I Up to BogotÁ 3
II The Cloistered City 22
III From BogotÁ Over the QuindÍo 39
IV Along the Cauca Valley 63
V Down the Andes to Quito 85
VI The City of the Equator 127
VII Down Volcano Avenue 167
VIII Through Southern Ecuador 190
IX The Wilds of Northern Peru 209
X Approaching Inca Land 244
XI Drawbacks of the Trail 270
XII The Roof of Peru 300
XIII Round About the Peruvian Capital 324
XIV Overland Toward Cuzco 342
XV The Route of the Conquistadores 374
XVI The City of the Sun 405
XVII A Forgotten City of the Andes 454
XVIII The Collasuyu, or “Upper” Peru 480
XIX On Foot Across Tropical Bolivia 517
XX Life in the Bolivian Wilderness 543
XXI Skirting the Gran Chaco 573
XXII Southward Through Guarani Land 600

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