
The following are the most important abbreviations which occur in the notes:

C. I. L. stands for Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Where the volume is not indicated the reference is invariably to the second edition of that part of vol. i which contains the Fasti (Berlin, 1893).

Marquardt or Marq. stands for the third volume of Marquardt’s RÖmische Staatsverwaltung, second edition, edited by Wissowa (Berlin, 1885). It is the sixth volume of the complete Handbuch der RÖmischen AlterthÜmer of Mommsen and Marquardt.

Preller, or Preller-Jordan, stands for the third edition of Preller’s RÖmische Mythologie by H. Jordan (Berlin, 1881).

Myth. Lex. or Lex. stands for the AusfÜhrliches Lexicon der Griechischen und RÖmischen Mythologie, edited by W. H. Roscher, which as yet has only been completed to the letter N.

Festus, or Paulus, stands for K. O. MÜller’s edition of the fragments of Festus, De Significatione Verborum, and the Excerpta ex Festo of Paulus Diaconus; quoted by the page.


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