MEMORANDOM OF THE VOIGE BY LAND FROM FORT SMITH TO THE ROCKEY MOUNTAINS. thorsday 6th Sept 1821 DR. COUES' WORKS ON WESTERN EXPLORATION. List of corrections made to the text Transcriber’s Note: For the most part, we must assume that what was printed is a verbatim transcript of Fowler’s appalling spelling, but a few corrections for what appeared to be certain printing errors are detailed at the end. I. AMERICAN EXPLORERS SERIES. Fowler’s Journal.You can click the image for a larger version, if the device you’re reading this on supports that. REPRODUCTION OF A PAGE OF JACOB FOWLER’S ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. THE ABOVE INCLUDES FACSIMILE OF THE ONLY AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF MAJOR FOWLER, THE NAMES OF HIS PARTY, ETC., ETC. THE JOURNAL NARRATING AN ADVENTURE EDITED, WITH NOTES NEW YORK Copyright, 1898, DEDICATED |