In front of Rondonneau’s house-door, the prÉfet glanced to right and left to see that he was not being spied upon. He had heard that it was said in the town that he went to the jeweller’s house for assignations and that Madame Lacarelle had been seen following him into this house, called the House of the Two Satyrs. He felt very bad-tempered over this. He had another cause of annoyance. Le LibÉral, which had treated him respectfully for a long time, had attacked him vigorously over the departmental budget. He was censured by the Conservative organ for having made a transfer to conceal the expenses of the electoral propaganda. M. le prÉfet Worms-Clavelin was perfectly honest. Money inspired him with respect as well as love. He felt before “Property” that feeling of religious terror that the moon inspires in dogs. With him wealth had become a cult. His budget was very honestly put together. And, apart from the irregularities that had now become Thus he was in a very bad temper. And it was in a sharp voice that, throwing himself into the old leather arm-chair, he inquired of Rondonneau junior whether M. Guitrel had arrived. M. Guitrel had not yet come. So M. Worms-Clavelin, roughly snatching a paper from the jeweller’s desk, tried to read while smoking his cigar. But neither political ideas nor tobacco-smoke served to dispel the gloomy pictures that crowded into his mind. He read with his eyes, but thought of the attacks of le LibÉral: “Transfer! There are not fifty people in the county town who know what a transfer is. And here I can see all the His eyes fell on these lines: “We learn that a fire having broken out in a faubourg of Tobolsk, sixty wooden houses have fallen a prey to the flames. In consequence of the disaster more than a hundred families are homeless and starving.” As he read this, M. le prÉfet Worms-Clavelin emitted a deep shout, something like a triumphal growl, and, aiming a kick at the jeweller’s desk: Rondonneau, raising his innocent, bald head towards the prÉfet, replied that Tobolsk was, indeed, a town in Asiatic Russia. “Well,” cried M. le prÉfet Worms-Clavelin, “we are going to give an entertainment for the benefit of the sufferers by the fire at Tobolsk.” And he added between his teeth: “I’ll make… a Russian entertainment for ’em. I shall have six weeks’ peace, and they won’t talk any more about transfers.” At that moment AbbÉ Guitrel, with anxious eyes, his hat under his arm, entered the jeweller’s shop. “Do you know, monsieur l’abbÉ,” said the prÉfet to him, “that, by general request, I am authorising entertainments for the benefit of the sufferers from the fire at Tobolsk—concerts, special performances, bazaars, &c.? I hope that the Church will join in these benevolent entertainments.” “The Church, monsieur le prÉfet,” replied AbbÉ Guitrel, “has her hands full of comfort for the afflicted who come to her. And doubtless her prayers…” “À propos, my dear abbÉ, your affairs are not getting on at all. I come from Paris. I saw the friends whom I have at the Department of Religion. “Eighteen?” “Eighteen candidates for the bishopric of Tourcoing. In the first rank is AbbÉ Olivet, curÉ of one of the richest parishes in Paris, and the president’s candidate. Next there is AbbÉ Lavardin, vicar-general at Grenoble. Ostensibly, he is supported by the nuncio.” “I have not the honour of knowing M. Lavardin, but I do not think he can be the candidate of the nunciature. It is possible that the nuncio has his favourite. But assuredly that favourite remains unknown. The nunciature does not solicit on behalf of its protÉgÉs. It insists on their appointment.” “Ah! ah! monsieur l’abbÉ, they are cute at the nunciature.” “Monsieur le prÉfet, the members of it are not all eminent in themselves; but they have on their side unbroken tradition, and their action is guided by secular rules. It is a force, monsieur le prÉfet, a great force.” “By Jove, yes! But we were saying that there is the president’s candidate and the nuncio’s candidate. There is also your own Archbishop’s candidate. When they first mentioned him, I thought to myself that it was you.… We were wrong, “Don’t make a wager, monsieur le prÉfet, don’t make a wager. I would bet that the candidate of Monseigneur the Cardinal-Archbishop is his vicar-general, M. de Goulet.” “How do you know that? I did not know it myself.” “Monsieur le prÉfet, you are not unaware that Monseigneur Charlot dreads that he may find himself saddled with a coadjutor, and that his old age, otherwise so august and serene, is darkened by this fear. He is afraid lest M. de Goulet should, so to say, attract this nomination to himself, as much by his personal merits as by the knowledge that he has acquired of the affairs of the diocese. And His Eminence is still more desirous, and even impatient, to separate himself from his vicar-general, since M. de Goulet belongs by birth to the nobility of the district, and through that fact shines with a brilliancy which is far too dazzling for Monseigneur Charlot. Since, on the contrary, Monseigneur does not rejoice in being the son of an honest artisan who, like Saint Paul, worked at the trade of weaver!” “You know, Monsieur Guitrel, that they also talk of M. Lantaigne. He is the protÉgÉ of Madame Cartier de Chalmot. And General Cartier de Chalmot, although clerical and reactionary, is much “I am very grateful to you for your kindness, monsieur