Shade-grown tobacco in Porto Rico | Frontispiece |
St. Augustine, Florida, from the old Spanish fortress | 16 |
A policeman of Havana | 16 |
Cuba’s new presidential palace | 17 |
Venders of lottery tickets in rural Cuba | 32 |
The winning numbers of the lottery | 32 |
Pigeons are kept to clear the tobacco fields of insects | 33 |
Ploughing for tobacco in the famous Vuelta Abajo district. The large building is a tobacco barn, the small ones are residences of the planters | 33 |
A Cuban shoemaker | 56 |
Cuban soldiers | 56 |
Matanzas, with drying sisal fiber in the foreground | 57 |
The Central Plaza of Cienfuegos | 57 |
A principal street of Santa Clara | 64 |
The Central Plaza of Santa Clara | 64 |
A dairyman, Santa Clara district | 65 |
Cuban town scenery | 65 |
A Cuban residence in a new clearing | 114 |
Planting sugar-cane on newly cleared land | 114 |
Hauling cane to a Cuban sugar-mill | 115 |
A station of a Cuban pack train | 115 |
Cuban travelers | 80 |
A Cuban milkman | 80 |
A street of Santiago de Cuba | 81 |
Not all Chinamen succeed in Cuba | 81 |
The entire enlisted personnel of the Haitian Navy | 112 |
A school in Port au Prince | 112 |
The central square and Cathedral of Port au Prince on market day | 113 |
Looking down upon the market from the cathedral platform | 113 |
A Haitian gendarme | 128 |
The president of Haiti | 128 |
A street in Port au Prince | 129 |
The unfinished presidential palace of Haiti, on New Year’s Day, 1920 | 129 |
A Haitian country home | 144 |
A small portion of one collection of captured caco war material | 144 |
The caco in the foreground killed an American Marine | 145 |
Captain Hanneken and “General Jean” ConzÉ at Christophe’s Citadel | 145 |
Ruins of the old French estates are to be found all over Haiti | 160 |
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