Shade-grown tobacco in Porto Rico Frontispiece
St. Augustine, Florida, from the old Spanish fortress 16
A policeman of Havana 16
Cuba’s new presidential palace 17
Venders of lottery tickets in rural Cuba 32
The winning numbers of the lottery 32
Pigeons are kept to clear the tobacco fields of insects 33
Ploughing for tobacco in the famous Vuelta Abajo district. The large building is a tobacco barn, the small ones are residences of the planters 33
A Cuban shoemaker 56
Cuban soldiers 56
Matanzas, with drying sisal fiber in the foreground 57
The Central Plaza of Cienfuegos 57
A principal street of Santa Clara 64
The Central Plaza of Santa Clara 64
A dairyman, Santa Clara district 65
Cuban town scenery 65
A Cuban residence in a new clearing 114
Planting sugar-cane on newly cleared land 114
Hauling cane to a Cuban sugar-mill 115
A station of a Cuban pack train 115
Cuban travelers 80
A Cuban milkman 80
A street of Santiago de Cuba 81
Not all Chinamen succeed in Cuba 81
The entire enlisted personnel of the Haitian Navy 112
A school in Port au Prince 112
The central square and Cathedral of Port au Prince on market day 113
Looking down upon the market from the cathedral platform 113
A Haitian gendarme 128
The president of Haiti 128
A street in Port au Prince 129
The unfinished presidential palace of Haiti, on New Year’s Day, 1920 129
A Haitian country home 144
A small portion of one collection of captured caco war material 144
The caco in the foreground killed an American Marine 145
Captain Hanneken and “General Jean” ConzÉ at Christophe’s Citadel 145
Ruins of the old French estates are to be found all over Haiti 160
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