Aare, River, 120 Aargau, 35 Achaens, 20 Adelboden, 147 Adler Pass, 172 Agricultural and pastoral products, 186 Alamanni, 21, 27, 28 Albristhorn, Mt., 147 Alcohol monopoly, 192 Aletsch, Great, 99, 135 Allalin Pass, 172 Alliance of France and Switzerland, 42, 46 Alp pastures, 88, 89 "Alpine" character, the, 1, 11 Alpine climbing, 96, 102, 105, 106, 145, 150 clubs, 99, 104, 138, 141, 144 flowers, 114, 153, 163 aconite plant, 162 alyssum, sweet, 158 anemones, 156 arabis, 158 arnica montana, 158, 162 asters, 158 campanulas, 158 crocus, 154, 163 edelweiss, 158, 161 forget-me-nots, 156 gentian, 155, 158, 162, 163 geums, 158 gypsophila, 158 hepatica, 155 louseworts, 158 "marmot's bread," 158 orchis, 158 primrose, 155, 158 primula, 158 rampions, 158 ranunculi, 156, 158 rhododendrons, 156 rock roses, 158 169 Crusades, 34 Curchod, Mlle, 57, 58, 59 Curling, 169, 175 Dairying industry, 91 Danger of climbing, 145 D'AubignÉ, Agrippa, 119 De Broglie, Duke Victor, 65 De Choiseul, Duchesse, 79 Defence against avalanches, 127 Dents du Midi, 148 Department of Forests, 92 De Saussure, Horace, 101 Desert Pea, Sturt's, 158 Desert plants, 158 De StaËl, Madame, 12, 57, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 164 Devil's Bridge, 117 De Voght, Baron, 62 Diablerets Mts., 148 Dr. Schrumm's death, 147 Druidical worship, 23 Dumas, Alexandre, 12 Education, 178, 170 Einsiedeln Abbey, 71 Elsigfirst, Mt., 147 Elsighorn, Mt., 147 Emigration, 186 Émile, 78 Engadine, 26 Equalisation of the earth's temperature, 100 Erasmus, 70 Etruscans, 23, 26 European Alps, 98 Euthyphron, 7 Exhilaration from change of air, 8 Farel, 75 Favre, Louis, 115 Federal Post Office, Swiss, 110 States, Swiss, 38 Ferdinand of Austria, 72 Ferney, 78, 79, 104, 117 Fetan, Avalanche record, 132, 133 Findelen Glacier, 172 Finnemore, John, 167 Flemwell, Mr. G., 155 Flower-hunting, 161 Forest Cantons,
@39651-h@39651-h-1.htm.html#Page_44" class="pginternal">44, 181 Milan, THE ENDPrinted by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. Transcriber's note: Archaic and inconsistent spelling, punctuation, and syntax retained. |