A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Actium, battle of, 187
- Agrippa, M. Vipsanius, 201
- Alps, the, 98, 148, 171
- Antoninus Pius, 243 foll.
- Antony, Mark, 187
- Apennines, the, 20
- Armenia, 165, 234
- Army, the Roman, 70 foll., 130, 207, 217
- Augustus, 188, 192, 199 foll., 210
- Auspices, 67
- B
- Brindisi, 49, 175
- Britain, 170, 219 foll., 239 foll.
- Byzantium, 249
- C
- CÆsar, Julius, 11, 168 foll., 173 foll.
- CÆsar in Shakespeare, 179
- Campania, 20, 41, 102, 104
- CannÆ, battle of, 102
- Carthage, 38, 86 foll., 212
- Cato the Elder, 12 foll., 15, 18, 61, 63, 120, 126
- Cato the younger, 173
- Catullus, poet, 182
- Caudine Forks, 44
- Censors, 81 foll.
- Census under Empire, 202
- Cicero, M. Tullius, 183 foll.
- Citizenship, 132 foll., 152, 178
- Colonies, 40, 48, 101
- Commercium, 32, 39
- Consuls, 30, 45, 73 foll.
- Corfinium, 153
- D
- Dictator, 75
- E
- Education, 61, 120, 235
- Etruscans, 21 foll., 24 foll.
- F
- Familia, 57 foll.
- Flaminius, C., 99 foll.
- FregellÆ, 49
- Frontiers, 166, 171, 200, 204 foll., 233 foll., 239
- G
- Gauls, 35, 86, 96 foll., 99, 168 foll.
- Gilds under Empire, 223 foll.
- Gracchus, Gaius, 141 foll.
- Gracchus, Tiberius, 137 foll.
- H
- Hadrian, Emperor, 237 foll.
- Hamilcar Barca, 93 foll.
- Hannibal, 94 foll., 113
- Hasdrubal, 106
- I
- Imperium, 66 foll., 73 foll., 128, 207
- Inscriptions, 220
- J
- Jupiter, 28 foll.
- L
- Latins, 23, 31, 33 foll., 36, 38 foll., 134
- Law, Roman, 31, 78, 158, 242, 250
- Livy, historian, 38, 210
- Lucretius, poet, 10, 180
- Lucullus, L., 164
- Lugdunum (Lyons), 204
- M
- Marcus Aurelius, 245 foll.
- Marius, 147, 149 foll.
- Massilia, 115
- Messana, 89
- Metaurus, battle of, 107
- Mithradates, 162 foll.
- N
- Nismes, 218, 227, 243
- Nobilitas, 80
- P
- Paterfamilias, 58 foll.
- Patricians and plebeians, 77
- Paul, St., 216, 230
- Pharsalia, battle of, 175
- Philip of Macedon, 101, 113 foll.
- Pliny the younger, 236
- Pompeius, Gn., 165 foll.
- Pontifices, 68
- Princeps, 197, 206
- Provinces, 118, 203, 213, 217 foll.
- Pyrrhus, 50 foll.
- R
- Regulus, 92
- Respublica, 72, 197
- S
- Samnites, 23, 42 foll.
- Scipio Africanus, 108
- Senate, 30, 35, 47, 53, 63, 69, 103, 129, 144, 158, 197
- Sicilian Greeks, 52, 86
- Slavery, 57, 59, 125 foll., 141, 244
- Spain, 94, 115
- Sulla, L. Cornelius, 147, 155
- T
- Tacitus, historian, 12, 14, 231
- Tarentum, 42, 50, 52
- Tiber, river, 22, 24, 26
- Tiberius, Emperor, 206
- Tigranes of Armenia, 164 foll.
- Trajan, Emperor, 232 foll.
- Trasimene, battle of, 100
- Tribunes of the people, 78, 139
- U
- Umbrians, 23
- V
- Veii, 34
- Via Appia, 49
- Via Flaminia, 48
- Via Latina, 49
- Virgil, 10, 13, 15, 188 foll., 198
- Z
- Zama, battle of, 109