(Alphabetically arranged.)
Woodfall and Kinder, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London. POPULAR NATURAL HISTORY. Messrs. Routledge, Warne, and Routledge Have much pleasure in announcing that they have purchased from Mr. Lovell Reeve his series of works on POPULAR NATURAL HISTORY, And in order to make them more generally known, they have published them, bound in cloth, at per volume, SEVEN SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE, COLOURED. CONTENTS OF THE SERIES. 1. BRITISH BIRDS’ EGGS. By R. Laishley. Twenty Plates. 2. HISTORY OF BRITISH CRUSTACEA. By Adam White, F.L.S. Twenty Plates. 3. POPULAR GREENHOUSE BOTANY. By Agnes Catlow. Twenty Plates. 4. POPULAR FIELD BOTANY. By Agnes Catlow. Twenty Plates. 5. POPULAR GEOGRAPHY OF PLANTS. Edited by Dr. Daubeny. Twenty Plates. 6. HISTORY OF BRITISH MOSSES. By R. M. Stark. Twenty Plates. 7. HISTORY OF PALMS. By Dr. B. Seemann, F.L.S. Twenty Plates. 8. HISTORY OF BRITISH SEAWEEDS. By Dr. Landsborough. Twenty Plates. 9. POPULAR BRITISH CONCHOLOGY. By G. B. Sowerby, F.L.S. Twenty plates. 10. POPULAR BRITISH ORNITHOLOGY. By P. H. Gosse. Twenty Plates. 11. HISTORY OF THE MAMMALIA. By Adam White, F.L.S. Sixteen Plates. 12. POPULAR MINERALOGY. By Henry Sowerby. Twenty Plates. 13. HISTORY OF THE AQUARIUM. By G. B. Sowerby, F.L.S. Twenty Plates. 14. HISTORY OF MOLLUSCA. By Mary Roberts. Eighteen Plates. 15. POPULAR GARDEN BOTANY. By Agnes Catlow. Twenty Plates. 16. POPULAR ECONOMIC BOTANY. By T. C. Archer. Twenty Plates. 17. HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. By T. Moore, F.L.S. Twenty-two Plates. 18. HISTORY OF BRITISH LICHENS. By W. L. Lindsay, M.D. Twenty-two Plates. 19. POPULAR PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. By J. B. Jukes, F.R.S. Twenty Plates. 20. HISTORY OF ZOOPHYTES. By Dr. Landsborough. Twenty Plates. 21. POPULAR BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY. By Maria E. Catlow. Sixteen Plates. 22. POPULAR HISTORY OF BIRDS. By Adam White, F.L.S. Twenty Plates. 23. POPULAR SCRIPTURE ZOOLOGY. By Maria E. Catlow. Sixteen Plates. 24. THE WOODLANDS. By Mary Roberts. Twenty Plates. “A popular series of scientific treatises, which, from the simplicity of their style, and the artistic excellence and correctness of their numerous illustrations, has acquired a celebrity beyond that of any other series of modern cheap works.”—Standard. LONDON: |