07-h@59007-h-7.htm.html#Page_50" class="pginternal">50-1; races, 44-5, 208, 242, 249, 330; sacrifice of October-horse, 241-3, 247-9. Capitolium, 129-30, 327; - connexion with Saturnus, 269-70;
- temples, 43, 85, 129-30, 145, 157-8, 214, 216-7, 229, 291, 293, 326-7.
Caprotinae, Nonae: see Nones. Cardea: confusion with Carna, 131-2. Caristia, 308-9. Carmenta, 167, 291-3; Carmentalia, 15, 277, 290-3. Carmentes: see Carmenta. Carna, 130; - confusion with Cardea, 131-2;
- festival, 130-3.
Castor and Pollux: see Dioscuri. Cerealia, 15, 72-3, 77-9, 92; - foxes loosed in Circus Maximus, 77-9, 94;
- plebeian character, 70, 77, 92.
Ceres, 73-4, 295, 338; - connexion with Demeter, 73, 74, 181;
- with plebeians, 74-7, 92;
- festival, 72-3, 77-9, 92, 294-6;
- goddess of crops, 67, 71, 73, 126;
- Greek influence on, 73, 75-6, 105;
- sacrifices, 103, 230, 235;
- women’s: see Women.
Delphi: Roman dealings with, 181. Demeter, 103, 110; Demons: see Evil spirits. Diana: connexion with Artemis, 200; Dionysus: connexion with Liber, 54-5, 74, 88; - introduction of cult into Italy, 88, 342;
- sacrifice at Tenedos, 329.
Dioscuri, 296-7, 351; Dis Pater, 120, 212, 269. Dius Fidius, 327; - antiquity, 135-6;
- connexion with Genius Jovis, 142-5;
- with Hercules, 137-9, 142-4;
- with Jupiter, 138-41, 221;
- with Semo Sancus, 136-8, 144;
- temple, 135, 136, 141.
Divalia, 274-5. Dogs: connexion with Lares praestites, 101, 351-2; Earth: deities, 67, 71, 74, 103, 104, 106, 256, 294-5; - spiritualized as feminine, 103, 106.
Epulum Jovis: see Jupiter. Equirria, 44-6, 330-1. -8.
nternal">143, 194; temples, 135, 201; Victor, 138; worship, 193-7; worship confined to men, 102, 103, 142, 194. Hermes, 120-1; - connexion with Mercury, 121, 186.
Hirpi Sorani: rites at Soracte, 84, 317. Horatius: legend, 238-9. Horses: connexion of Consus with, 207-8; - of Mars with, 330;
- decked with flowers, 207-8;
- heads decked with cakes, 242, 244.
Horta Quirini, 324. Ides, 8; Iguvium: inscription found at, 17, 114, 127, 137, 139, 176, 221. Images and statues of gods, 81, 141, 156-7, 200, 201, 218, 228, 239. Indigitamenta, 71, 191, 192, 274, 341. Indigites, 192. Inuus, 312-3. Isis worship, 252. January, 5-7; - character, 6, 33, 277;
- consuls enter office in, 5, 95, 278;
- festivals, 6, 277-97;
- origin of name, 6, 7, 33, 99.
Janus, 270; - connexion with Cardea, 131-2;
- with January, 136, 309, 337;
- Latin Festival: see Feriae Latinae.
- Latins, common worship of Romans and, 95-7, 198-9, 335.
- Latona, coupled with Apollo, 181, 186, 200.
- Laurel, 83;
- Lectisternium, 180-1, 186, 200, 273;
- connexion with epulum Jovis, 218.
- Lemuria, 100, 106-10, 131, 174, 290.
- Leucothea, 154.
- Liber, 312, 338;
- connexion with Dionysus, 54-5, 74, 88.
- Libera, 74.
- Liberalia, 54-6;
- Litania Maior, 91, 127.
- Lucaria, 15 (n. 1), 173, 174, 182-5, 186-7.
- Luceres, 185.
- Ludi: see Games.
- Lupercal, 310-1, 318.
- Lupercalia, 298, 299, 310-21;
- deity of, 257-8, 262, 312-3;
- sacrifices at, 101, 311, 312-4;
- salt-cake used, 110, 115, 311;
- whipping to produce fertility, 104, 179, 262, 302, 311, 315, 318-21.
- Luperci, 311, 218-20, 308, 309.
Meditrinalia, 236, 239-40.
"pginternal">114, 276. Poplifugia, 7, 15 (n. 1), 173, 174-6, 179, 183, 328. Porta: Agonensis, 281; - Capena, 133, 232;
- Carmentalis, 180 (n. 3), 290, 291, 293;
- Fontinalis, 240;
- Sanqualis, 135, 140;
- Trigemina, 201.
Portunalia, 189, 202-4. Portunus, 202-4, 214, Poseidon: connexion, with Neptunus, 185, 186, 187; Potitii, 193. Praeneste, 254; - cult of Fortuna, 72, 124, 166, 168, 223-4, 254;
- cult of Jupiter Puer, 166, 224-7;
- foreign influence, 166, 227.
Prayers, 81-2, 89-90, 126-7, 133, 155, 184, 191, 295, 308, 346. Presents given at festivals, 38, 272, 278. Priests: see Pontifices. Primigenia: see Fortuna. Proserpina, 212. Prostitutes, festival of, 93. Punic Wars, 19, 69-71, 179; - institution of festivals and temples due to, 19, 69, 179, 341, 342.
Puppets: Argei thrown into Tiber, 111-20; - oscilla hung on trees, 96, 325;
- horse, 241-2;
- h
a>, 256;
- functions, 147, 149-51, 288;
- representative of daughters of family, 36, 111, 147, 149, 213, 256, 288, 334;
- salt-cake made by, 110-1, 115, 148, 149, 153, 205, 311.
Vetches, 94. Victory, temple of, 70. Viminal, cults on, 229. Vinalia, 10, 338; - connexion with Jupiter, 85, 86-8, 338;
- with Venus, 85-6, 204;
- Priora, 85-8;
- Rustica, 10, 85, 86, 87, 189, 204-6.
Vitulatio, 179. Volcanalia, 189, 209-11. Volcanus, 209-11; Volturnalia, 214. Volturnus, 214. Volupia, 274. Vortumnus, 201, 341. War: conduct of, 216; Water: deities of, 187, 189. Weddings: see Marriages. Weeks: eight days, 7, 8. Wells and springs: sanctity, 240. Wheel symbol, 161, |