Gerardo (alone, looking at his watch). Half an hour left. (Picks out the piano arrangement of "Tristan and Isolde" from under the flowers on the piano and, walking up and down, sings mezza voce:) "Isolde! Beloved! Art thou mine? (Clears his throat, strikes two thirds on the piano and begins anew:) "Isolde! Beloved! Art thou mine? (Clears his throat.) The air is simply infernal in here! (Sings:) "Isolde! Beloved! ..." I feel as if there were a leaden weight on me! I must have a breath of fresh air, quick! (Goes to the window and tries to find the cord by which to draw the curtain aside.) Where can that thing be?—On the other side. There! (Draws the curtain aside quickly and seeing Miss Coeurne before him, throws back his head in a sort of mild despair.) Goodness gracious! |