- Adrian, Emperor, 89
- Adrianople, 14, 65, 68
- description of, 90
- Turkish occupation of, 26
- Adriatic coast, 150
- Aegean Islands, 62
- Alani, the, 10
- Albania, 14, 17, 62
- Albanian character, 173, 193
- massacres, 89
- mountains, 152
- Alexander of Battenberg. See Alexander of Bulgaria
- Alexander, King of Bulgaria, 47
- Alexander the Great, 6
- American war correspondents, 99
- Amurath I., Sultan of Turkey, 27
- Amurath II., Sultan of Turkey, 27
- Architecture, 158
- Arjenli, 131
- Armenia, 6
- Art, applied, 163, 164
- Arts and crafts, 162
- Asia Minor, invasion of, 17
- Asiatic invasions, 11, 12
- Assyria, 6
- Astrakhan, 9
- Austria, 28
- Austrian ambitions in the Balkans, 45, 46, 49
- war correspondents, 99, 105
- Autonomy of the Christian Provinces, 57
- Bajayet, Sultan of Turkey, 27
- Balkan Alliance, 18, 21, 45, 53, 55, 57, 59, 74, 174, 194
- Balkan casualties in the war, 87, 4
- Crimean War, 32, 38, 107
- Crusaders, the, 20
- Cyrillic characters, 35
- Dacians, 6, 7
- Daneff, M., 202
- Danilo I., King of Montenegro, 33
- Danube, 2, 3, 7, 28, 146
- Dardanelles, the, 62
- Decius the elder, 8
- Decius the younger, 8
- Demetrieff, General, 67, 136, 198, 201
- Disease, ravages of, 140
- Dnieper River, 5
- Dniester River, 5
- Don Cossacks, 15
- Don River, 3
- Dual Monarchy, problems of, 28
- Dulcigno, 46
- Durazzo, 14
- Eastern Church, 16
- Eastern Rumelia, 48
- Egyptian influences, 4
- Embroideries, 164
- Emigration, 166
- English war correspondents, 99
- Enos, 88
- Ermenikioi, 136, 138, 201
- Eski Sagrah, 96, 97
- Eski Zagora, 20
- European capital, 174
- diplomacy, 39, 40
- diplomacy and Roumania, 85
- finance, 64
- policy, 50, 55
- policy in 1912-13, 45
- Powers, interest of, 96
- Powers, intervention of, 58
- Euxine, 6
- Exarchate Christians, 177
- Napoleon, 17, 34
- Napoleonic strategy, 113
- Near East, the, 107
- Near Eastern character, 78
- Neytchef, Dr., 131
- Nicolaieff, General, 42
- Niemen River, 5
- Nikolitch, M., 198, 204
- Nish, 43, 125, 126
- Nordic tribes, 4
- Norman knights, 13
- Normans, 4
- Northern invasions, 13
- North Sea, 4
- Nova Sagora, 135
- Novi-Bazar, 46
- Odessa, 5
- Odessos, 5
- Olbia, 5
- Old Serbia, 74
- Oriental Express, 156
- Ostrogoths, 7
- Ottoman. See Turks
- Ox wagons, 130, 131
- Patriarchate Christians, 177
- Peace Conference. See under Balkan
- Peace of Bucharest, 88
- Peace of London, 85, 88
- Persians, 11
- Peter the Great of Russia, 34
- Petrovic, George, 29, 37
- Philip of Macedon, 6
- Philippopolis, 8, 44
- Phillip, Roman Emperor, 8
- Pig-raising, 171
- Pirot, 43
- Plevna, 41, 46
- Pomaks, 22
- Prehistoric state, 2
- Press influence, 83, 84
- Protective tariff, 171
- Punch cartoon, 54
s="indx">Vienna, 109 Villages, the, 154 Visigoths, 7 Vistula River, 5 Vlad the Impaler, of Wallachia, 30 Volga River, 3 Volgars. See Bulgars Vranga, 43 - Wallachia, 13, 29
- Wallachians. See Roumanians
- War correspondent, the, 98, 99, 102, 103, 107, 126, 185
- War of Liberation, 85
- Winter sports, 152
- Yamboli, 42, 65, 69
- Yanina, battle of, 67
THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.
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