The door of the church is partially opened. The hangman leads Iseult out. The Strange Leper falls on his knees and bows deep to the ground.
Young Leper.
Let's fall upon our knees, Iwein!
[A few lepers kneel. The hangman takes
Iseult's crown and cloak away. She stands
there, draped only in her golden hair. Her
eyes are closed and she remains motionless.]
The Hangman (kissing Iseult's foot).
Me, Queen Iseult, for God's sweet sake!
[He goes back into the church. The door
closes and the organ sounds louder in the
We are
The lepers of Lubin, and thou, by Mark's
Decree, art now our bride. Come down that we—
[The Strange Leper, with a violent effort,
springs to his feet, and turns upon the
Str. Leper.
Who spoke? Which one of you? Tell me, who spoke?
Scabs! Vultures! Curs, away! Be off! If one
Of you but speaks again I'll trample you
Beneath my feet and grind you in the dirt.
What wish ye here? Here's gold! Be off, ye curs!
[Only a few stoop to gather the gold he
throws among them.]
Young Leper (rushes at him; Iwein holds him back).
Thou! Thou!
Who art thou that insults us thus?
10th Leper.
Thou! Hold thy tongue, else will Iwein give thee
So sound a drubbing that thou shalt fall dead
Upon the ground!
8th Leper.
Iwein is strong!—He was
A mighty Lord!
Str. Leper.
Will ye not go?
1st Leper.
Hark, thou,
This woman here is ours.
Redhaired Leper (thrusting a stick into Iwein's hand).
Go, knock him down!
7th Leper.
Come on!
[The Strange Leper snatches the club from
the feeble leper so that he falls, knocks
Iwein to the ground, and leaps into the
crowd dealing fierce blows right and left.
In his left hand he holds a sword which
he does not use. In the following scene,
also, the lepers' voices are hushed from
fear and surprise.]
Str. Leper.
There lies Iwein! Be off, ye dogs!
Old Leper.
Ai! oh!
10th Leper.
He's killed Iwein!
4th Leper.
Lay hold of him!
7th Leper.
Thou, Red One, seize him by the throat—I'll leap
Upon him from behind!
[The Strange Leper knocks the Redhaired
Leper down.]
Redhaired Leper.
Help! Help!
Str. Leper.
There lies
Your Red One!
4th Leper.
Fly! He has a sword!
11th Leper (receiving a blow).
Oh help!
Old Leper.
Come, brothers, let us run.
6th Leper (struck).
Oh, oh!
Str. Leper.
With you! Be off!
7th Leper (struck).
Ai! Ai!
[Some of the lepers try to carry away the
wounded as they run.]
Young Leper.
Let's carry off
Iwein! Come, pick him up.
1st Leper.
And Godwin too!
Make haste!
11th Leper (struck).
Oh help!
Str. Leper (driving the whole troupe to the gate).
Back, curs, back to your holes!
Crawl back into your noisome dens!
7th Leper (struck).
Oh! 'tis
Beelzebub himself!
10th Leper.
The devil!
9th Leper.
12th Leper.
We go! We go!
6th Leper.
King Mark shall punish thee!
Str. Leper (throwing the club after them).
Here, take your crutch and flee, ye curs!
Voices of the Lepers (outside).
Oh, oh!—
He wounded me!—Fly!—Fly!—