I.—Before G.H.Q. went to Montreuil | 1 |
The first stages of the War—"Trench War," a good German |
invention—The Battle of Eyes—Waiting for the Big |
Push—The Loos disappointment—Moving G.H.Q. to Montreuil. |
II.—Montreuil and the Montreuillois | 16 |
How the Montreuillois once learned to hate the English—Early |
history of the famous town—Its link with the early Roman-British |
Empire—A border town in the Anglo-French Wars—When G.H.Q. |
was bombed. |
III.—G.H.Q. at Work | 29 |
The Functions of G.H.Q.—The varying conditions to be met—The |
working hours—The organisation of a branch—The Chief's |
system. |
IV.—G.H.Q. at Play | 47 |
The walks on the Ramparts—The "Monks" of Montreuil had little time |
for sport—Precautions against "joy-riding"—The jolly |
Officers' Club—Watching the Map—Ladies at G.H.Q. |
V.—The Munitions of the War | 66 |
The Shell shortage—When relief came—The dramatic |
Tanks—Bombs—Some ammunition figures—The ingenious |
inventor. |
VI.—The Medical Services | 80 |
The magic-workers of the war—Fighting the Germans—Concerning |
the Victorian primness of conversation and the present popularity of |
"v.d." as a theme for small talk—The Army and "v.d."—The |
etiquette of hospitals and the ways of matrons—The war against |
Trench Feet—Mustard gas in 1918. |
VII.—The Animals of the Force | 98 |
A happy lot—The mud season in Flanders—The effects of |
mustard gas—The character of the mule—Forage |
difficulties—The French object to our horse ration—The |
Americans side with us—The animal record in 1918. |
VIII.—The Financial Services | 116 |
The generosity of the British People—G.H.Q. was not a |
spendthrift—The Pay system—Curiosities of banking in the |
field—Claims of the civilian inhabitants—The looted rabbit. |
IX.—The Economy Services | 129 |
What the German submarines taught us—The Salvage |
Organisation—O.C. Rags, Bones and Swill—Agriculture's good |
work and hard luck—The Forestry Directorate—Soldiers learn |
economy in a stern school. |
X.—The Comforts of the Force—Spiritual and Other | 144 |
The Padres—The semi-religious organisations—E.F.C. |
Comforts—Studying the Fighting man—The Great Beer Save. |
XI.—The Labour Auxiliaries | 155 |
The queer ways of the Chinks—How to bury a Chinaman |
properly—The Q.M.A.A.C.s and their fine record—Other types |
of Labour auxiliaries—The Labour Directorate. |
XII.—G.H.Q. and the "New Army" | 169 |
What G.H.Q. thought of the "Temporaries"—Old prejudices and their |
reason—The material of the "New Armies"—Some "New Army" |
Officers who did not play the game—The Regular Army Trade Union |
accepts its "dilutees." |
XIII.—G.H.Q. and the Dominion Armies | 183 |
Our Parliament at the Club—A discussion of the Dominions, |
particularly of Australia—Is the Englishman shy or |
stand-offish?—How the "Anzacs" came to be—The Empire after |
the War. |
XIV.—Educating the Army | 197 |
The beginning of an interesting movement—The work of a few |
enthusiasts—The unexpected peace—Humours of lectures to the |
Army—Books for the Army—The Army Printery. |
XV.—The Winter of our Discontent | 209 |
The disappointments of 1916 and 1917—The collapse of |