le prÉfet. And what did they reply?” “You want to know that. Well! they replied: ‘We know such candidates as your M. Guitrel. Once nominated, they are worse than the others. They show more zeal against us. That is easily “Is it possible, monsieur le prÉfet, that they talked like this in high places?” “Ha! yes. And my interlocutor added this: ‘I do not like candidates for the episcopacy who show too much zeal for our institutions. If I could get a hearing, the choice would be made from among the others. In the civil and political ranks they prefer officials who are most devoted, most attached to the government. Nothing can be better. But there are no priests devoted to the Republic. In this case, the wise thing is always to take the most honest men.’” And the prÉfet, throwing the chewed end of his cigar into the middle of the floor, finished with these words: “You see, my poor Guitrel, that your affairs are not making headway.” M. Guitrel stammered: “I do not see, Monsieur le prÉfet, I do not perceive anything, in such speeches, that is calculated to produce in you this impression of … discouragement. On the contrary, I should rather derive from it a sentiment of… confidence.…” M. le prÉfet Worms-Clavelin lit a cigar and said with a laugh: “Who knows whether they are not right, at the He opened his left hand, in order to count on his fingers. They both considered. They found a senator of the department who was beginning to emerge from the difficulties into which the recent scandals had plunged him, a retired general, politician, publicist and financier, the bishop of Ecbatana, well known in the artistic world, and ThÉophile Mayer, the friend of the ministers. “But, my dear Guitrel,” cried the prÉfet, “you have only the rag-tag and bobtail on your side.” AbbÉ Guitrel endured these manners, but he did not like them. He looked at the prÉfet with a saddened air and pressed his sinuous lips together. M. Worms-Clavelin, who had no spite, regretted the playfulness of his words and took pains to console the old man: “Come! come! they are by no means the worst protectors. Besides, my wife is for you. And NoÉmi by herself is well able to make a bishop.” THE WORKS OF IN AN ENGLISH Uniform, Demy 8vo. 7/6 net LONDON: JOHN LANE, THE BODLEY HEAD. ANATOLE FRANCE “I do not believe that Thorfin Karlsefne was more astonished and delighted when he discovered America than I was when, in my sixtieth year, this great literary luminary sailed into my ken.… I have three good reasons for writing about Anatole France. I want to help the British people to enjoy his work; I want them to accord to the great Frenchman the full justice which I feel he has not yet received in this country; and I want to ease my soul by some expression of my own gratitude and admiration.… Of all the famous or popular men alive upon this planet Anatole France is to me the greatest. There is no writer to compare to him, and he has few peers amongst the greatest geniuses of past ages and all climes.… ‘Penguin Island’ is a masterpiece and a classic. It is, in my opinion, a greater work than ‘Gargantua’ or ‘Don Quixote’ or ‘Sartor Resartus’ or ‘Tristram Shandy.’… The laughing, mocking, learned and dissolute AbbÉ Coignard is one of the greatest creations of human genius. If it will not sound too audacious I will venture to claim that there is no character in Rabelais, Cervantes, Dickens, or Sterne to equal the AbbÉ Coignard, and, with the exception of the miraculous Hamlet, there is nothing greater in Shakespeare. These be ‘brave words.’ I am writing of one of the world’s greatest artists and humorists: of Anatole France, the Master.… Then there is the great scene of the banquet in the house of Monsieur de la Geritande, which I have read fifty times, and hope to read a hundred times again. The whole chapter is one of the most artistic, humorous, human, and exhilarating achievements in literature. It is alive; it is real; it goes like a song. There is nothing finer or stronger in the best comedy work of Shakespeare.… Anatole France is a great man, and there is no living celebrity for whom I have so much reverence and regard.”—Robert Blatchford in the Sunday Chronicle. * THE RED LILY MOTHER OF PEARL THE GARDEN OF EPICURUS * THE CRIME OF SYLVESTRE BONNARD THE WELL OF ST. CLARE BALTHASAR * THAIS THE WHITE STONE * PENGUIN ISLAND THE MERRIE TALES OF JACQUES TOURNEBROCHE. A Translation by Alfred Allinson THE ELM TREE OF THE MALL THE WICKER-WORK WOMAN ON LIFE AND LETTERS. 2 Vols. First and Second Series. A Translation by A. W. Evans AT THE SIGN OF THE REINE PEDAUQUE A Translation by Mrs Wilfrid Jackson THE ASPIRATIONS OF JEAN SERVIEN JOCASTA AND THE FAMISHED CAT MY FRIEND’S BOOK JOHN LANE, THE BODLEY HEAD, VIGO ST., W. THE GODS ARE ATHIRST THE OPINIONS OF JEROME COIGNARD THE REVOLT OF THE ANGELS CRAINQUEBILLE PIERRE NOZIÈRE THE AMETHYST RING THE BRIDE OF CORINTH and other Plays A Translation by Emilie and Wilfrid Jackson THE SEVEN WIVES OF BLUEBEARD Also uniform in size: JOAN OF ARC IN PREPARATION LITTLE PIERRE M. BERGERET IN PARIS CLIO and THE CHATEAU DE VAUX LE VICOMTE. A Translation by Winifred Stephens A COMIC STORY LE GÉNIE LATIN ON LIFE AND LETTERS ON LIFE AND LETTERS JOHN LANE, THE BODLEY HEAD, VIGO ST., W. Transcriber’s Note: Hyphenation, spelling, accents and punctuation have been retained as they appear in the original publication except as follows: