THE END. Thomas Harrild, Printer, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London. Image 02 TO THE FACULTY. J. & J. COLMAN'S GENUINE MUSTARD.The Lancet, by its resumed inquiries upon the subject of adulterations, has again called attention of the Public to a variety of articles of daily use. To Mustard great prominence has been given, from the fact that thirty-three samples were examined. The Report states that four only were found to be genuine: of which, two samples were of the manufacture of J. and J. Colman, being respectively "Colman's Genuine London Mustard, Warranted Pure," and "Colman's Brown Mustard, Warranted Pure." We also learn that manufactured Mustard extends from the pure and genuine to the injurious combination exposed in The Lancet (see 27th Sample examined); to which disclosure the attention of Medical Men is invited (whether practising privately or in Hospitals and Infirmaries) when prescribing Mustard as a remedial agent. The fact is also equally important to the Vendor and his customer, the Public. And further, as to quality—The Lancet, in substance, reports that genuine Mustard will be as varied in strength, pungency, and flavour, as are the known differences between the finest and most inferior qualities of seed; it results, then, that genuine does not necessarily imply high quality. J. and J. Colman submit, that in their Pure Mustards nothing that known skill and improved machinery can obtain from finest seed remains unsecured, and, whether for prompt and specific medical effects, or as a table condiment, these Mustards are equally valuable. J. and J. Colman offer to the Public not only "Genuine" and "Pure" Mustard in the highest perfection, but also their other varieties of Mustard Condiments, known as "Double Superfine," "Superfine," "Fine," etc., in which delicacy, flavour, and strength will be found in agreeable combination. These Mustards may be obtained of any Grocer, Chemist, or Italian Warehouseman in the kingdom; and when sold in tins or packets, J. and J. Colman's trade mark, the "Bull's Head," is a guarantee upon which the Public may rely. J. & J. COLMAN, 26, Cannon Street, London, E.C. CONSUMPTION IN ALL ITS STAGES, Coughs, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Fever, Ague, CHLORODYNE.(Trade Mark.) Discovered and named by DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE, M.R.C.S.L., The question asked by invalids, families, and households is, What is the best medicine to give in the above diseases, and what to have always ready? Medical testimony, the reply of thousands of sufferers and invalids, is confirmatory of the invaluable relief afforded by this remedy above all others. CHLORODYNE is a liquid taken in drops according to age. It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind; creates a calm, refreshing sleep; allays irritation of the nervous system when all other remedies fail; leaving no bad effects, like opium or laudanum, and can be taken when none other can be tolerated. Its value in saving life in infancy is not easily estimated; a few drops will subdue the irritation of Teething, prevent and arrest Convulsions, cure Whooping Cough, Spasms, and Flatus at once. Among invalids it allays the pain of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. It soothes the weary achings of Consumption, relieves the Soreness of the Chest, Cough, and Expectoration; and cures all Chest Affections, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Palpitation, etc. It checks Diarrhoea, Alvine Discharges, or Spasms, and Colics of the Intestines, etc. The extensive demand for this remedy, known as Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne, by the Medical Profession, Hospitals, Dispensaries—Civil, Military, and Naval—and Families especially, guarantees that this statement of its extreme importance and value is a bona fide one, and worthy the attention of all. EXTRACTS OF MEDICAL OPINIONS. From W. Vesalius Pettigrew, M.D.—"I have no hesitation in stating that I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an anti-spasmodic and sedative. I have used it in Consumption, Asthma, Diarrhoea, and other diseases, and am most perfectly satisfied with the results." From Dr. M'Milman, of New Galloway, Scotland.—"I consider it the most valuable medicine known." G. Hayward, Esq., Surgeon, Stow-on-ye-Wold.—"I am now using Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne with marvellous good effects in allaying inveterate sickness in pregnancy." Dr. M'Grigor Croft, late Army Staff, says:—"It is a most valuable medicine." J. C. Baker, Esq., M.D., Bideford.—"It is without doubt the most valuable and certain anodyne we have." Dr. Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, Calcutta.—"Two doses completely cured me of Diarrhoea." From G. V. Ridout, Esq., Surgeon, Egham.—"As an astringent in severe Diarrhoea, and an anti-spasmodic in Colic, with Cramps in the Abdomen, the relief is instantaneous. As a sedative in Neuralgia and Tic-Doloreux its effects were very remarkable. In Uterine Affections I have found it extremely valuable." CAUTION.