(Commonly called Epps's Homoeopathic Cocoa), IS DISTINGUISHED FOR ITS DELICIOUS AROMA, GRATEFUL SMOOTHNESS, And to these qualities it is indebted for the adoption it now obtains as a BREAKFAST BEVERAGE, DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Mix two tea-spoonfuls of the Powder with as much cold Milk as will form a stiff paste; then add, all at once, a sufficient quantity of boiling Milk, or Milk and Water in equal portions, to fill a breakfast cup. 1/4-lb., 1/2-lb., and 1-lb. Packets, at 1s. 6d. per lb. Sold by Grocers in every part of London, and by Grocers, Confectioners, and Druggists in the Country. Image 01 A PLAINCOOKERY BOOKFOR THE |