I pray thee let
Him sleep beside me here a while that he
Refresh himself! He looks so pitifully!
Why, Ugrin, friend, 'tis new for thee to act
The part of charity!
I serve thee, Mark,
With foolishness and jests—and thou but knowest
Me by my services.
I still can make
One person glad tonight! Keep, then, thy fool
But thou stand'st surety for him if he should
Attempt to burn the castle or to do
Some other mischief in his madness.
[The Knight lets the Strange Jester go; he
crouches on the dais.]
Thou art indeed my dear, kind, cousin, still!
Good-night, fair cousin, go and sleep. Thou needst
It sorely—and—I pray that thou forget
Not my new wisdom!
Sirs, I wish you all
A restful night for this has been a day
Of many cares and many tribulations.
Tomorrow shall we bury this brave Knight
With all the honors due his noble rank,
For he was innocent.
Sleep well. King Mark!
1st Baron.
May God watch o'er thee, Mark!
[The Barons go up the stairs; the Knights
and guards go out. The servants extinguish
all but a few of the lights.]
Mark (on the stairs).
Come, Dinas, come
With me, and we will watch a little while.
My heart is sorrowful tonight!
Dinas (following him up the stairs).
I'll stay
With thee until the morning break if thou
Desire it so.
Ugrin (calling after them).
And cousins take good heed
Ye catch not cold!
[They leave the stage, the moon shines
through the grating, and the shadow of
the bars falls into the hall. The Strange
Jester crouches motionless. Ugrin turns
to him.]