Origin of the Doctrine of Probabilities. Essay of John de Witt. The Plague. First Bills of Mortality. Captain John Graunt—his Opinions, Life, and Estimates. Curious Terms in the old Registers—their Explanation. Life of Sir William Petty. His Career and Character | Page1 |
Practice of Assurance by the Romans. Saxon Approximation to Friendly Societies. Marine Assurance. Danger of Navigation, and its Effect on Life Assurance. Assurance for Palmers and Pilgrims to the Holy Land. Bulmer’s Office of Assurance. Assurance of Navigators, Merchants, and Corporations. Uncertainty of Life. Annuities. Audley the Usurer. His History. Anecdotes concerning him. The Usurer’s Widow | 25 |
Judah Manasseh Lopez, the Jew Usurer. His Trick on the Duke of Buckingham. Suspicions concerning him. The Increase of London. Population of London. Proclamations. Halley’s Movement in Life Assurance. His Tables | 46 |
First Trial concerning Life Assurance. The Mercers’—its Establishment and System. The Sun—John Povey, its Projector—his Character. Wagers on the Life of King William. New Assurances. The Amicable—the Mode in which it was established. New Annuity Societies—Anecdotes concerning them—Close of their Career | 56 |
CHAP. V. |
Royal Exchange and London Assurance—their Rise and Progress. Bubble Era. Epigrams. Opposition to the New Companies. Accusations against the Attorney-General. List of Assurance Companies. Extraordinary Character of many. Remarkable Career of Le Brun. Directors in Trouble | 72 |
Sketch of De Moivre—his Doctrine of Chances. Kersseboom. De Parcieux. Hodgson. Dodson. First Fraud in Life Assurance—its romantic Character. Thomas Simpson. Calculations of De Buffon | 87 |
Rise and Progress of the Equitable—its Dangers and its Difficulties. Comparative Premiums. Sketch of Mr. Morgan—his Opinions. Singular Attempt to defraud the Equitable—Death of the Offender. Attempt of Government to rob the Offices | 108 |
Bubble Annuity Companies—their Promises. Effect on the People. Dr. Price—his Life. Sir John St. Aubyn. The Yorkshire Squire—Assurances on his Life—his Suicide. | 125 |
Gambling in Assurances on Walpole. George II. The Jacobite Prisoners. The German Emigrants. Admiral Byng. John Wilkes. Young Mr. Pigot and old Mr. Pigot. Lapland Ladies and Lapland Rein-deer. Insurance on Cities. Gambling on the Sex of D’Eon. Public Meeting. Disappointment of the Citizens. Trial concerning D’Eon. Lord Mansfield’s Decision | 140 |
CHAP. X. |
Fraudulent Annuities—Act to prevent them. Salvador the Jew. David Cunningham, the Scotchman—his Career—his Annuity Company—its Success—his double Character—his Fate. Mortuary Registration. John Perrott—his Passion for China—Trick played him. Curious Fraud. Westminster Society. Pelican | 157 |
Legal Decisions. William Pitt, and Godsall and Co. Romance of Life Assurance. The Globe. New Companies. The Alliance—its Promoters. Improvement of the Value of Life consequent on the Improvement in Society—its Description. Trial concerning the Duke of Saxe Gotha. Important Legal Decision | 176 |
Government Annuities—Opinions concerning them—Great Loss to the State. Mr. Moses Wing’s Letter. Mr. Finlaison. New Annuity Act—its Advantages to Jobbers. Endeavours to procure old Lives. Anecdotes concerning them. Philip Courtenay | 199 |
Fraud in Life Assurance Companies—its Extent—its remarkable and romantic Character. Janus Weathercock. Helen Abercrombie—her Death. Forgery of Wainwright—his Absence from England—his Return, Capture, and Death. Independent and West Middlesex—its Rise, Progress, and Ruin of all concerned | 213 |
Select Committee of 1841. Instances of Deception. Publication of Accounts. New Companies—Assertions about them—their Importance—Suggestions concerning them | 252 |
Extension of Assurance. Society for Assurance against Purgatory. Commercial Credit Company. Guarantee Society. Medical, Invalid, and General. Agricultural Company. Rent Guarantee. Railway Passengers. Law, Property, and Indisputable Societies. Disputed Policy | 282 |
The Banker’s Mistress. The elder Napoleon. The deceived Director. The murdered Merchant. The Corn Law League and the Cutler. The Unburied buried. The disappointed Suicide. A Night Adventure | 295 |
Scotch Life Assurance. Scottish Widows’ Fund—its Directors. North British. The Farmer’s Fate. Edinburgh Life. List of Scotch Companies | 317 |