—Beware of Spurious Compounds or Imitations of "Chlorodyne." Dr. Browne placed the Recipe for making "Chlorodyne" in the hands of Mr. Davenport ONLY; consequently, there can be no other Manufacturer. The genuine bears the words, "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne," on the Government Stamp of each Bottle.—Sold only in Bottles at 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d., by the Sole Agent and Manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY SQUARE, LONDON. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT.BORWICK'S is the BAKING POWDER recommended by Dr. Hassall (Analyst to the Lancet, Author of "Adulterations Detected," etc.) It was the first, and is the best Baking Powder—often imitated, but never equalled. Its merits are too well known to require any puffing by the Proprietor. Warranted free from alum, found in most of the worthless imitations. Try it once, and you will never use the trash made from inexpensive materials, and recommended by unprincipled shopkeepers, because they realize a larger profit by the sale. As you value your health, insist upon having Borwick's Baking Powder only. Sold retail by most Druggists, Grocers, and Oilmen, in 1d., 2d., 4d., and 6d. packets, and 1s. boxes. Wholesale by G. Borwick, 21, Little Moorfields, E. C. LIFE FOR THE CONSUMPTIVE.One Tablespoonful of the PATENT OZONIZED COD LIVER OIL, three times a day, conveys artificially to the lungs of the Consumptive and delicate, the vital properties of Oxygen without the effort of inhalation, and has the wonderful effect of reducing the pulse while it strengthens the system. The highest Medical authorities pronounce it the nearest approach to a specific for Consumption yet discovered—in fact, it will restore to health when all other remedies fail. See Lancet, March 9th, 1861. Sold by all Chemists, in 2s. 6d., 4s. 9d., and 9s. bottles. Wholesale by G. Borwick, Sole Licensee, 21, Little Moorfields, London. FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH.This excellent FAMILY PILL is a Medicine of long-tried efficacy for purifying the blood, and correcting all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength; a healthy action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys will rapidly take place; and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this medicine, according to the directions accompanying each box. PERSONS OF A FULL HABIT, who are subject to headache, giddiness, drowsiness, and singing in the ears, arising from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their timely use; and for elderly people, where an occasional aperient is required, nothing can be better adapted. For FEMALES these Pills are truly excellent, removing all obstructions, the distressing headache so prevalent with the sex, depression of spirits, dulness of sight, nervous affections, blotches, pimples, and sallowness of the skin, and give a healthy juvenile bloom to the complexion. Sold by all medicine vendors. Observe the name of "Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London," on the Government Stamp. Price 1s. 1 1/2d. and 2s 9d. per box. BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS.Price 1s. 1 1/2d. and 2s. 9d. per box. This preparation is one of the benefits which the Science of modern Chemistry has conferred upon mankind; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance; but now the efficacy and safety of this Medicine is so fully demonstrated, by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life, that public opinion proclaims this as one of the most important discoveries of the present age. These Pills require no restraint of diet or confinement, during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part. Sold by all medicine vendors. Observe "Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London," on the Government Stamp. S. NYE AND Co.'s PATENT MACHINES,S. Nye and Co's Machines 01 For Mincing Meat, Vegetables, etc.; for making Sausages, Mince-meat, Force-meat, Potted-meat, and various dishes for Families, Hotel-keepers, Confectioners, Butchers, and also for Hospitals, Lunatic Asylums, and all large Establishments. Price £1. 10s., £2. 2s., £3. 3s., and £7. 7s. TO ASSIST DIGESTION Price 30s. S. NYE'S IMPROVED MILLS,S. Nye and Co.'s Machines 02 For Coffee, Pepper, Spice, Rice, etc., Price 8s., 10s., and 14s. each. COUGHS, ASTHMA, AND INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION ARE KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES,Judged by the IMMENSE DEMAND, this Universal Remedy now stands the first in public favour and confidence; this result has been acquired by the test of fifty years' experience. These Lozenges may be found on sale in every British Colony, and throughout India and China they have been highly esteemed wherever introduced. For Coughs, Asthma, and all affections of the Throat and Chest, they are the most agreeable and efficacious remedy. Prepared and Sold in Boxes, 1s. 1 1/2d., and Tins, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 10s. 6d. each, by Thomas Keating, Chemist, etc., 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Retail by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the World. KEATING'S PALE NEWFOUNDLAND COD |