I.—Before G.H.Q. went to Montreuil 1
The first stages of the War—"Trench War," a good German
invention—The Battle of Eyes—Waiting for the Big
Push—The Loos disappointment—Moving G.H.Q. to Montreuil.
II.—Montreuil and the Montreuillois 16
How the Montreuillois once learned to hate the English—Early
history of the famous town—Its link with the early Roman-British
Empire—A border town in the Anglo-French Wars—When G.H.Q.
was bombed.
III.—G.H.Q. at Work 29
The Functions of G.H.Q.—The varying conditions to be met—The
working hours—The organisation of a branch—The Chief's
IV.—G.H.Q. at Play 47
The walks on the Ramparts—The "Monks" of Montreuil had little time
for sport—Precautions against "joy-riding"—The jolly
Officers' Club—Watching the Map—Ladies at G.H.Q.
V.—The Munitions of the War 66
The Shell shortage—When relief came—The dramatic
Tanks—Bombs—Some ammunition figures—The ingenious
VI.—The Medical Services 80
The magic-workers of the war—Fighting the Germans—Concerning
the Victorian primness of conversation and the present popularity of
"v.d." as a theme for small talk—The Army and "v.d."—The
etiquette of hospitals and the ways of matrons—The war against
Trench Feet—Mustard gas in 1918.
VII.—The Animals of the Force 98
A happy lot—The mud season in Flanders—The effects of
mustard gas—The character of the mule—Forage
difficulties—The French object to our horse ration—The
Americans side with us—The animal record in 1918.
VIII.—The Financial Services 116
The generosity of the British People—G.H.Q. was not a
spendthrift—The Pay system—Curiosities of banking in the
field—Claims of the civilian inhabitants—The looted rabbit.
IX.—The Economy Services 129
What the German submarines taught us—The Salvage
Organisation—O.C. Rags, Bones and Swill—Agriculture's good
work and hard luck—The Forestry Directorate—Soldiers learn
economy in a stern school.
X.—The Comforts of the Force—Spiritual and Other 144
The Padres—The semi-religious organisations—E.F.C.
Comforts—Studying the Fighting man—The Great Beer Save.
XI.—The Labour Auxiliaries 155
The queer ways of the Chinks—How to bury a Chinaman
properly—The Q.M.A.A.C.s and their fine record—Other types
of Labour auxiliaries—The Labour Directorate.
XII.—G.H.Q. and the "New Army" 169
What G.H.Q. thought of the "Temporaries"—Old prejudices and their
reason—The material of the "New Armies"—Some "New Army"
Officers who did not play the game—The Regular Army Trade Union
accepts its "dilutees."
XIII.—G.H.Q. and the Dominion Armies 183
Our Parliament at the Club—A discussion of the Dominions,
particularly of Australia—Is the Englishman shy or
stand-offish?—How the "Anzacs" came to be—The Empire after
the War.
XIV.—Educating the Army 197
The beginning of an interesting movement—The work of a few
enthusiasts—The unexpected peace—Humours of lectures to the
Army—Books for the Army—The Army Printery.
XV.—The Winter of our Discontent 209
The disappointments of 1916 and 1917—The collapse of


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