3.htm.html#Page_33" class="pginternal">33
  • Difference in time, 136
  • Different colors, to produce, 138
  • Digestibility of foods, 34
  • Diphtheria, 167
  • Diseases, infectious, 186
  • Disinfectants, 167
  • Disinfecting cellars, yards, cesspools, etc., 168
  • Disinfecting the sick room, 168
  • Dislocation, 168
  • Distance between cities in the United States, 34
  • Distance from the earth to the planets, 112
  • Diving bells, 36
  • Dog bites, 169
  • Drama, 36
  • Drowning, 169
  • Drowning, to prevent, 172
  • Drugs, 36
  • Dry measure, 154
  • Dumb and deaf, 33
  • Dying sayings of great men, 37
  • Dynamite, 39
  • Ear, getting things into, 184
  • Earth, crust of, 32
  • Earth facts, 39
  • Earthquake areas, 42
  • Earthquakes, 41
  • Electoral vote, 62
  • Engine, steam, 128
  • England, Bank of, 11
  • Equator, 39
  • Errors of history, 44
  • Esperanto, 46
  • Estimating the weight of hay, 137
  • Europe, 40
  • Exercise, 178
  • Extinguishing fire from coal oil, 179
  • Eye, getting things into, 183
  • Facts about the earth, 39
  • Failures, 47
  • Failures, cause of, 48
  • Fainting, 180
  • Famous diamonds, 49
  • Faneuil Hall, 31
  • Farm productions, 49
  • Feeding an invalid, 180
  • Fertile soil, 41
  • Finding the capacity of cisterns and wells, 18
  • Finding the length of day or night, 137
  • Finding the number of days (interest), 16
  • Fire in the house, 181
  • Fires from coal oil, 179
  • First trans-Atlantic steamship, 51
  • Fits, 181
  • Flag of the United States, 142
  • Flour industry, 51
  • Food (pure), 101
  • Food nutriment, 59
  • Moon, 76
  • Mortality, 77
  • Mortgages, 78
  • Motor-cycle records, 117
  • Mountain, highest, 40
  • Mushroom poisoning, 191
  • Mustard plasters, 188
  • National Government, 56
  • Nations, wealth of, 151
  • Natural gas, 79
  • Naturalization, 79
  • Naturalized citizens, 64
  • Neuralgia, 188
  • Newspapers, 80
  • New York Stock Exchange, 81
  • New Zealand, 41
  • Nicknames of States, 81
  • Night, to find the length of, 137
  • Nitroglycerine, 82
  • Normal weight of men and women, 126
  • North American continent, 40
  • North America, population of the large cities of, 68
  • Nose, getting things into, 183
  • Notes, 82
  • Number of newspapers, 80
  • Nutriment of food, 51
  • Nux vomica poisoning, 190
  • Occupations, industrial, 65
  • Ocean ownership, 82
  • Ocean records, 117
  • Oceans, area of, 40
  • Old time ships, 83
  • Opium poisoning, 190
  • Oxalic acid poisoning, 189
  • Pacific ocean, 40
  • Palmistry, 84
  • Panama canal, 17
  • Partnership, 84
  • Patent medicines, 86
  • Peppermint, 176
  • Percentage of deaths, 77
  • Perpetual motion, 91
  • Petroleum industry, 92
  • Philippine Islands, 92
  • Phonograph, 131
  • Physicians, 88
  • Pianoforte, 92
  • Planets, 112
  • Plate glass, 92
  • Playing cards, 93
  • Poison, 188
  • Poisoning by acids, 189
  • by aconite, 190
  • by arsenic, 191
  • by carbolic acid or creosote, 189
  • by belladonna, 191
  • by camphor, 190
  • by chloroform, Women voters, 203
  • Wonders of the Middle Ages, seven, Handbooks Of Useful Information

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    Transcriber's Notes:

    • Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including obsolete and variant spellings.
    • Obvious misspellings, minor punctuation and printer errors and inconsistencies repaired.
    • Some fractions were formatted in the original text with hyphens (for example, 9-16 for 9/16). These are left as printed, with hyphen instead of slash.
    • Entries in index that were not in alphabetical order in the original were reordered alphabetically.
    • On page 118: The text appears to be using “knots” to mean “nautical miles”. Left as printed.


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